Link exchanges

We welcome all Canadian sites to be a part of the Great Canadian Website, after all, our modo is: "Canada on the web, one stop". For this we'd like to have everything that anyone could ever need to know about Canada right here. Your site can be a part of that, in fact, without your site, we may never reach that goal.

Here are a few of the rules to site submission:

1. Your site must be Canadian, with Canadian content.
4. We may ask that you subscribe to our newsletter, this letter is useful for all the free links pages, free tools and what not I find on the net so I can share them with you.
2. No links to porn, spam, or unrelated content to this site.
5. Any and all broken links will be deleted, period. If there are any changes to your URL, update immediately by way of e-mail
3. We require that you recipricate the link by way of text link or the banners we have to provide, depending on the nature of your submission.
6. Any site wanting to be in the bussiness section, please send your banner in html format.

Banners for this site

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