Alchemists Guild
Omnis Civi Corvscat est
All that glitters is gold
One of the only guilds to have a new guild hall regularly, it is (to some) surprising that these strange folk really HAVEN'T found the secret to turning lead to gold yet. Although, it must be said that they really do need a new guild hall that often, as the old one is blown up by an experiment gone wrong. Anyone with half a brain, or who has ever met a member of the alchemists guild knows better. They've only really managed to somehow get rid of any gold they have (probably on the guild hall) and invent popcorn. All the members tend to be nervous people, and with good reason. The only truly good thing the guild does is take care of the (very few) widows and orphans of those other members who got a little too close to those chemicals, or mixed just a bit too much of this with the wrong kind of that.