
Here are some more verses for the Tasmanian Bush, expressing the love & concern of our generation.  The forest issue has replaced the inspirational imperative.

Forest Echoes is a sequel to The West Wind 1980.

Our warm thanks to all contributors; the poets are a wide-ranging bunch of great people, happy to freely share their vision.  Janet Fenton's wonderfully natural, inspired illustrations really enhance this humble production.  Allan Moult, editor of Basics, contributed time, experience and his Macintosh; a most enthusiastic team.

Collectively the poems invoke the essence of the timeless Tasmanian bush- that indispensable quality that pervades and preponderates over the wilds.

It is unbelievable that we should have to defend the last forest.

But we do.

Helen Gee & Bob Graham

Stonehurst, Buckland 1988

Sir John Falls
Doorknock in the Wildnerness
Cashing in Our Chips