Controlling Thrips

Most Effective Control For Thrips is * Bioneem It's effectiveness is based on several modes of action.

  1. It disrupts insects' hormonal balance so they die before they molt to the next life stage.
  2. It suppresses some insects' desire to feed and also repels in areas that have been sprayed.

  These modes of action result in a broader spectrum of control for the majority of harmful insects while at the same time it spares many beneficial insects such as Beneficial Nematodes and Lady Bugs that prey on undesirable insects.


Thrips can infest and build up on numerous garden plants. But are seldom seen due to their minute size (Average of 0.04 inch long) as well as the fact that they spend most of their time concealed between foliage and imbedded in flowers.

Adult thrips have two pairs of narrow wings which are fringed with hairs.

Unlike many insect species Immature thrips that have not yet "earned their wings " closely resemble the Adult stage. Adults have wings and can fly.

Thrips have a unique life cycle. The adult lays her eggs in plant tissue. Thrips are relatively primitive insects, having " incomplete metamorphosis"... Primitive or not , as a species they thrive.

The larvae hatch and enter two or more stages before entering the prepupal and pupal stage in the soil. The pupae emerge as winged adults and migrate back to the plants or out of the field. The entire cycle from egg to adult requires slightly over two weeks.

There are multiple generations annually.

Thrips are among the most abundant insect pests of ornamental plants, many varieties of vegetable plants, small fruits and berries. The list of host plants is way too numerous to catalog here.

Among the most favored ornamental plants are roses, peonies, daisies, gladiolus, chrysanthemums, cotton blossoms, and day lilies. These tiny, active insects may be seen flying or hopping between flower petals when disturbed.
During warm weather, thrips often fly in swarms in late afternoon.

For whatever reason they seem to prefer light-colored blossoms. They feed on petals and buds by rasping soft plant tissue and sucking the juices.

Numerous beneficial insects are useful in suppressing thrips. These include lady bugs, minute pirate bugs, ground beetles, and spiders.

Unfortunately, these predators and parasites may be hampered by the fact that thrips feed under close-fitting leaves and down in the leaf sheaths where they are difficult to access. Minute pirate bugs (Orius tristicolor) play a major role in controlling thrips populations




See: Bioneem