Photuris - Inception

Photuris - Inception

Yes, it's smut. Raunchy, polluted, glorious smut. I never thought I'd see the day, but here it is.

What can I say except Jayne Cobb is delicious and River Tam is hungry? Never was a Whedon fan, but damn, this pairing is incendiary!

"Photuris" is a species of firefly in which the female feeds on other fireflies. I thought it was fitting, considering the R. Tam backstory I'm working with.

Many, many thanks to Maryann, who is the owner of the origin material (a.k.a. the boxed set of Firefly episodes) and the beta reader who puts up with the smut. Rock on, girl!

And a very special thanks to mnemosyne23, for her gorgeous vid-ship of that spurred my interest: