Bleed to Love Her

X-Men Movieverse Fan Fiction

Anna Paquin as Marie/Rogue & Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine

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Angst Drama
Yes, my XMMFF comes in two flavors - angst and drama.

What? Don't look at me like that. I'm a Logan/Marie 'shipper - it comes with the territory!

We're open 24/7 with pain, sacrifice, unrequited love, death, sex, blood, sweat, tears, sorrow, suffering and all that good stuff on the menu, but be prepared for a little joy and redemption along the way.

And maybe a few naughty kitties...

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any of the Marvel characters. This is purely a fan fiction site. If the people who write the X-Men movies wish to contact me, just add to the Geocities identity after the backslash and we'll talk.

Copyrighted © 2003 Silver Thistle Publishing.