Originally published in printed version ( in Norwegian ) by the Norwegian antipsychiatric magazine Søkelyset Number 15 april 1999: http://www.websenter.com/wso/
Originally published on the web ( in English ) by Die Irren-Offensive: http://www.irren-offensive.de/berlin.htm

Here is a poem by Elin:

                                      My Hospital Record

          is the worst writing I ever saw
          It should have been some of my biography
          telling something about my life

          The psychopathic spirits are forcing
          a deadly injection of untruth
          into my unwilling soul

          I am not willing to admit
          that my lack of cooperation
          makes their methods fail

          The record becomes my wrongdoing
          a collection of untruths
          I find it hard to swallow

          not letting the anger
          getting the better part of me
          and destroy that too

          It ruins me on the inside
          threatening my health
          if I can't let it out in a bad manner

          Because I cry for help
          but don't know the words
          by which I can make myself understood

          My reactions become diagnosed
          to make the basis for
          what treatment I shall receive
          That I see when I read my record
          written by the professionals
          who call themselves authorities:

          The Doctors of Psychiatry

          Let's burn their journals
          and demand that they begin again
          to see people from a different viewpoint

          which must be built on understanding
          which until now to a large degree
          has been lacking

          therefore they try to compensate
          or hide their lack of care
          and fear of empathy

          by camouflaging
          and misleading the whole system
          they've been set in charge of

          How can in any way also in words
          anyone get the help he or she needs
          within this system?

                                                                   Elin Sverdrup-Thygeson
                                                                          Oslo, Norway.