C.M.O.T. Dibbler
C.M.O.T. (Cut-Me-Own-Throat) Dibbler is the peddler of goods (or, bads, rather) which may or may not explode in your face, and may or may not actually exist. His food ..... um... products are interesting certainly, edible maybe, and digestible...well, don't get your hopes up. He is not quite a criminal. He likes to move with the times and, in addition to running a mail-order self defence class, is into whatever new business is out there.

Handy tip: Want to know just HOW drunk you are? Take this short, simple quiz.
Dibbler's sausages look...
       A. revolting
       B. edible
       C. delicious

Answer key:
A -- you're still sober, thank goodness
B -- better give me the keys to the cart
C -- come on boys, lets carry this fellow home, shall we?
Dibbler's Books:
The Colour of Magic
Guards! Guards!
Moving Pictures
Reaper Man
Small Gods*
Men at Arms
Soul Music
Interesting Times°
The Last Continent^
The Truth

*as Cut-Me-Own-Hand-Off Dyblah
°as Disembowel-Meself-Honourably Dibhlar
^as Fair-Go Dibbler