<BGSOUND SRC="springrain.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Three Become one

The forest silence breaks, as the Maiden runs through the deep cover of the trees. Gasping for breath as she runs from her fears. Hoping to lose herself and never be found again. With clothes torn and feet blistered she finds herself by a glistening waterfall flowing into a calming clear stream. She falls down next to the waters edge trying to catch her breath. Leaning over she catches a glimpse of herself in the water. As she look at the lines in her face, her hair thrashed by the tree branches she starts to weep. She see's bubbles emerging from the depths , seeing an outline of a face appear just below the surface. The Maiden screams in fright, crawling back away from the waters edge. As the water raises, taking the form of a beautiful Lady, with clear blue loving eyes, pale skin , silver lined flowing hair, and a soft glow about her.
She reaches out her arms, and cast her loving eyes upon the Maiden.
Her lips gently part speaking softly she says, "Why are you here my child?' Looking deeply into the Lady's eyes not fully understanding the question, she answers. "I'm here because i can not find my way." The Lady smiles saying, " I know why you run my dear, your eyes tell me all I need to know."
Confused the Maiden looks away but it's too late. "You are not running away from another, you are running away from yourself. You fear you have lost your way in life." She reaches out to the Maiden telling her ," I'm here to help you, I will guide you through this painful time, but only if you trust me."
The Maiden listens to her calm loving voice. Taking the Lady's hand. As they touch the energy flows from the Lady into the Maiden. They become one.
The Lady gives her the knowledge to understand herself better. The Lady leads her to the falls, " Cleanse yourself, wash away all your fears and doubts." The Maiden bathes and feels renewed. As she emerges from under the falls the Lady smiles upon her. She whispers to the Maiden," I have another gift for you my child." A roar comes from above the falls, a Dragon appears with wings outstretched he soars down to the Maiden. Shocked the Maiden gasps as the Dragon flies into her. They become two.  Her knees buckle, as she collapses. On her hands and knees the Maiden raises her head looking up at the Lady. The Lady smiles. " I give you truth born from fire, a heart that is pure, a willing spirit, and the ability to walk between worlds." The Maiden shivers and rises to her feet. Taking a deep breath feeling more alive than ever before. In a soft voice the Lady looks into the Maidens eyes and says, " One more gift I give to thee." For behind the Maiden she hears a growl and the breaking of limbs. Before she can turn around, she feels the claw of a Grizzly on her shoulder. As the Grizzly wraps its arms around her. They become three. The Lady holds her arms out and looking into the Maidens eyes. " I give you wisdow, strength to face adversity, and the courage to protect the ones you love." The Maiden lifts her hands up to the sky, feeling the powerful energy flowing inside of her. The Lady smiles once more at the Maiden. " You are my child, for I shall always watch over you. From this day forth you shall be known  to me as LadyDragonBear."