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V.A. Watch

September 2003

9/28/03 The rough version of a pic I'm working on is available in the original portion of my fanart section. Work and college classes filled up most of my time this past week so that is the reason for the delay. Please vote for me at anime100 using the button at the bottom of the page. The more votes I get the more I want put on my site.
9/21/03 I think that the addition of some 300megs of RAM (comp used to have 60) to my computer has made photoshop work better. I was having some trouble with filters causing photoshop to crash but I was able to finish another Evangelion wallpaper using a filter that kept crashing it. So head over to my fanart section to check out the new wallpapers. Don't forget to vote for me at anime100 by using the button at the bottom of the page, more votes will increase the amount of visitors, more visitors equals more stuff.
9/17/03 My job, school work, a newspaper article I was working on, and the fact that I'm a procrastinator caused a delay in me updating. Well I have drawn another character requested at the Anime Unleashed section of the TechTV message boards. You can view the picture in the original section of the fanart page.
9/10/03 I got an itchy drawing finger so I made an addition to the last page that I posted the last piece of art on. Go check it out in the original portion of the fanart section.
9/09/03 Sorry if you were lonely the past two days. I was procrastinating and then working on an essay. There is a new piece of art in the original portion of the fanart section. Click the fanart button to the left to check it out.
9/07/03 Yesterdays addition of the Sasami pic prompted me to draw another pic from Tenchi Muyo. This one of Ryoko. Head on over to the fanart section to view it. I await your creative submissions whether they be fanart, fanfiction, fanreviews, or fansites. Also, drop me a line and tell me what you think of the site and/or it's contents by clicking the contact button over on the left. Don't be shy. Please vote for me at anime100 using the button bellow.
9/06/03 A mixture of boredom and the need to draw prompted me to draw a picture of Sasami, from Tenchi Muyo. Head on over to the fanart section to view it. I await your creative submissions whether they be fanart, fanfiction, fanreviews, or fansites. Also, drop me a line and tell me what you think of the site and/or it's contents by clicking the contact button over on the left. Don't be shy. Please vote for me at anime100 using the button bellow.
9/05/03 There is a new piece of original art, created by me, in the fanart section, so go check it out. This months e-mail newsletter has been sent out, if want to recieve one, click the contact button, to the left, and then enter your e-mail address and select yes for the newsletter. I have finished some reviews but I am going to wait on posting them.
9/03/03 I hope I didn't scare away anybody who might have been visiting frequently. My lack of an update lasted for quite some time and at the moment I'm not adding anything, I'm just letting you know I am still here, and I haven't forgotten the site. The reason for the absence was from a number of factors: college started up again, I work, watched anime, read manga, watched some movies, did a bit of writing, worried about this site, and procrastinated. I'll be sending out this months newsletter real soon, so enter your e-mail address and select yes for the newsletter on my contact page. I have been in a creative slump(I'm just lazy) for a while now so I haven't drawn anything. Please submit you fanart/fanfics/fanrevs/fansites soon so I can add yours to this site. Remember to vote for me at anime100 using the button at the bottom of the page. Anime 100 Roberts Anime Corner Store

Site created April 2003. Version 2 revealed April 2004. All characters depicted in writing or picture are owned by their respective companies and I claim no ownership whole or partial.