My Digimon home page!

Who is the best digimon? I think Demi Veemon RULES!!! Look how happy he is!
Who is the best of the kids? Why that would be Davis!! I think his name is neat-0
Will you lose interest? I sure don't want to.

Yamato Ishida: Why do people think Matt is cool? Why do girls think he is so cute? Why can't he get the girl he wants?
He keeps to himself then blows up for no reason. Re-minds me  of Henry from 3rd season. I guess he try's to be the responsible one in the group huh? Do you think he has to really look after his little brother like he does?
Do any of you like his digimon? Where is his hat?

Gobumon!! Wow this guy is just so calm... Perhaps he is just shy?
Don't seem to shy when attacking. I don't know much about this guy. Will when he dig volves its a new story.
He looks the best as WereGarurumon!! wonder where he got that skin he wears.. what you think?   

Koushiro Izumi : Izzy the computer geek.... Wow like he needs a girl-friend! He doesn't even try does he?
He helps get out of trouble now and then with his computer! Do you think or know he likes Mimi? He seems happy, maybe he is to young to start looking at girls.
His hair looks way better when he grows up. I don't think Joe can even step to this guy. He has the worst digimon there is!

Tentomon I suppose they say he is gentle?  I think he is the strongest digimon at this stage there is, even Tai's.
I think he is a bit rude about stuff though. I would be upset if I got stuck with this guy. Do you think he is cool?
Do you think he is happy most of the time, or more worried? He has big bug eyes!

Joe Kido is like hmm? I think he is in love with Mimi... He is not very important if you ask me to the digi team!
Yeah that vest has to go! Get a hair cut kid! Try to be a little more happy...
BOOO!!! Yeah you know that scared him!

Gomamon Right here don't seem to bad.... I bit you couldn't make a better digimon friend.
And if you love water this little guy is for you! Cool red hair huh? Man this one is like the curious one in the group
What kind of skin is that? Look how happy this one is! He should really rub off on his digi partner.

Mimi Tachikawa: Hello miss prissy... She acts cute now and then! Looks dumb, but surprise she is smart!
I think Joe and Izzy like her! She is clueless to it though? Try's to hard to be happy..
Likes her looks. Do you like the way she looks?

Palmon..  How does Mimi ride on her shoulder when its a big cactus?  This one is great if you need to know about plants...
Not the best one to have if you would like to give a great big hug to though. Not such a bad digimon though, gives some good ideas and is truly happy with Mimi. What is that stem out of her head?
How would you like to have that long of arms? You think this one like dark areas?

Sora Takenouchi The cute one  With with that blue hat? She is very nice.
Non of the boys go after her? She isn't wearing makeup folks. What you think of her digimon?
Yah she knows how to run. She knows when to pound them.

Biyomon the birdie. Is it just me or do those ankle things always seem to be on birds? Neat this one can fly!! 
Look any girl who likes pink would like this one. Not to hard to be happy with this one.   She likes hugs!
Who does her nails? Think she eat worms?

Takeru Takaishi aka TK. wow what would he do with out Patamon? You think that blue gem in his hat is worth anything?
Do you think he wares that hat cause Matt does? I think he is really attached to that little Patamon. TK is smart for his age!
I think he be fun to play games with. Patamon talks neat.

Patamon is a cool digimon He can turn into the best stuff... expect for that horse... Yeah Patamon talks cool did I say that al ready?
Boom bubble attack is neat. I bit Veemon could take him! What you think?
LOOK how cool his hands and feet are! hehee He reminds me of a big soft pillow!

Kari Kamiya.. young here Yeah there's not doubt Davis and ..... like this young lady. I say she should of gone with Davis, cause Davis should get what he wants, and they be good together. I mean Davis would do anything for her.
Her digimon is one of the best if you ask me. Kari is truly a nice person to hang around with. Kari is also pretty smart.
Its nice when they are all happy. Tai feels bad about not taking better care of her?

Gatomon- the kitty One of my favorite digimon! I like cats and this one is just great.
Turns into some really cool stuff too. I think the littler version is cute.  Think she can take off the gloves?
How does the tail ring stay on? Look blues eye`~`

Davis Motomiya rules!  He is very nice person to hang around with. His digimon is the best there is.
He is very straight forward! Does anything he can to be with Kari... Picks the team up when there seems like no hope.
This poor kid his digimon don't fly. OHH get this... Wormon envy's Veemons relationship with Davis! see Davis is so cool

VEEMON (yay) My favorite digmon there is! He is just so cool. And he is partnered up with DAVIS! 
I think he would be so fun to have at  my house. He is in love with Gatomon too. See Davis and Kari should get together or should of I mean. All of his other digi-volves are also really cool! I wish that he could of beat up Augumon... Guess they like him to much for that.... bah!
Just a little happy digimon! You think he talks cool?

Yolei .... will still Yolei Boy is she a tuff cookie! WHAT... dang she really likes that Ken?  
She can go straight crazy at times if she believes is something! Yeah I know she gets with Ken... she's like the only one that gets the one they want. YIKES get rid of the stupid hat!
Maybe she needs a hair cut too! Jeez put this girl with Joe I say.

Hawkmon... I been told Hawkmon is a guy then I was told he is a she....  Someone please tell me what this one is.. hehe
I think he or she sounds like a she when he or she is that big fire bird looking thing, but sounds like a guy when the ninja.. This bird is using a belt as a head band! haha Indian bird?
Peace out! Like all the digimon this one is there for his or her partner, but more so then most.

Cody the Izzy want a be. I think he is way cooler then Izzy will ever be though. Very good when it comes to concentration. 
YIKES on the hair kid. They could of put you in better clothes in the digital world if you ask me. Maybe he needs a hat. ehhe
Totally way smarter then he acts and way way smart for his age. He is scared of what the others might think of him cause he is so young.


Ken Ichijouji, aka Digimon Emperor..... YA HAHA you were a jerk man! Look at the trouble you put Davis though!  And see he was even the first to accept you as a friend!
Now Ken, because of Davis, is really a good person to hang around with. For once someone who's hair cut isn't so bad. have you ever seen his ears?
He knows how to get the job done! He should use the team and not try to do it himself like his girl friend sometimes does too.