Green Paths Incorporated
-- your on-line guide to sustainable development --

Green Paths Incorporated is a clearinghouse of information on sustainability and sustainable development. As a resource center for colleagues, citizens, scientists, researchers, practitioners, travelers, and students, Green Paths Incorporated provides short articles, guides, full-text documents, and links to longer scholarly reports and related sites.


The Resource Center

Green Paths Incorporated

Environmental Funds


Pay for Parks


Working Area

Sustainable Business

Favorite Sites

E-Mail Discussion Forums

Ecotourism Practice discussion forum

Environmental Funds discussion forum

Park Finance discussion forum

Wildland Management discussion forum


Last Updated: October 2003
Copyright © 1999-2003. All rights reserved by individual authors. Permission given to cite or create links to this website. For all other uses, contact the individual author of articles on Green Paths Incorporated. Questions? Email: John Shores

Green Paths Incorporated

The goal behind Green Paths Incorporated is to create a clearing house for useful information that fosters the necessary transition to a sustainable society. For many years, the doubters have protested that nobody knows what sustainable development is, and even if they do, nobody knows how to do sustainable development. The facts, on the other hand, clearly demonstrate that sustainable development is very straightforward, fairly easily understood, and a growing body of researchers, practitioners, and corporations are already well down the path to sustainable development.

For most of us, the path to sustainability will probably be an incremental transition from the unsustainable to the sustainable. For the fortunate group or community building a new organization or starting a new enterprise, achieving sustainability can be relatively straightforward because there is less to undo before sustainable elements are put in place. For the rest of the world, we need to progressively and thoughtfully move along the path toward sustainability -- hence the name of this web site, Green Paths Incorporated.


Directory on Sustainable Development

Sustainable Systems -- a guide to sustainable practices and systems. Basically a short guide to some of the different approaches to sustainability and the organizations that guide each one.

Responsible Coffee -- a guide to sustainable choices regarding one of the fastest growing beverage choices.

Seafood List -- a guide to sustainable choices in seafood.


External Links

Sustainable Development and the Americas Index --from, compiled by Ron Mader

SD Online -- resources for sustainable development

Green Meetings -- resources for improving the environmental footprint of your meetings, workshops, and conferences. (under development)