GUESTBOOK ENTRIES FROM MAY 10, 1998  to  JULY 31, 1999

Thanks to everyone for your comments and for taking the time to place them here!


Total: 183 guests

 Name: John Collins
 Website: John Collins' World
 Referred by: From a Web Ring
 From: Hertfordshire UK (20 miles N of London)
 Time: 1999-07-31 15:44:35
 Comments: Hi from UK

 Name: Lewis
 Website: True Bible Salvation compared to easy believism
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: USA
 Time: 1999-07-29 18:17:32
 Comments: Let me add some personal comments so my entry doesn't get deleted :-) .....I have no
 hard feelings to those who disagree with me, ........but one point I would like to make that is very,
 very important, is that there is more to receiving true Bible salvation than what many
 people realize (see True Bible Salvation compared to easy believism link) ......and it is something
 that once you experience for yourself the real infilling of the Holy Ghost you will have no doubt
 whatsoever that this is for real, .....what have you got to lose by giving it a sincere try ? Also: Just
 wanted to share some web pages I found on Bible prophecy: -------
 . . .and yet another spin on born-againism!   Mike

 Name: Chris Lovel
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Vancouver BC
 Time: 1999-07-26 21:35:00
 Comments: Hello, I like your web site and your attempts to bring reason to the unreasoning. I
 don't know how much success you are having but I have found all born-agains are so closed
 minded it is very difficult to reach them, but there again who is to say who is correct and who is
 incorrect? A comment if I may. All of the arguments here are based on one version of the Bible or
 another and everyone seems to assume all the information in this book is true. I beg to differ and I
 will give you one example. I looked up the word "reincarnation" on all the search site you have
 listed, not one has that word in any version of the Bible. This appears to be very odd because if we
 look at ancient writings of the first century that were not included in the Bible we know most
 Christians at that time believed in reincarnation. There is also evidence, well concealed by the
 various churches, that many ures contained reference to this. The question is what happened to the
 references? They were actually removed from the ures during the famous gathering of the clergy in
 325? with of emporer Constantine presiding. Why was it removed? so that the church could more
 completely control the ignorant and illiterate masses. If you knew you could came back again after
 death to try again the power of the church is removed. If the reference to reincarnation was
 removed from the ures what else was removed? To me the Bible now becomes highly suspect.
 What I find so hard to understand is why so many people believe so deeply that every single word
 in this book is true without any question or reservation, talk about brain washing. Thats all.

 Name: Jane
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: CA
 Time: 1999-07-25 14:36:14
 Comments: Some of the ridiculous conclusions you come to! There are many phors in the Bible,
 particularly in the O.T. and you criticize those without (probably in ignorance) knowing what they
 are. The "four corners of the Earth" is a phor. Same with the rabbit "chewing his cud." It doesn't
 take a genius, or a college graduate even, to figure that out. I see you only leave certain entries
 in your guestbook, either those that agree with you, or the ones that make Christians
 look stupid. You delete the truth from your guestbook and from your mind. You seem to agree
 with Hitler, with an "at least he didn't burn them" mentality. So in your mind, you think Hitler is
 more righteous than God. If you dare to check, the Bible states those whose names are not in the
 book of life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death. No where does it say
 they are tormented forever. (Revelation 20:14) And wherever the Bible mentions "hell" it means the
 grave, separation from God. It seems you misinterpret the Bible as much as the Fundamentalists
 NOTE: The only entries I delete are duplicate entries, entries which consist of pure bible
 quotations with no personal comments and most entries without email addresses. Your
 entry will remain. Into which of the two categories you defined does that place your
 comments?     Mike


 Name: Renee
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Lafayette, LA
 Time: 1999-07-24 20:25:14
 Comments: Keep up the good work. I like your web site. Because there is more profit in the God
 fear business than in the truth, not enough people are doing what you are. I support your efforts at
 dispelling the myths. Sincerely, Renee

 Name: Nancy
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: New York
 Time: 1999-07-19 14:16:33
 Comments: I was just surfing the web and I stumbled on to your web-site. I feel very sorry for
 you, and very burdened. I was raised in a born-again Christian family. I gave my heart to Jesus at a
 very early age. Throughout my childhood and adolescence I went through a lot of medical
 problems. My faith in Jesus saw me through it - and the love of my family. When I went to college,
 I met new challenges. This time it was my faith itself that was shaken. Before that point I had never
 even questioned my beliefs. However, through it all, I always prayed for truth. I realize now, I
 knew the truth all along. Jesus is the truth. After several years of searching, I finally returned back
 to the faith I had known, but now in a stronger, bolder way. The reason I feel sorry for you is I
 remember the anguish that I went through when I wasn't in the right place. My prayer is that you
 too, will come to the end of your search, and you will realize that Jesus is the only way. Even now,
 it's not too late. Don't come back for fear of hell. Come back because He loves you, and longs for
 your return. One word of advice, though - should you choose to deny Christ again, don't try to
 bring others down with you. You should know your fate will be all the worse - You will have to
 answer for every soul led astray.

 Name: Tom
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: columbus ohio
 Time: 1999-07-17 23:58:17
 Comments: I agree completely. Having been raised in a "fear based" religion myself, I always
 sinced there was something more than Christianity lead me to believe. I was told I was "Born
 Again" but I didn't feel any different. I still had problems, fears, anxioties, etc. But now I am seeing
 life in a new way. I now think being born again is about living without seeing them as problems,
 living the higher life that we are all suppose to live from but few will ever know the "way", how can
 they? They can't see outside themselves or their myths long enough to see the "truth". Try to explain
 this to someone that lives and dies by "the word" and they think you've lost your mind. Millions and
 millions of people are missing the point!

 Name: Drew Jackson
 Referred by: From a Web Ring
 From: Northampton, England
 Time: 1999-07-16 16:48:18
 Comments: Excellent website - keep the faith ;-) and, who knows, maybe a few
 fundies/evangelicals will eventually see the light.

 Name: Robert Barton
 Website: Born 2 Times
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: North Carolina
 Time: 1999-07-14 21:06:16
 Comments: First let me say that Jesus loves you! I just have a couple of questions. Why are you
 guys who believe everything or nothing, (depending on how you look at it), are so concerned about
 what we "Fundamentalist Christians" believe or don't believe? Secondly, if you don't believe the
 word of God or that Christ is who he says He is, what do you have? One final thought, if I die
 believing what I believe and am wrong I have lost nothing. If you die believing as you do and are
 wrong, you will have an eternity to regret it.

 Name: Karen
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Still here
 Time: 1999-07-14 12:31:13
 Comments: Oh and by the way, I can refute all your questions on the bible contraditions, but you
 know I do believe that you have been told and without the Spirit of God you just can't get it. But if
 you forget everything else, remember this, The love that God has for you has no bounds. The things
 He tells us, are not hard, they are life. The wages (payment) of sin is death (both phy. and
 spiritual), but the gift of God is eternal life. Oh if you only knew Him.

 Name: Karen
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Here for now
 Time: 1999-07-14 12:19:45
 Comments: First I'd like to know if you ever have been born again, and if the answer is yes, did
 the Cross you were called to carry become to heavy? The Bible (Word of God) is clear to the
 ones who desire to know, but to the ones who are perishing it is foolishness..Without the Spirit of
 God, you can not even hope to understand. It's bad enough to reject His gift to you, but you are
 leading others to their doom also. May God have mercy on your soul. He is the lover of your soul,
 more then anyone on this earth. He took your place on the cross. Love in Him, and because of
 Him, Karen

 Name: Craig
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: North Carolina
 Time: 1999-07-08 14:33:34
 Comments: What an incredible web page!!!! I, too, am an ex-fundamentalist Christian. I am now
 a proud Unitarian Universalist of the humanist ilk. It is soooo funny that several of the letters point
 to the fact that the US was founded as a "Christian nation"...hell, most were Diests or Unitarians.
 Hey, I like that idea! A country based on the Principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
 Liberals Rule!!!!

 Name: Norm
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: my mother and father I think?
 Time: 1999-07-05 22:58:50
 Comments: read what the born againers sent you,nice people.

 Name: rupert
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: London
 Time: 1999-07-02 15:10:25
 Comments: An interesting website with some valid points! :-) the fundies!

 Name: In2 Jesus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, & for all eternity
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: MO
 Time: 1999-07-02 00:04:16
 Comments: First of all, I would like to say that no Christian has been brainwashed or forced to
 believe as they do. People are shown the truth, and then given time to decide for themselves. I was
 raised in a Christian home. I'm a Southern Baptist. I hear my pastor and church members talk
 about fire and hell less than I read guest books like these. Yes, hell exists. But you know what is
 more powerful than any fire or temptation Satan can come up with? The love of God. I have found
 in my years of being a Christian, that God's love overpowers everything. If only people would
 accept the love that he offers us. Jesus died for us. Can't you see? What's wrong with Him dying
 for us? If a friend of yours died for you, if he/she gave his or her life up for you, wouldn't you say,
 "They made a great sacrifice," and you would keep them close to your heart as long as you lived?
 Jesus did that for us, so why can't we hold HIM close to our heart? I may be young, but I'm a
 strong soldier in God's army and I won't let him down. And you wonder why we have a huge
 downfall in the morals of our country? Because people refuse to accept the truth. Look at what our
 country was founded on. Christian principles. "In God we Trust" and "One Nation under God."
 Thomas Jefferson said,"The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty." Andrew Jackson said, "The Bible
 is the rock on which our republic rests." May I remind you, that the Bible doesn't teach the killing
 and persecution of other beliefs. In fact, throughout the whole New Testament, WE were the
 persecuted. I apologize for those Christians who have wronged every one of you. I apologize for
 the Christians who have killed, discriminated, and cast you off as unsaveables. I want to let
 everyone who ever reads this, that I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU. God tells us to pray
 unceasingly. I will do that. You have my guarentee. Love in Christ, Emily . . . By the way, feel free
 to email me. I also like to discuss evolution.

 Name: Alexander Rehák
 Website: none
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Slovak republic , Bratislava
 Time: 1999-07-01 14:59:47
 Comments: Great and most useful. Especiallý for people who live in countries with ever more
 growing fundamentalist expansion of Christian churches -( like mine own- unfortunately) In the
 context of Vatican´s preparations for magnificent global celebrations of Christianity in y.2000 I
 would suggest some more excerpts from HISTORY OF CRIMES committed by organized
 religion, especially Vatican and Roman Catholic Church. Sincerest regards

 Name: URSA
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: usa
 Time: 1999-06-27 19:06:10
 Comments: keep it up...maybe religious fundamentalism will someday be understood for what it is,
 child abuse and dumbing down..I escaped Christian fundamentalism after being raised in it. It
 promotes hate, intolerance, illogical thought, unhealthy fantasy, and comparing apples with oranges
 logic. Anyone who reads the story of Isac and Jacob and cannot see that the "God" behind this
 sick story is a psychotic, has serious head problems themself. It amazes me that so many millions of
 adults get off on the idea of crucifyijng a son, blood letting and all, to "save" the lost. How about
 eat my flesh and drink my blood for an appetizer. Peace..

 Name: URSA
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: usa
 Time: 1999-06-27 19:06:08
 Comments: keep it up...maybe religious fundamentalism will someday be understood for what it is,
 child abuse and dumbing down..I escaped Christian fundamentalism after being raised in it. It
 promotes hate, intolerance, illogical thought, unhealthy fantasy, and comparing apples with oranges
 logic. Anyone who reads the story of Isac and Jacob and cannot see that the "God" behind this
 sick story is a psychotic, has serious head problems themself. It amazes me that so many millions of
 adults get off on the idea of crucifyijng a son, blood letting and all, to "save" the lost. How about
 eat my flesh and drink my blood for an appetizer. Peace..

 Name: moonlite
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-06-27 16:23:37
 Comments: enjoyed the Music!!!

 Name: The Northsider
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Jacksonville, Florida USA
 Time: 1999-06-26 07:05:05
 Comments: Nice site, very articulate. I was raised a Christian; but, always have had my doubts.
 Now I call myself an agnostic, not because I think it is more acceptable, but because I do not think
 I can completely rule out the existence of some kind of greater power, but IMO if that power
 exists it is not Jehovah!

 Name: Guy
 Website: Guy's Pages of Truth
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: NV
 Time: 1999-06-19 19:07:16
 Comments: I find all of your conclusions of the Bible verses in question are completely taken out
 of context. If you read more than one or two verses, then it all becomes clear. This is the problem
 with exegesis.

 Name: Danika
 Website: Danika's Homepage
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Spanaway, Wa
 Time: 1999-06-18 04:38:16
 Comments: First of all you have a referance typo....the first referance on your page says Matt
 14:27-28 and in fact it is Matt 16:27-28. You may want to fix that on your page so that people
 won't accuse you of making things up. Next I would like to point out 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, "Now,
 bretheren, conserning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we
 ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubles, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if
 from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one decieve you by any means; for that day
 will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of of
 perdition, who opposes and exaltes himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so
 that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" Also in Matt. 24:33 that
 you quoted it says "So you also, WHEN YOU SEE ALL THESE THINGS, know that it is
 near-at the doors!" Where in your Bible does it say that the desciples saw these things? My bible
 sure doesn't say that they did and that is what generation Jesus is speaking of. THE
 AWAY BEFORE HIS RETURN. In Matt. 24:4-6 it says "And Jesus answered and said to them
 'Take heed that no one decieves you. For many will come in my name, saying,'I am the Christ,' and
 will decieve many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled;
 for all these things must come to pass, BUT THE END IS NOT YET" this is talking about the
 begining of sorrows not the end of the age as you were saying in referance to the parable of the fig
 tree. He was telling them what would happen in the end times NOT that it would happen in their
 lifetimes. In response to Matt. 10:22-23......this is refering to witnessing to everyone and not
 ceasing until every person has had a chance to hear the truth and decide to follow or not follow His
 word before Christ returns. To all of your referances to Pauls "urgency" and thinking that he thinks
 that time is short before the return of Christ....It says in Matt. 24:36 "but of that day and hour no
 one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my father only." Since Paul knew this, he was
 preparing these people to be ready for the end no matter what and live everyday as if it could be
 the last. He was not telling people that the time was short for the world, but that time was short for
 preaching the gospel because of persecution that was coming. And when he was speaking of not
 getting married it was because when you are married it is much harder to dedicate all of your time
 to God and preaching His word to the nations.

 Name: DoubleAgent
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: The Secret Headquarters of
 Time: 1999-06-14 23:11:18
 Comments: "Here they come, here come the bastards..." as Primus once sang. In this case, "here
 they come, here come the fundies". This is a well designed and thought out site. Good for you.
 Having been the target of many born-agains, I find a lot of comfort with these types of sites. It's a
 pity the fundies' only response is to tell you how you'll burn in hell etc. etc. etc. My response to
 stuff like that is "I'd be scared, if hell actually existed." The simple truth is, as far as we can reliably
 tell, this is all there is. It's the fundies who have :-) lives, problems when growing up, etc. and need
 to invent a place to go after this life is over. It's just a way of coping with the real world. "God
 might be on their side, but all my friends are real..." DoubleAgent

 Name: rok_man
 Website: the International Department of Information and Other Things (I.D.I.O.T)
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Australia
 Time: 1999-06-14 22:55:20
 Comments: I got here from the God Busters page. Great site, you obviously put a lot of thought
 into things. I love the letter from Auty Whatshername, about the hawaiian good luck sign et hoc
 genus omne (latin for etcetera)

 Name: Rev. D. K. Hall
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Texas
 Time: 1999-06-12 21:49:51
 Comments: Thanks for your website. I'm working on a book about Revelation and your site is
 very helpful to me. Keep up the good work!

 Name: Rev Sharon Cook
 Website: Cook Ministries
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: Kansas
 Time: 1999-06-08 02:08:13
 Comments: Thanks for putting a link up to my page and for you kind words. I don't expect
 everyone to agree with me, we just need to respect one another.

 Name: Faith Sieling
 Referred by: From a Web Ring
 From: Texas
 Time: 1999-05-25 16:13:38
 Comments: Thank you for your site. I have been a non-believer all my life except for one year.
 When I had lost 3 people very dear to me and all my friends are christians, I thought I'd give it a
 try. I read the bible in it's entirety and could not put it down. I just kept thinking that if there is a
 god, it surely wasn't a loving and caring god but that of one who enjoys killing defenseless children
 and animals. And on top of that, if god is the creator of all man kind, why did he have his "chosen
 people"? With the fact that most of my friends are christian, and keeping that in mind, I still find
 them to be the most judgemental people I have ever come across and even more importantly have
 no clue about the bible. They put on those Sunday clothes and go to church to listen to a preacher
 preach from one or two passages and hang on their every word. (I was invited to go to church with
 one of my friends and that is all there was to it) Then after church they go back to their lives as big
 sinners! None of it makes sense to me. Then there are those that say those who do not believe
 have this hatred towards god. How can I hate something I do not believe in? But I guess if there
 was a god, I could hate him or her, whatever. If I went out on a killing spree right now, most
 people in the world would hate me. So why is it they love a god that destroys the entire population
 with the exception of the "chosen" that he saves on a stupid ark? Why wouldn't they hate a god
 that kills babies and children and animals? The first born BABIES of the Egyptians had no control
 over their bowel movements let alone how the "chosen ones" were being treated! And finally,
 doesn't the stories seem like, way out there? Plague of frogs? Talking snake? Worship god? I wish
 anyone could give me one good reason to! Thanks again for your awesome site, I will be back for
 more and more! Keep up the good work.

 Name: Leandra Lopez
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Vista, California
 Time: 1999-05-23 13:31:29
 Comments: I just finished reviewing your homepage, I must say you have a lot of nerve
 mis-interpreting God's word in that way. If you were once saved Satan is doing a great job of
 keeping you away from the truth, and I can just see him smiling for cathching another lost soul. I
 will pray that the Lord will make the truth clear in your life. I am a 24 year old Born Again believer.
 I have researched religions of the world and I am proud to say Jesus has saved my family. We
 were once blinded by Satan and his evil world but not anymore. As for me and my house we will
 continue to serve the Lord. I do have one question for you, what did Jesus do that was not in your
 best interest? I am a History major and believe me I am very aware of the atrocities MAN
 committed during the crusades etc. but to say that was Christ is purely a mistake on your part.
 Man for centuries has taken God's word and done what they wanted with it, look at the White
 supremist!!! Christ was the only true Gentleman, read your History for that!!! P.S. I am a minority
 and the true church does not discriminate against me!

 Name: David
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: England
 Time: 1999-05-15 08:21:30
 Comments: Excellent website: great to see how it has expanded since last visit. If any clowns want
 to see that Christianity is not just a crackpot delusion, but STILL a highly *dangerous* concept,
 they need only view some of the pages you have linked at the end of the index page. Personally, I
 consider Christianity/ Bible-based religion should be classified as a highly dangerous disease. David

 Name: Ken Seemann
 Referred by: Net Search
 From: Dallas, TX
 Time: 1999-04-27 11:42:54
 Comments: I am a former Christian who became fed up with the church/christianity. I read your
 page with interest. For the sake of balance, I think that a couple of other notes should be added to
 your page. I think that they must be addressed in order to assure that all sides are presented, so
 that just as you state, we can "explore different ideas and beliefs." Note that I am no longer a
 practicing christian, and I do not believe god exists. I think it important to point out that the
 MAJORITY of christian religions believe in being "born-again," completely apart from the
 "fundamentalist christian" organizations which typically are given that label. Hence, methodists,
 episcopalians, lutherans, etc., all believe and base their practices on the concept of being
 "born-again." I think this is important because that the baseline from which "christianity" is derived
 -- "Christ" allows you to be "born again." There may be sects which believe in Jesus Christ without
 this principle, however I am not aware of them. It would be interesting to hear from other folks
 who may have experienced such a thing. The "fraternizing" which you refer to as "indoctrination"
 leaves the impression that a christian is expected only to associate with persons in a particular sect
 of christianity. Rather, I have found that regardless of what church you are in when you are
 "born-again," any church of christian origin is an acceptable alternative. I realize that there are some
 exceptions to this rule, however I have found this to be the exception, not the rule. I agree with the
 contradictions in the bible so far as you go. However, there are also a significant number of
 consistencies as well, that if we simply ignore continue to erode the clarity of the biblegod
 argument. I have NEVER been in a church that taught that the bible was a scientific manual and a
 record of a scientifically repeatable experiment. Rather, it is a book of history, and all history
 books are subject to the point of view of the author. For example, a famous comment in Psalms
 says, "The earth is laid out as a curtain before me." Upon this one sentence, some have tried to
 deny that the world is a sphere, saying that instead, "Curtains are flat. Therefore, the earth is flat.
 Everything to the contrary has been faked." I have never met a christain who believed this, although
 I understand that it is the basis of the beliefs of the flat earth society. I believe that just as many
 christians have used the bible's "command" to women to be subservient to their husbands out of
 context to perpetuate the women-as-slaves attitude, it is also being used out of context in your
 comments as well. This includes your comment on "Promise-Keepers." The bible clearly states that
 the man has a significant number of duties to his wife, and that if he tries to run a household
 otherwise, he is wrong. In other words, the bible does define how the man should be a "leader" in
 his household, however it does NOT condone him being a "dictator" in his home. Note also that
 even in the old testament, where women were little more than slaves, the characters of the women
 generally are more positive than those of the men. Few people know the story of Ruth, but we all
 know about Bathsheba. Why? Because sex sells. On the matter of the accuracy of the manus. The
 oldest manus found to date -- the Dead Sea Scrolls -- show that less than 5% of the content of the
 books which exist in both those manus and todays versions of the bible. Recall that the role of the
 scribes was to copy accurately in that day and time -- not just the bible, but EVERY document
 they were to copy. If errors were significant on an ongoing basis, the scribes job would in
 jeopardy. I seem to recall that the punishment for errors was death, however I may be wrong, and
 others may be able to enlighten us on this topic. My point is, simply saying the bible is inaccurate
 because there are no original manus is just as irresponsible as christians who say it is without error.
 Neither is likely to be true, and the facts may show that something nearer the middle is more
 accurate. Simply saying the books of the Apocropha were eliminated because of mens decisions --
 while true -- does not provide the entire picture. The factors upon which that decision was based
 should also be described. A person may or may not agree with these factors, however to leave
 them out also leaves an incomplete picture. In fact, one of the most important factors was that
 "Jesus never referred to any of these books as a part of ure." While he often quoted the books that
 would become the old testament, he never quoted those in the Apocrapha. For this reason, the
 men who created the bible chose to leave them out. This factor simply reinforces the idea that
 christianity feeds upon itself. Why include something that might contradict their own beliefs? As I
 said at the beginning, I do not believe the bible, in god, or in the christian belief system. Experience
 over 35+years with "christians" is what convinced me of this. However, to leave out the many
 additional facts which can be interpreted as "support" for christianity is just as short-sighted as
 christianity itself. Every fact should be laid on the table, then a reasonable decision made. Only then
 can thinking persons make a well-founded decision.

 Name: Danny Henderson
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Australia
 Time: 1999-04-25 05:45:06
 Comments: Anyone that exposes these bastards is doing a public service. ANY book that
 excludes others as lesser (sub-human) is evil, make no mistake. Nor will I be convinced the vast
 majority of Jesusites are dupes, its always been in mans nature to set himself up as Lord, Judge,
 and Executioner. Never let these turds gain absolute power again, the results are already known!

 Name: Jerry
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Colorado
 Time: 1999-04-18 13:16:55
 Comments: Hi, My name is Jerry. I'm new on the web. About a week ago I sent this story to a
 few places and, for the first time, found some folks who gave me some positive input...I'm
 encouraged by this, so I thought I'd continue sending it to folks who might appreciate it. Your site
 has a lot of stuff that fits my thinking. My email address is if you'd like to drop me
 a line. I wrote this shortly after my Dad died in May of 1998. My Dad died. We buried him this
 last Tuesday. The preacher at the funeral used Dad's death as a springboard for his deluded
 agenda of salvation only through Jesus. (Perhaps he knew of my background as a former minister
 and was extra full of trying to offset my beliefs) But, this pained me no end, especially, since a long
 time friend of his from next door was there as Dad's pallbearer. This good neighbor has never been
 a church goer and never will be. I was embarrassed. Prior to this and only a day or so after Dad's
 death, I was surprised by the emotions coming up--specifically anti-Jesus and anti-Church stuff. As
 the whole family gathered at the funeral, I looked around and realized that all my immediate family
 are very strong Christians...I am the sole heretic. I then began writing in my journal on this subject
 at that time, but it had long been on my heart and mind to begin this process. Dad's death just
 speeded up my desire to write. So it was that I began to delve into the reasons why I had become
 so anti-Jesus and anti-Christian. I guess, having felt emotionally raped by the preacher's foolishness
 Jesus tirade, I decided to sit down and write up a more formal statement about my anti-Jesus
 thinking. Here is the gist of it: Fundamental Christian religion is not very logical. I am supposed to
 believe in a character who lived 2000 years ago and proclaimed himself to be the Son of God. If I
 don't--I go to hell. This is it--pure and simple (and stupid). Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of what
 Jesus said and I love parts of the Bible. It is in my heart and will be there forever. Having two
 college degrees and many years of teaching as a professor at a Christian College and preaching in
 various churches on the weekends, I can see from the words of Jesus that he was indeed a special
 man...but 2000 years is a long time and a lot gets lost in the process. I salute the deep love that
 Christians over the years have had for this "Christ." So many were even willing to die for him and
 their beliefs. (I am thinking of the 30,000 Chinese Christians in history that chose death rather than
 simply step on a piece of paper with the name Jesus inscribed on it.) I agree that some things are
 worth dying for. But for me Jesus is not one of them. Jesus was a prison that I escaped from and I
 want to record this and show the process. But first I want to look the present Jesus of today. He
 called himself the Son of God...we have a few details...2000 years old stuff. He convinced 12
 people and a few hundred others that he was indeed the Savior promised in the Hebrew ures. But
 this is not new. Only a few years back David Korish had a whole compound of people convinced
 that he was God and over a hundred perished with him at the Waco, Texas compound. This (God)
 dummy could have saved all those people with just a little compromise...but he had to have a
 bunch of people die just because he thought he was God. I'm sure David Korish had some good
 stuff in the words he spoke. He certainly inspired those fanatical folks and reports show him to be
 quite a sexual stud. He was a real "copulating" God. But, if this deluded poophead could do this in
 our enlightened time, why should I believe in this historical Jesus and his 2000 year old story? I am
 surprised by the positive reaction in my heart to anything anti-Jesus and anti-Church (Christian). I
 would much have preferred a Jesus who grew old and wise like a Buddha or Mohammed. He was
 only 33 when he died. I didn't even start thinking for myself until I was almost 40. I followed the
 Christian herd like all the rest of them until I finally exploded from lack of sex and support from my
 "once a week is more than enough" wife. I see lots of confident young men running things now...but
 to really know life you have to have experience. Thirty years is just not enough time. I resent having
 to believe in a young man who was only thirty three at his death. But believe I must or I am going
 to hell according to current fundamentalists beliefs. Hell is a place where you will burn forever.
 Who wouldn't want to avoid such a place? I sure would. But Hell is not a logical or valid concept.
 Burning in hell for sins committed in a brief lifetime of seventy years or so seems grossly unfair. But,
 if the powers that be (or rather were) wanted to keep the Christian herd in line, what better way
 than to threaten them with a nebulous Hell-fire? I recall as a young and naive Christian ministerial
 student going out on the weekends to talk to people about Christ and to do my best to save them
 from this burning Hell. I also recall a pretty young speech professor at our Christian University
 giving our group of ministers a graphic reading of people walking off a cliff and falling into the
 burning fires of hell. All that stood between them and hell was us Christians who had to reach out
 and prevent as many as possible from falling into hell fire. Her performance was met with a genuine
 appreciation and acceptance. But that's one heavy burden for a young man to carry. We were the
 only hope for those people. We were sent out weekends to hand out tracts to people on the street
 telling them how to be saved. I never like doing this. I soon discarded it for less dramatic ways of
 reaching the UNSAVED. This was the small beginning...I followed my heart. It said I don't like
 handing out tract and being a "fool for Christ's sake." One of the teaching tools at that time was a
 saying often repeated about a man who carried a sign saying, "I'm a fool for Christ's sake, whose
 fool are you?" Now I have enough strength of character, to say "Let him be his own fool." I cannot
 follow this distorted Jesus. But lets go back to the Hell concept. What would be fair? And all
 religions teach us (and I believe) that God is eminently fair. But the Jesus followers say that you are
 going to hell if you don't know Jesus no matter what. If you are a murderer--off you go. This fits
 even a 16 year old teenager who goes along for the ride with a kid who is drinking; there is a
 wreck and he is he goes too. He has not done much of anything wrong. He hasn't been
 around long enough to do much wrong, but off he goes--straight to Hell. Do not pass Go. Do not
 collect a harp and mansion. Suppose we had a jury of a mans peers set up to decide every man's
 punishment according to all the deeds he had done and all the thoughts he had had. Suppose God
 himself allowed this special jury to exist. How many life sentences would they give to a murderer?
 So, if the average life span is 70 or so...the maximum for even the most gross life deeds would be
 not more than 5 x 70 or so I would think. Even the most vile person would scarcely be given more
 that 70 times 70 lifetimes as the absolute maximum sentence and certainly not to a burning hell for
 all those years. There is a little Biblical pun here...70 time 70 is the term describing Jesus' ideal of
 human forgiveness. But a loving God casts them all into Hell fire forever and ever and ever? I think
 not. How can Christians assign people to hell so easily? Part of it is religious arrogance (a sort of
 unconscious hidden pride, I think)..."We know God and you don't type of thing...we have the
 inside track on God." Furthermore, Christians have this "All are sinners and need salvation" angle
 well covered with the Original Sin concept. It basically says "In Adam's Fall, we sinned all." So we
 all start out as sinners and need a savior. Enter Jesus. Oh, by the way, can I be a Christian and not
 believe in the Original Sin concept? I sure can't handle it now. To me it is the tool the church uses
 to keep people in bondage. Now the question becomes--does the man believe in Jesus just
 because he wants to escape Hell, or because he is "CHA" (covering his ass). But hey, for the
 simple act of going forward in church and maybe even going through the ritual of getting baptized,
 one gets an insurance policy against Hell and with a side benefit of a ticket directly into heaven.
 Not a bad investment for a CHA person. How does God count this obvious "manipulation" of the
 system? Do surface Christians squeeze through the Pearly Gates just barely? What does it mean to
 "believe" in Christ? I have asked this question often. My Christian relatives and many ministers I
 know always quote ure..."Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou shalt be saved." This is what
 the Apostle Paul said to the frightened jailkeeper when an earthquake hit and all the doors flew
 open. And the man did too...he took Paul and Silas and bound up their wounds and was very
 grateful. I don't blame him. Any man in his right mind would have believed and behaved the way he
 did in such circumstances. But how does one believe in, on ,or around this Jesus? Do I have to
 believe in Original sin to be saved? Do I have to believe in the Trinity to be saved? Do I have to
 believe in the Apostles' Creed? Do I have to believe in the Virgin Birth? Can I believe that Mary
 fooled around and the result was Jesus? Can I believe in a special place called Hades like the
 Catholics do? Can I be a member of the Irish IRA Catholics who believe in terrorism.? Can I be a
 Communist? Does God take in account a person's environment and parental teachings? Do I have
 to be baptized ? (The Church of Christ out of Abeline, Texas believes you must be baptized in their
 Church in order to be saved)? At what IQ level am I exempt from Hell? Do children who die go to
 hell? (Christians have a special exemption here, but if there is one exemption why can't there be
 more?) Do I have to believe in Pro-life? Do I have to believe in monogamy? Can I be a
 Mormon/Christian? a Buddhist/Christian? Can I be a Christian/homosexual? Bi-sexual? Lesbian?
 Can I be a Christian whore? (I have met some ladies of the evening who were a lot more
 compassionate than many Christians I know; moreover, didn't Jesus associate with them?) Can I
 worship my ancestors and believe in Jesus too? Can I believe also in evolution? Can I be a
 Christian nudist? Can I believe in Free Love? Do I get extra credit if I believe that Jesus was a
 human being that existed 2000 years ago but not God? How about, if I believe he was god with a
 small g? What if I believe that he was on the level of a son of god like Buddha must have been.
 What about all those folks born before Christ came? There was a bunch of them? Will Socrates be
 in heaven or Hell? The Christian reply to all the folks BC (Before Christ) is that they are under a
 different "dispensation." They didn't know it yet, but Jesus died for them. So people with God in
 their hearts and deeds got into heaven with a special pass--under a special dispensation. Now we
 shift to the AD area. After Jesus' death all people had to get into heaven through him. He took over
 the keys to the kingdom. Was there a transition period? Does the belief in Jesus thing fit the first
 200 years AD? Or does it take effect when Constantine set up Christianity as the religion of the
 empire? Prior to Columbus we had a whole half of the world that existed AD and had never heard
 of Jesus. I have pinned down several old ministers on this and they all say "If they live up to the
 light that is shown to them, they will be saved." (quoting from the Old Testament) This "Light" is a
 bit of a slippery and wobbly thing. How do you define much light? Would a spark do?
 Does belief in the Great Spirit count? Will the American Indians get into heaven? I simply cannot
 see how a rational man can believe in a "Jesus or else" type of religious dogma. I think Jesus would
 be very embarrassed to see what his followers teach today as "Gospel." But lets return to the Hell
 thing again. If we take it that all men are sinners...Hey I can buy that partially--we all goof plenty in
 our lifetime, but I like the term mistakes better than sins. So why are all sinners assigned to a
 burning Hell automatically if they don't believe in Jesus? Or is Jesus like David Korish who let his
 followers burn to death with him because he thought he was God? My figures are rough, but some
 3/4ths of this present world is non-Christian. Lets say that 1/4 of the world is Christian. Now of
 that 1/4th, about half don't go to church much and then quite a few of those that do, just do it out
 of duty. Then we get into all the many churches believing different creeds and doctrines? If all these
 churches can't agree on doctrine, why should I trust its ministers to show me the way to heaven?
 Can a man be a total "Jackass" (murderer, etc.) and get into heaven if he believes in Jesus on his
 deathbed? Why can't we just believe that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world...and include
 everybody so that there is universal salvation for all races, creeds and colors? I could handle Jesus
 a lot better if he did it once for all, for those in the past, present and future and it was a finished
 thing and everybody got a piece of it. Why is salvation so limited (according to the church)? In my
 years of study for the ministry which included many college Bible courses including 3 years of
 Greek Bible language, I noticed that after the bachelors level (and by the way it seems to me that
 most of those dogmatic dummies who preach the "going to Hell message" barely have a bachelors
 degree) ...that the scholars began to be more broad in their views. The men that really knew the
 Biblical languages and whose business was to study the ures diligently, became more and more
 broad. I recall my amazement on reading the statement of one such famous Biblical Scholar who
 stated words to the effect that there would be a lot more people in heaven than we ever imagined.
 Will a Christian who commits suicide go to heaven? Is it possible that God could have a second
 Son...? Why only one? Wouldn't the world be better if there were many sons of God. Why should
 the Creator limit himself to one. Are there other worlds besides ours out there in Space? And If
 there were, would they get to heaven? Or will they be treated on the dog and cat level of once
 dead and that is heaven and no hell? "One cannot question God and God's hidden
 purposes"... thus sayeth the Church, but this is another Church baloney dogma. This is the same
 Church that has proved itself to be totally wrong in the past. No wonder they don't like to question
 God. Why didn't God wait another 2000 years now that we have satellite TV and the Internet and
 have Jesus come during this age. Why do it the hard way? I went to counseling to a Christian
 counselor with my wife not long ago. I have been to many counselors and all this time my very
 Christian wife has taken the view that something is wrong with "him." Since she distrusts
 psychiatrists and counselors outside her Church box, I suggested we go to one of her own
 counselors. The counselor listened and questioned me about my beliefs. Then he proclaimed to my
 wife that I was now a non-believer and she did not have to live with me unless she wanted to. She
 had been quite unsupportative for most of our marriage and all in the name of Christianity. This was
 a big shock to her. We still live together...and rather happily in spite of the fact that our philosophy
 is so different. My son thinks I am going to hell. He has followed his mother's path of fundamental
 Christianity and has become a fundamentalist minister (much to my regret.) Perhaps he will grow
 out of it as I did. I was just like him at his age. I love him. I honor where he is at. I hope he gets
 past it. Is it any wonder that I may be a little hard on this Jesus. Hey, I don't like the one they talk
 about in the Churches, but I do somewhat like the one in the Bible without all the baloney
 surrounding him. Do I want him as my savior? No thank you. A thought I had recently--Does my
 prayer to God count? Are my daily prayers for my family and other personal needs wasted
 because only the people who pray to the God who is the father of Jesus Christ have their prayers
 heard? This is extremeness and arrogance. I asked my son what he thought...and got the expected
 answer that "God does not hear the prayers of an unbeliever" (such as I.) I asked him, "Then son,
 should I cease praying sincerely in my own way for God to bless you and your family (as I do
 every single day)since my prayers are wasted?" (no answer) Why is God so limited? Does God
 hear the prayers of children? It's very much like saying "Your money doesn't count because it is in
 British pounds instead of US dollars." I'm sure God has a conversion that measures the
 heart attitude. Well, that's it. Thanks for listening.

 Name: Ram
 Referred by: Geocities
 From: Canada
 Time: 1999-04-14 23:27:39
 Comments: Fine job. I have been once brainwashed myself by the christians(including fundamental
 ones)and their crap so I definitely sympathize with what you went through getting out of it.
 Unfortunately those zealous believers are fanatics and no amount of reason will change their mind
 untill the end of all existance and then some (: What will change the situation is ever more people
 realizing in practical terms that they create their own reality. That way there will be less and less of
 those who need to dig primitive superstitions. And the rest of them will learn by example seeing for
 themselves that their old believes system simply does not work. I agree with Seth that it might take
 few centuries. Meantime greetings from my end of All That Is to yours.

 Name: against you 100%
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-04-14 14:41:46
 Comments: I think that anyone who tries to discredit a persons or peoples belief in the Bible had
 problems when they were growing up. Their parents or parent did not know too much about the
 Bible and if you are European, then it is likely that you did not learn what the Bible is truly about.
 This guy is seeking attention, money, and trying to discredit God because, just like most people do,
 he wants to be God and can't.Oops! I should have spelled you God with a small g, "god." That's
 better. Grow up and get a life. Your entire life is contradictory. You had beliefs in your parents or
 parent that you did not question in such a critical manner. Oh! I forget! You want to have
 control,fame, money and power in life and the only way that you can do this is buying bashing
 Christianity. Are you not happy with yourselve as to where you have to try to somethine to hurt
 others and their beliefs instead of trying to say something positive. A true Christian does not say
 negaticve things. Only good. So, I guess I would have to say that I am sorry about the European
 crack, huh? So, So, sorry. What did God ever do to you? What happened in your life as to where
 you have these problems? Expell those demons from you by calling on the name of Jesus, that is if
 you know him or believe in Him? You are sick and donnot even know it. But most of the psychos
 that kill and destroy for satan are. OH! satan does not need to be CAPITILIZED, only GOD,
 GOD, GOD. You are not happy and never will be as long as you bash God. You will have a
 damascus road experience just as Paul did and you will wake up and smell your own BUTT
 BURNING in shame. Don't be frightened because it is only God proving to you that His word is
 true and He will give you a chance to repent.Get a life and stop destroying others lives and find
 another way to gain popularity.

 Name: against you 100%
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-04-14 14:41:37
 Comments: I think that anyone who tries to discredit a persons or peoples belief in the Bible had
 problems when they were growing up. Their parents or parent did not know too much about the
 Bible and if you are European, then it is likely that you did not learn what the Bible is truly about.
 This guy is seeking attention, money, and trying to discredit God because, just like most people do,
 he wants to be God and can't.Oops! I should have spelled you God with a small g, "god." That's
 better. Grow up and get a life. Your entire life is contradictory. You had beliefs in your parents or
 parent that you did not question in such a critical manner. Oh! I forget! You want to have
 control,fame, money and power in life and the only way that you can do this is buying bashing
 Christianity. Are you not happy with yourselve as to where you have to try to somethine to hurt
 others and their beliefs instead of trying to say something positive. A true Christian does not say
 negaticve things. Only good. So, I guess I would have to say that I am sorry about the European
 crack, huh? So, So, sorry. What did God ever do to you? What happened in your life as to where
 you have these problems? Expell those demons from you by calling on the name of Jesus, that is if
 you know him or believe in Him? You are sick and donnot even know it. But most of the psychos
 that kill and destroy for satan are. OH! satan does not need to be CAPITILIZED, only GOD,
 GOD, GOD. You are not happy and never will be as long as you bash God. You will have a
 damascus road experience just as Paul did and you will wake up and smell your own BUTT
 BURNING in shame. Don't be frightened because it is only God proving to you that His word is
 true and He will give you a chance to repent.Get a life and stop destroying others lives and find
 another way to gain popularity.

 Name: Terri
 Referred by: Net Search
 From: Illinois
 Time: 1999-04-11 04:33:18
 Comments: Your site is very informative and challenging especially since I am one of those pesky
 born agains. I have been seeking for truth but have become very disolutioned. It is a hard road to
 give up certain aspects of a belief system you had built in since a child. Its very lonely, no one
 walks with you. I have found some comfort in sites like this one. The Bible has limited God.
 Science was the tool he used, why shouldn't we study it. Why wouldn't he want us to see his
 beautiful work up close. The Bible is so vague about these things. Instead of constant chants like
 "praise God" we should study his handywork? The rocks have cried out. Study them, study the
 fossils. He wants us to notice.

 Name: Jon
 Referred by: From a Web Ring
 From: Canada
 Time: 1999-04-09 04:48:58
 Comments: Greetings and salutations to one and ALL THAT IS... :-) After skimming through the
 guestbook, I found it most curious how the fundamentalists all echo the same fear in their 'well
 wishes' for you and the rest of us "sinners" : "God LOVES YOU!! BELIEVE what HE SAYS or
 you will burn in HELL!! I'm so grateful that I have been SAVED!! YOU can be SAVED too!!"
 And on it goes... A quick note: The god of the Torah (five books of moses which the bible comes
 from) was named Adonai, or Elohim (informal) and some translations (septuagint) hold the
 symbology YWHW -- or Yahweh -- which anglicized becomes Jehovah... This was not a
 gender-specific entity... Oops, so much for "God the Father" -- sounds rather like Orphic
 mystagogy (greek mythology)to me, with perhaps a dash of Ra and egyptology thrown in for
 flavour, as moses was really one of the first great plagiarists, having access to egyptian teachings,
 rites and practices under Ramses -- but I digress... *wink* Coming from an almost identical past
 as the author of this website, having denounced any and all affiliations with the church, et al., I have
 embarked upon the most wonderful trip imagineable -- that of "becoming"... I have been reading
 the Seth books for several years now, and strongly recommend them to anyone -- 'recovering'
 fundamentalist or otherwise -- as they will provide great insights that truly jibe with the inner self.
 As a former student of apologetics/theology, I wanted to say that the site is well informed, and that
 I'm writing an essay/small book entitled: "Evangelical christianity and the Seth Material: A
 comparative study of 'miracles' and beliefs' -- I would be more than happy to forward a copy
 along to anyone interested... Again, thanks for the effort, and to everyone who reads this --
 religious or not -- remember to be loving and tolerant when dealing with others... Christians, know
 that the only hell is the one which you create -- even the early church knew this, and 'borrowed' the
 concept of, and very name HADES from greek mythology... There were no 'demons' prior to
 Orphism's concept of the 'Daimon' -- the transcendant, unfallen aspect of the soul (Orphism taught
 a trinity within self comprising the 'soul'... hmmm...that "trinity stuff" again... *smile*) It was, after
 all, Y'shua (Jesus) who said: "The kingdom of God is within YOU..." That doesn't sound like a
 death sentence, does it?? :-) "Live simply, so that others may simply live...". My fondest wishes to

 Name: Jim
 Website: JESUS MADE A WAY For Everlasting Life
 Referred by: Net Search
 From: Arizona - USA
 Time: 1999-04-07 13:52:01
 Comments: We believe what we choose to believe. God has given us ample proof of His
 existence, yet many like yourself prefer to ridicule and slander those things they do not understand.
 God is the plumbline, not you or me. There is a truth that is as unchanging as gravity, and what is
 true for one is true for all. Now whether we walk in that truth or not is one thing. In 1 Corinthians
 1:27 we read: "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God
 hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;" You are
 perhaps "wise" in your own eyes and those of the world, but I prefer the way of the "foolish" for
 there is wisdom and peace. I pray for you. Jim

 Name: Eric Wenzel
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-04-03 12:04:21
 Comments: It's ironic that you use a literalist interpretation of the Bible in order to debunk
 fundamentalism. A better understanding of ancient cultures (not to mention psychology, religion and
 cultural anthropology) would do a lot to advance your understanding of religion. It is my experience
 that such antagonism between fundamentalists and anti-fundamentalists is rooted in frustration with
 each other (and within oneself) rather than in a sound understanding of religion and religious
 pyschology. I am not a great advocate of fundamentalism - (I've even been attacked by some!) -
 but I forgive them. Some fundamentalists are shallow. So what? Let them be. Focus on creating
 good things. Good luck in your personal discoveries.

 Name: Malcolm Watts
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-04-02 19:01:00
 Comments: Well done guys! I have not reviewed all of your material but what I have seen I agree
 with. I am glad people are standing up to the totalitarian fundamentalist establishment. I suffered as
 a child from the guilt and fear of God and hellfire. I don't blame God for this, whatever God is, but
 men who have perverted the messages of Christ and other spiritual leaders over the centuries. I am
 currently working on a novel concerning the coming of age of a young man who struggles with such
 issues as he grows up and rebels against a fundamentalist doctrine. Any interested publishers??

 Name: otherworld
 Website: none
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: canada
 Time: 1999-03-29 17:49:14
 Comments: I have no personal axe to grind with the fundies and I don't find them particularly
 dangerous. I had a very secular upbringing so I was spared the indoctrination of some of my
 friends. The surge in the fundamentalist movement is no surprise considering the erosion of the
 educational system. No one is taught how to be objective and critical any longer. Just think of the
 rise in the "Psychic Network" and the belief in alien abductions. They are all part of the same

 Name: Mayberry
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: My Mother
 Time: 1999-03-27 16:05:16
 Comments: I'm very glad that someone else is annoyed by born again Christians as much as I am.
 These damn Jesus-freaks are breeding like rats. What really saddens me about the hustlers like Pat
 Robertson and Jerry Falwell is that they take most of their money from old folks on social security
 who can't afford the $20 or $50 dollar donations. I just don't understand how they can believe as
 literal truth the writings of people who couldn't even properly explain the mechanics of rainfall.

 Name: eve's apple
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: USA
 Time: 1999-03-27 13:41:02
 Comments: Nice site. Informative. Really enjoyed it and will share with my friends.

 Name: SHEBA
 Referred by: Net Search
 Time: 1999-03-23 12:04:24

 Name: natalie
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: London
 Time: 1999-03-23 09:26:09
 Comments: Hi, I am sorry that you have this view of the biblical God. Your research is good but
 not accurate, for example; the bible in no way mentions anything about christmas and easter but
 were in fact added by pagans in Roman catholicism. Christianity never intented sin, (please read
 the old testament, do more research, you sound like someone who holds a grudge against
 christians or maybe even God). Please aviod taking quotes from the bible without having read the
 whole chapter or the history behind it. Christians are not perfect, God is. But God said his sheep
 will here his voice and most christians have claimed to have heard his voice. Have you? The
 answers will come when you die, and even then if the bible is truth (as it will never be proven by
 man, but the holy spirit of God) it will be too late. So I hope you know what you are doing,
 beacuse we as humans tend to make MASTAKES. May God keep you Natalie Ps. whatever
 your belief seek for God wholeheartedly, he show you the light, truth and the right way!

 Name: Jennifer
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Texas
 Time: 1999-03-22 13:16:11
 Comments: Dont you just love these people who tell you that they're preying (oops, praying) for
 you, but in the next breath damn you to Hell? Keep up the good site and definately keep reading,
 researching and questioning the fundies. Somehow you will save yourself from the Cult of Jesus.

 Name: Jadon Thibideaux
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Houston, Texas
 Time: 1999-03-16 22:56:40
 Comments: It stinks when Satan puts that veil over your eyes !!!! I will pray for I would
 consider it an honor to have you standing with me before the altar of God. Look closer at what you
 say closer, please!! Can you really afford not to believe what Jesus has told you??

 Name: Anne Tensley
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-03-15 21:41:01
 Comments: The bible is right all by itself. In the beginning God created ALL things. If you repent
 and ask Jesus into your heart and truely mean it you will be saved. If you then read your bible you
 will see things come to pass. Pray and ask God to open your heart and reveal things to you as you
 read the bible, and you will have no doubts. I truely thank God for saving me and allowing me to
 come to the knowledge of the truth. I would hate to die and go to hell whe I knew the truth and did
 not live it. Is it worth the risk? I pray that whoever reads this God will bless you with the

 Name: B.W. Holmes
 Website: Reasoned Spirituality
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-03-14 17:27:07
 Comments: Your site is well written, and you obviously have the knowledge to write with
 authority. What I've read so far is quite interesting; and I've bookmarked, so I can later complete
 my perusal of your homepage.

 Name: Ron Toon
 Website: n/a
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: West Chester, OH (20 mi. N of Cincinnati)
 Time: 1999-03-06 00:14:07
 Comments: Thanks for your page!! Nice to see some intelligence out there. Keep up the good

 Name: Mary
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Minnesota
 Time: 1999-03-05 14:20:21
 Comments: I've been where you were. I was a fundmentalist for several years and was never
 really happy in it because I never could measure up. Of course, I couldn't tell anyone how I felt
 because they would wonder if I was really "saved!" Anyway, it took me a lot of years and living to
 finally discard that belief system. I've been studying physics for a while now (I found your site
 through the Seth webring). The sad thing is, my mother is still very much a fundamentalist and lives
 in constant fear that Jesus will come back any minute and damn her children to hell because they
 have all "fallen away." This is a lousy way to live and I don't believe a God of love would want that
 for anyone. Thanks for having this site and don't let the negative comments of others get to you!

 Name: Marina Julia Petrowski
 Referred by: AngelFire
 From: The Twilight Zone!
 Time: 1999-03-03 18:41:25
 Comments: Thank God for people like you! My step-dad is a Southern baptist, and I'm sick and
 tired of his fire-and-brimstone sermons. I really wish I could nail him to the chair for a few hours
 and make him listen about the beauty of Deism and Humanism. Hugs, kisses, warm fuzzies,
 Marina, your very own Celto-Slavic Princess "No Salvation without Enlightenment!" "If God is for
 us, how do we know it?" "Bible--something people quote from when they have nothing original to

 Name: Donna
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: PA
 Time: 1999-03-03 18:33:58
 Comments: It was the writings of Dan Barker (on the web) that rescued me from 37 years of
 fundamentalism, so keep up the good work! I am now a happy Unitarian Universalist practicing an
 eclectic mixture of earth-based spirituality. The first principle of the UU faith states that we affirm
 the "worth and dignity of every person", therefore giving me the strength to be married to my
 fundamentalist husband, who is one of the non-obnoxious ones. Don't give up on your site -
 remember that fundies really do read them occasionally and some of it just may sink in.

 Name: Angel Moroni
 Website: Heaven
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: So long ago I forget.
 Time: 1999-02-28 20:32:04
 Comments: For shame, you wicked, wicked man you. Don't you know that the BIG man upstairs
 is going to get pissed off at you and cast you into the pit of fire and brimstone? (Don't that just
 scare the living :-) out of you?) I'm going to do you a great big favor. I'm going to 'make the sign of
 the cross' while I say a 'hail Mary' and get on my knees while facing east, kiss my 'star of David',
 my Bible and a copy of the Koran and hope that I have most of the bases covered while I light
 incense for Budha, on your behalf. This will allow you to live right up till the day you die, but not
 one day longer. One positive aspect, you will not go sooner.

 Name: Prembone
 Website: The Prembone Pages: Humor, Opinion, Parody, Satire
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: And why am I here? ;-)
 Time: 1999-02-28 17:01:24
 Comments: "Why bother debunking something you don't think is true?" asked one of your
 correspondents. Here's why: Because born-again Christianity, along with similar dogmatic religious
 movements, is harmful to the living of a happy, healthy, sane, humane life. Religion alienates us from
 "the world," from ourselves, from other people ("us-them" saved-unsaved dichotomy), and in short
 keeps us in a state of fear. Being afraid of one's world is no way to live. As I put on my Secular
 Paganist Page: "Loving the world and the things of the world, because reality keeps us sane."

 Name: Jade Frommer
 Referred by: Net Search
 From: Virginia
 Time: 1999-02-28 15:25:26
 Comments: I think this is a great page to show all those fundamentalists how it really is. But of
 course, they are not going to believe any of this great information because the bible says not to.

 Name: Sarah
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: SA
 Time: 1999-02-28 10:08:54
 Comments: Are you a Christian? Well - I can answer that - NO. Christians love JESUS and
 believe in HIM. Therefore we believe in the BIBLE and in John 3:3 it says that no one may enter
 the gates of Heaven if he/she is not born again. Friend, you are going to hell if you continue to
 believe what you have written here. I want to help you because it looks like you don't know how
 precious you are to GOD. He loves you soooooo much and I know it is breaking His heart to see
 this page that you have put up. GOD sent His SON - JESUS to save us and so that we might live
 forever with Him in Heaven. JESUS DIED FOR YOU!!! He was brutally nailed to a cross and a
 crown of thorns put onto HIS head. He suffered undescribable pain and torment caused by people
 He loved and did nothing to them except heal and perform miracles on them. I pray that you are
 touched by the Holy Spirit because only then will you believe the TRUTH. YOU WILL NOT GO
 to me - you are going to BURN in hell forever if you do not declare JESUS your Saviour and are
 born again.

 Name: brad
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-02-26 22:13:25
 Comments: I value your comments more than most because you have been down the
 fundamentalist road. I do believe in a higher power or God if you will but I am trying to find the
 truth about what God actually might be. I have learned so much more about the bible through sites
 such as yours than from the sanitized bible I read as a child. Your journey must have been a
 difficult one that caused you many sleepless nights. It is a lonely journey that must be made alone. I
 am learning that the temptation is to abandon your mind to save your soul but as of now I cannot
 do that. It seems that bible critics have read more of the bible than christians have. That is sad
 because the level of hypocrisy is so high amoung fundamentalists that it defies belief. Keep up your
 search for truth and keep showing what you have found. It helps people like me who try to get
 some type of balance in their thinking. Do you ever wonder if maybe the fundamentalists do receive
 some sort of special insights when they are born again? What else could explain such certainty of
 belief, such smugness,such calm indifference to overwhelming contradictions found in the true word
 of GOD? I have to wonder if maybe I just need to take a HUGE leap of faith and believe what
 they do to save myself from eternal torment that they seem so certain of. But that would be a lying
 to myself and I can't do that-at least now right now. I'm sure you have faced much rath yourself by
 taking the stance you do but I think in my heart that you are right. By the way, try for a really vicious condemnation of the NIV bible by a fundamentalist.
 Fascinating insight into the mind of a fundamentalist. Maybe all revolutions really do devour their
 own children. I would be interested in your comments on that anti-NIV site and your journey as a
 now condemned agent of Satan. (the fundamentalist argues against the NIV because it has
 CONTRADICTIONS! amazing!) Best Regards, Brad

 Name: Darrell Lucus
 Website: Planet Darrell
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Charlotte/Chapel Hill, NC
 Time: 1999-02-25 23:16:01
 Comments: I really like your site and can relate to a lot of what you say! Although I am a
 Christian, I hold certain views that would make a lot of my fellow born-agains give me the left foot
 of fellowship (I think inerrancy is horsecrap, for instance, and I'm also a card-carrying Democrat).
 If non-Christians and non-fundie Christians can join forces, we can put the religious right out of
 business. Keep up the good work!

 Name: Michai EL ( Michael Jeffrey )
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-02-22 14:37:12
 Comments: My blessings to you and all you love. I am glad that you are here doing the work that
 you do with this page. I know that you are drawing a lot of fire. Any time someone challenges an
 established system of belief, a ruckus is caused. I'll bet that you're glad that the legal burning for
 blaspheme has been outlawed, I know I am. You are on a path that can sometimes seem to be
 very arduous(?), but not as hard as the path you left. I too used to call myself Christian, but I left it
 so that I might more clearly follow the teachings of the Christed one. HE did not teach the religion
 of his followers, but instead taught that we were the children of the "MOST HIGH". WE are all the
 sons and daughters of GOD. There is only one LIFE, and we are part ot that LIFE. Keep on with
 you questions and look within for the answers, for HEAVEN and the kingdom of GOD are there.
 By the way, I really don't take too seriously the thoughts of those who do not even know the real
 name of the one they pray to. Jesus is a greek translation. WE ARE ONE IN THE LIGHT OF
 GOD THANK YOU for YOU Michael Michai EL

 Name: Victoria Peirce
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Leesburg,Va
 Time: 1999-02-22 10:23:09
 Comments: I loved your jokes, and have been a fan of Seth/Jane/Robert for many years, Vic

 Name: SATAN!!!!
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: California
 Time: 1999-02-19 18:08:32
 Comments: I really liked your site.I agree with what you have to say,totally!Fundamentalism is a
 very destructive religion which breeds hatred,bigotry, racism,HIPOCRICY,INTOLERANCE BIG
 TIME!!!I was in a relationship with a born-again christian and it almost worked.The bad part was
 that her family and friends in her church had complete and utter mind control over her.Sorry
 born-agains,there was never a world-wide flood,and you will NEVER find noah's ark,because it
 doesn't exist!I can only hope that someday that you will WAKE UP!!!!! Thanks for listening. Oh
 ya,any born again who wants to leave me a message go ahead and e-mail me.I always love to hear
 from uneducated, and brain-washed people.

 Name: Justin Case
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Colorado
 Time: 1999-02-16 22:20:39
 Comments: Found you on the Seth webring. Excellent site! Seth says and I agree that "God is All
 That Is". Sad for the fundementilist is that God can & will be vengeful and the devil if that is their
 desire. God will be whatever we believe God to be including our belief about His/Her/Its
 limitations. You have shown yourself to be on a higher plane of understanding God by recognizing
 the limitations of most religious beliefs about God. Seth said that every particle that exists has
 conciousness and everything together could be what we call God. Even the Bible says "I am the
 Lord thy God, there is no other" That to me means no other anything! It doesn't mean other gods
 or other beings, it means no other anything. All live in God! Thanks.

 Name: lotusnightowle
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: hmm...good question
 Time: 1999-02-16 03:06:12
 Comments: too odd that is all, I am not sure why I am here, but it is 3am and this is where I
 wandered in, I wonder why. Meanwhile, I sware I love this time of night. The feelings of spiritual
 awakenings are everywhere. Is it just my imagination, or are things really getting strange in the
 world of the night... I think existence is pondering the same question. Was darkness always this
 way, or was I just asleep through it all. I often wonder. Do you...

 Name: Jenny Bradac
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Great Lakes area
 Time: 1999-02-16 00:26:21
 Comments: Wow! Thanks for the education! Am some what speechless. Again, thank you for

 Name: Patrick Powell
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Michigan
 Time: 1999-02-15 13:00:42
 Comments: You receive plenty of these responses I'm sure. I'm truly sorry you were turned off by
 false brothers of Christ. My hope if that you return to the faith you once knew. There is a freedom
 out there is Jesus which you have thrown away for the foolishness of this world. You fell for a
 deception and now you are trapped. I'm sorry. My prayers will be for you and others who have
 left. Many of us have been hurt by Christians (or those who call themselves such). However, not all
 of us pursued righteousness apart from the Lord. God is merciful and will forgive and accept you.

 Name: Shirley C.
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Idaho, USA
 Time: 1999-02-09 11:25:47
 Comments: Congradulations on a very well done site !! BTW ... I believe that I have discovered
 the "antichrist" of modern times. I won't mention any names, but his initials are Pat Robertson! No
 one is better than he, in his ability to spread hatred! What really amazes me, is seeing the JOY that
 fundamentalist christians feel when thinking about the majority of the human race burning in Hell for
 eternity, while they themselves enjoy the bliss of Fundamentalist Heaven ... go figure.

 Name: Stan
 Website: Lessons The Never Taught You in Sunday School
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Cyberspace
 Time: 1999-02-03 15:28:49
 Comments: For God so "loved" the world that he drowned it once, promised to burn it in the
 future, and sent his illegitimate son to be a sacrifice (though losing nothing) to save only a few of the
 people living in what he said would be the last 20% of recorded history. This is the same son who
 said he would send out his armies of angels to murder everyone who did not share the opinion that
 he was god. What "love"?! It's such a scam. This is truly an interesting site. I found it when looking
 for others like my own. I am exchristian now, and got that way by studying the bibles more
 carefully. It's amazing how many things they hid from us in church -- quite a conspiracy. I'd like to
 link up if I may. Also, please feel free to visit my own site. TTYL!

 Name: Travis Miller
 Website: Logic and Atheism
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Ks
 Time: 1999-02-01 18:37:10
 Comments: Hey cat, check out my site.

 Name: A F Tyas
 Referred by: Yahoo!
 From: Arlington, VA
 Time: 1999-02-01 15:23:46
 Comments: I Absolutely loved your sight! I feel we have much in common. The Church nearly
 destroyed my life, and im still recovering from their abuse. Despite I still have some fear in me
 about going to hell Im slowly gaining the courage to question more and more, which is how your
 site is helping me. I trudged through all the abuse until the Bible-thumpers told me all the victims of
 the Halocaust are in hell burning with the Nazis that gassed them. After that, I had to leave. Now
 they say im going to hell as well. However, people like you are giving me courage to stand up to
 them aneir sickness, and I thank you for that. sincerely, Al Tyas

 Name: Summer
 Website: Fearless Females
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Cape Girardeau, MO
 Time: 1999-01-28 16:07:31
 Comments: I like your page, I think you might find mine interesting as well, and I invite you or
 anyone interested to post on my message board!

 Name: Stephen
 Website: havnt got one
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Perth, WA
 Time: 1999-01-27 06:58:23
 Comments: Enjoyed your site. Thank God I left Christianity ... and I mean that, because if it
 wasn't for God being who he is (a nasty, vengeful, hateful beast) I would still be a Christian today!

 Name: Jason
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Australia
 Time: 1999-01-17 23:04:50
 Comments: Here's another thing to sink your fangs in: and they have two
 e-mail addr.: and

 Name: Temy R. Beal
 Website: The Learning Place
 Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
 From: Ariton, Alabama
 Time: 1999-01-09 08:18:04
 Comments: Excellent site! I have found things here with which to improve mine. I plan to come
 back often and read your stuff.

 Name: ~kjyw
 Website: WILBURGIA!
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1999-01-08 11:34:10
 Comments: Join my E-mail list at or WebRing at
 or both
 ~kjyw the fallen


 Name: ~kjyw
 Website: WILBURGIA!
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: I'm just another Earthling, I'm afraid :-)
 Time: 1999-01-06 10:23:32
 Comments: There should be a lot more sites like this one. Humanity must learn and organized
 religion must be brought to extinction.
 Everyone killing in the name of religion or using religion to justify any action, should be summarily
 All churches should be burned.
 All fanatics should be lined up and shot ;-)
 Really, people should forget about Religion and take up Philosophy instead.
 The need to believe is a clear sign of weakness.
 ~kjyw the fallen ~j~

 Name: josh
 Website: Twisted Signs of Delusion
 Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
 From: TN
 Time: 1999-01-04 04:45:00
 Comments: mike, man, i love this page. i found it from your link in my guestbook. do you mind if i
 link you to mine? i'll put it on the linx page and my beliefs page... love it, keep it up. josh

 Name: Rudy Fortner
 Website: World Of Free Thought
 Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
 From: Texas
 Time: 1999-01-04 01:31:50
 Comments: Well,thanks for viewing my site..And your question about my html knowledge,well,i
 learn my self...I study how it works then i use it my self...Oh ya,About your mutural exchange of
 links to our sites...Ya,ill put you your page with my other links..No Problem. :-)

 Name: Jim Alfen
 Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
 From: CA
 Time: 1999-01-01 06:52:49
 Comments: Hi.

 Name: Don Hallstrom
 Website: Church Of Man
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: Moreno Valley, CA
 Time: 1999-01-01 03:22:41
 Comments: Excellent site. Will pass it on to friends and non-friends as well.

 Name: Brett Mahoney
 Referred by: AOL
 From: KY
 Time: 1999-01-01 00:00:14
 Comments: Thanks for truth uplift. I m a recovering fundementalists that need all the help I can.

 Name: Sharon
 Website: Cook Ministries
 Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
 From: Kansas
 Time: 1998-12-16 00:35:59
 Comments: I said I would visit. I don't agree with your views. The TRUTH will always win. We
 will soon know everything.


 December 31, 1998
 Thanks, Sharon for your comments. For readers who may not know, the YK2 above
 refers to the advent of the millenium - the year 2000 - and the alleged mass confusion (or
 worse) it will cause computers which may not be able to update from 1999 to 2000. There
 are varying degrees of beliefs from "some confusion" to "the end of the world as we
 know it" (TEOTWAWKI).

 I thinks its all bunch of poppycock. Well, Sharon - we have 366 more days to find out,
 don't we.

 On January 1, 2000 you may send your apologies to me at . I've already checked and my
 computer will update to 2000. What I'm worried about is whether it will update to the year


 PS - Very nice banner.

 Name: me
 Referred by: Geocities
 From: canada
 Time: 1998-12-15 21:32:46
 Comments: funny site:) keep up the great work!!!

 Name: Bret
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: South Florida
 Time: 1998-12-13 02:12:59
 Comments: I don't edit many comments but I can't resist this one from - of all people - a
 pastor - someone "knowledgeable" in the "Word of God'.

 Hello. An "unknown friend" sent me something that has your page address. As a Christian and a
 Pastor I do not agree with you. But I guess you expected me to say that, right?

 Sin existed before Christianity and the New Testament. There are NO contradictions in the
 Original Manuscripts of the Bible.

 NOTE:  Oooops! Hey Pastor - there are NO Original Manuscripts known to exist. Since there are
 NO Original Manuscripts, we have NOTHING to compare the copies of copies of copies
 to - to be sure the copies are accurate.

 And most of the ones in the translations are only "apparent contradictions." The fact that we have
 over 5,000 manuscripts in existence that have such a high degree of accuracy is itself a miracle.

 Sorry Pastor - first of all we don't know how accurate they are. Secondly, whether we
 have 5,000 copies or 20,000 copies, the only thing proven is that we have lots of copies.
 Nothing miraculous about that and there's absolutely no proof that the copies are
 accurate because (again) you don't have the original MSS to compare them to.

 But you have heard all of this before haven't you? :^ ) Salvation is a work of the Lord God
 Himself(Whom you call biblegod). All the discussing and arguing in the world is not convince you
 unless or until the Lord draws you unto Him. Yes we are sinners. And Christ Jesus, God
 manifested in the flesh came to Earth to die on the cross and rise again to pay, atone for the sins of
 those who believe. And unless a person is born again/regenerated they cannot see that or believe

 I only ask that you provide reasonable proof that what you have just stated is true. How
 about providing *reasonable* evidence that God (Yahweh) exists, that Jesus was his son
 and that Jesus died and arose after his death and by doing so redeemed the sins of the
 world and that the Bible is accurate historically with the claims it makes regarding the
 above events. Reasonable proof would be existing, unbiased, non-biblical, corroborating
 documentation that the events you described have actually happened.


 Name: Joan Tinsley
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: the south
 Time: 1998-12-12 17:57:57
 Comments: Just surfed in on to the non-religious page. Interested in intelligent discussion of how
 religion has affected and effected the life of humans. Will continue to examine your material. Looks
 very interesting. We really do need clarity in the matter or religions, gods, dieties, etc.

 Name: John 'The 435th Person of the Godhead' Mehlberg
 Website: My Silly Non-Christian Hope Page
 Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
 From: Saint Louis, MO USA
 Time: 1998-12-12 01:14:28
 Comments: I enjoyed your site & I have bookmarked it. I have just joined the errancy list & the
 ex-Christian web ring. I intent to put on my site pages that give a Christian reasons not be believe
 in Christianity. Does anyone out there also wish to be Non-Christian Apologists? I am gathering
 the knowledge & skill now & have been puting it into effect in my daily encounter with Christians.
 If this appeals to you contact me. We can all help & encourage one another. So come visit my site
 & sign my guest book.
 I just wish that more Christians would investigate the Bible to see if it is contrary to itself or has
 false prophecies.

 Always Agnostically & non-theistically yours,

 John 'Proverbs 31:6-7' Mehlberg


 Name: Barbara Büchner
 Referred by: Net Search
 From: Vienna
 Time: 1998-12-10 06:30:10
 Comments: Hi, I ´just spent four (!!) hours persuing your guest book (how about a contribution to
 my telephone bill?) and I was shocked by the way Christian fundamentalists reply to you. They do
 not have any other argument than "you say this because your are a foul sinner" or "poor thing, how
 daft you must be to think like that". These letters have convinced me more than anything you said
 that fundamentalism is a very immature form of belief and that it tends to make people hard-hearted
 and gives them the idea they are in some way superior. Apart from that, I think the entire
 discussion about errors in the bible is a bit silly. One triumphs claiming that God sits on a golden
 throne some 300 miles above our heads and the other triumphs in "debunking" that belief. Of
 course a library ("ta biblia") which consists of 76 books from over a thousand years will have some
 differences and errors. The Bible stems from different ages, different people, different theologys,
 some books are better, some worse (remember Martin Luther calling the Letter of James "an
 epistle of straw", f.i)Some, like the Gospels, are important to us, other, like Numeri or Leviticus,
 we could well do without. To me the Bible seems to be spiralling around the enigma of God,
 sometimes getting closer, sometimes farther away. Even fundamentalists say that the important thing
 is what happens in your heart, your relationship with the living Christ, but then they immediately
 return to "a belief in the infallible book which contains all the answers". They do not put their trust in
 Christ Jesus. They put their trust in the Bible that tells how to do everything right. P.S. I tried to
 contact some of those brave heralds of the truth but found out that many of them use false e-mail
 adresses. If you people aren´t honest enough to give your adress, why should I trust you in
 anything else?

 Name: Alton Mills
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: I hail fromSt.Thomas, the United States Virgin Islands
 Time: 1998-12-09 05:05:19
 Comments: Hi there I enjoyed reading the wonderfull stuff that you have posted . I think that it is
 imformation like this that will allow the world to progress at a reasonable pace eventhough
 christianity is smothering the growth of human advances. Let me just say this ; Christianity has
 climbed to the top of the ladder of all religions using terrorism and nobody seems to be paying
 attention to that paticular part of christianity. As a child you heard that if you do certain things god
 will punish you ,as an adult you are threatened with hellfire and burning for ever....coupled with the
 fear of dieing could flesh burn forever and not turn to ashes? YOU are deprived of a place
 in heaven if you are a sinner.....the bible is full of terrorist threat and folks just overlook all the
 stupidness in the bible and fail to see that it is that way to stampede folks into the christian faith.

 Name: Jason
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Australia
 Time: 1998-12-08 05:11:27
 Comments: My problems with Christianity are: We are condemned to hell as sinners. But hang
 on! I was born like it- I never chose to be born a sinner. I was also born a chronic asthmatic and I
 never chose that. We are born in sin, in a state of being cut off from God. Well that ain't my fault. It
 was God that put the soul into the ferlised egg that I came from. Jesus said,"Ask anything in my
 name & I will do it for you." So how come many sick people fail to recover, despite many
 christians praying for them? On Palm Sunday

 Name: Jason
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Australia
 Time: 1998-12-08 05:11:25
 Comments: My problems with Christianity are: We are condemned to hell as sinners. But hang
 on! I was born like it- I never chose to be born a sinner. I was also born a chronic asthmatic and I
 never chose that. We are born in sin, in a state of being cut off from God. Well that ain't my fault. It
 was God that put the soul into the ferlised egg that I came from. Jesus said,"Ask anything in my
 name & I will do it for you." So how come many sick people fail to recover, despite many
 christians praying for them? On Palm Sunday

 Name: Tom Lyon
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Michigan
 Time: 1998-12-01 06:02:12
 Comments: I'd like to first quote a passage from your page here: "The thrust of my comments is to
 show that the bible is not a book to be trusted to guide one's life. Nor are seasoned born-again
 Christians accurate or knowledgable with their teachings about salvation, born-againism, etc. They
 parrot what they've been taught. And what they've been taught is incorrect, inaccurate and
 unproven. And they in turn teach their falsehoods to others." In particular, the comment "Nor are
 seasoned born-again Christians accurate or knowledgable with their teachings about salvation,
 born-againism, etc. They parrot what they've been taught." I'm curious as to how you've obtained
 this knowledge? Did you individually analyze each and every believer or are you simply making a
 generalization and stating your opinion? I rather take offense to being labeled as a mis-guided
 parrot. I have not stooped to that level of criticism regarding your site here. But please, how about
 being honest and admitting you do not know the hearts of *many* of those that you criticize? I
 don't think fairness is only a biblical doctrine, is it?

 Name: Albee
 Website: n/a
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: The Mountains East of L.A.
 Time: 1998-12-01 03:36:41
 Comments: Good Evening. Thank you for this website. Whenever I think I Know something I can
 come here and investigate both sides of whateve the "issue" is. I am fascinated by this topic altho as
 has been mentioned numerous times in the other members' messages, I wonder WHY when the
 mere topic is one that, if God is everything that He's cracked up to Be, He must be completely
 bored by. As an ardent Anti-Fundamentalist I have just recently begun to wonder WHY I have
 such an investment in proving them "wrong". WHY should it even matter? While I (similarly)
 challenge your motives for this site, I am also grateful that it exists for my own "enlightenment", let's
 say. I love it that both "sides" of the "issue" have offered their commentary which proves that most
 people are like myself and that they just can't NOT address it here. :-). I, not that long ago, picked
 up a mag at Borders entitled "WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT?" which, as you might suspect, had
 a lot to do with various disciplines in finding and seeking "Truth". I was saddened by the letters to
 the editor which was tantamount to a host of "bashing" of the previous month's contributors and
 how "phony", "plastic" and "capitalistic" they were. In a venue that I considered "MY people" there
 was as much, if not more, discord to the portrayal of themes that were the antithesis of what it's
 readers were obviously looking for. So it doesn't even really matter, it seems to me, WHAT
 discipline you follow: Hard Line Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Seth, A Course in
 Miracles, Conversations With God, or Roman Catholicism (to name but a phew....); it's apparent
 that no one can get along. I think the way I try to live my life is best summed up in the saying that I
 will offer to Barbara from Vienna, Austria--thank you for the Buddhist Truth about the finger
 pointing at the moon line which I will now add to one of my email 'signatures'--in exchange: As
 soon as Virtue recognizes itself as Virtue, it IMMEDIATELY becomes a Vice." It appears--to me
 at least--that in all modalities of "spirituality" that it's not Live and Let Live, but rather Live and Let
 DIE and that is a sad commentary for people who are seriously trying to survive in a world they
 can't understand as they are marched off to the newest and latest "crusade" (Whatever FORM that
 takes) and told to follow along and do as I do. I have to imagine that God loves us regardless of
 what we believe and if anything I've read means anything at all to me, it's that Love is
 UNCONDITIONAL and that God is That Love no matter what "form" it comes in. I still love this
 site and have, believe it or not, really been put in my place as far as Judgement of Others goes and
 this has come, oddly enough, by those who have held and took the time to write in your
 guestbook, what I would have heretofore considered an "opposite" opinion to the one I hold as to
 the "issue", which I'm not sure I even understand what it is. Please Go In Peace and K.T.F., Albee
 Lake Arrowhead

 Name: Aetius Valens
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Somewhere in the corner, watching
 Time: 1998-11-21 16:16:22
 Comments: Well done! Nevertheless, I see that the greatest advantage in putting out information
 as you have is that those who wish to be free can get of view of some wider horizons. Let those
 others who choose to be slaves continue give thanks for their chains.

 Name: Garryck Osborne
 Website: ditto
 Referred by: Tripod
 From: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
 Time: 1998-11-19 05:38:13
 Comments: As a ex Jehovah's Witness who finally discovered Seth and found that the universe
 DOES make sense after all, I just wanted to congratulate you on your excellent effort in dispelling
 fear and superstition! Keep up the good work!

 Name: Richie
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: L.A.,California
 Time: 1998-11-14 07:32:17
 Comments: Although most of this info is quite familiar to me, I will have my recently born-again
 family read it. Having been written by a former member they may open their tightly clamped eyes
 and minds just a little bit (but I won't get my hopes up). Oh well, thank you anyway for making the
 effort to educate with you're personal experience.

 Name: Steve
 Website: Sorry
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Detroit
 Time: 1998-11-14 05:45:07
 Comments: I,m sorry that you dont believe the Word of God. The Bible is a book written from
 God to man totally inspired by God. The problem is if your heart is not right or your motives are
 wrong you will never understand his word. Many people as even seen in your quest list turned from
 what thy once knew. You all might as well admit it that the reason you once believed and now dont
 is becouse you fell into sin. Once you fall into sin you feel condemed. The thing is to turn away
 from sin and not continue in it. See sin seperates us from God. Thats why we have so many
 seemingly crule examples in the Bible. It was becouse our own doings and not Gods that the
 punishments occured. Believe me if you dont turn back to God you may find youselves in the same
 predicament. We must understand that we are human and we have the ability to fall. The thing is
 we need to pick ourselves back up again and return to God. If not we end up getting decieved as
 most that have entered the quest room has. I have not been taught by man, but by his word and by
 the Holy Ghost. You cant tear down a solid foundation which is Christ Jesus. The Bible is a book
 about faith and until you act upon it you will never recieve it. Dont continue to try to decievingly pull
 people into your deceptions. I pray you turn back to God. Never has man been able to prove one
 thing in the Bible as being false and they never will. Thats why it say's let God be true and every
 man a liar. I plead the Blood of Jesus against all decievers in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

 Name: BarbaraSA
 Referred by: AOL
 From: New York
 Time: 1998-11-14 04:25:02
 Comments: WHAT IF: Jesus did die for our sins and the Bible is the Word of God, and the only
 way to the Father is through the Son? We have free will to follow the only living God. If you are
 not 100% sure that He is not the Savior, then please pray and read the Bible. God will lead you to
 the truth. I know He lives and I reap the joy of it every day. The joy is more than spiritual as it
 often manifested in the secular way too, providing guidance in the decisions of my everyday life and
 the knowledge that He will provide for me. I'm so sorry that so many people miss this same joy
 and peace. I'm not sure I qualify as a fundamentalist. I'm a Christian and a child of God. I follow
 Him and no one else. Thank you.

 Name: Barbara Büchner
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Vienna, Austria
 Time: 1998-11-10 18:11:58
 Comments: Hi! I agree with david who signed your guestbook earlier on: There´s an awful lot of
 material on all sorts of cults, but none on the fundamentalist churches. So your website really stands
 in the gap.I´m happy I found you. And remember the old Buddhist truth: "If the finger points at the
 moon, only a moron would worship the finger." Good luck to you all, bb

 Name: Eric Harrington
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Greensboro, NC
 Time: 1998-10-30 19:50:20
 Comments: Great site. I appreciate your tone in talking with fundamentalists - not abusive, from
 what I saw. I'm going to search thru your site in more detail when I have the time. Note: I got here
 by surfing in on the Freethought ring. What a great invention!

 Name: Anonymous
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1998-10-26 22:21:28
 Comments: Ex-United Pentecostal

 Name: Joan Tinsley
 Website: don't have one yet
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Louisville, KY
 Time: 1998-10-21 16:56:31
 Comments: Will be visiting your page again. I hope to build a webpage of my own someday.
 Please keep up the good work. I hold no belief in organized religion. It does not help it only

 Name: Greg Bourque
 Referred by: Net Search
 From: Sanford, Maine
 Time: 1998-10-18 19:33:59
 Comments: Please show a picture of evolution portraying the complete body structure (skin
 should be included, too). Thank you for your time.

 Name: David
 Referred by: Net Search
 From: Britain
 Time: 1998-10-17 14:42:20
 Comments: ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT WEBSITE! As an ex-fundy, I am very worried
 about the lack of sites dealing with Christain fundamentalism. While therea re thousands dealing
 with JWs, Mormons, etc, there are so few that confront the claims of Christian fundys. So it was
 so good to find this site and an excellent links page. Much needed - 10 of 10! Keep up the good
 work, Strike (David)

 Name: lokkust
 Website: the horde of lokkust
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1998-10-07 17:59:58
 Comments: The sheep think they need a shepherd to guide them because they're afraid of the Big
 Bad Wolf. They don't realize THEY ARE the Big Bad Wolf... I enjoyed your page. Nicely done.
 It's nice to see people who seek a true path of understanding without any spirtitual interference.
 Reality is sometimes hard to swallow, but it's better to live and see things in a true light, than to live
 in a clouded path of ignorance.

 Name: Poet Hades
 Website: Poet Hades
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1998-09-18 12:54:11
 Comments: Interesting. Some of your material, I agree with, some I don't. One thing I will agree
 with, though. The way that many in the Christian community practice and especially present the
 faith has, in my opinion, been weighed in the balance and found wanting. Poet Hades

 Name: John
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1998-09-16 05:16:25
 Comments: Lisen, I want you to know that mainstream chistianity never floated my boat. I want
 you to be subject to you own principles and check out my belief. It's the Apostolic Doctrine..(The
 actual belief in only ONE GOD) E-mal me when you can. John

 Name: i am min
 Referred by: AOL
 From: CA
 Time: 1998-09-15 08:34:04
 Comments: i sent an e-mail. i enjoyed scanning your web-site. i believe in an all-powerful
 all-knowing god just and fair. one who does not choose one religion over all else. i guess i believe
 in a secret world religion in which only compassionate loving christ-like people of any background
 are members. poets writers and the bible talk about how the eye is the window to the heart or soul.
 the compassionate eye will know between friend or enemy. i find only 1 in 10 christians who are
 christ-like and 1 in 20 church leaders who are christ-like. even in toddlers i find inherrantly mean or
 kind personalities. i believe in an eventual heaven reserved for only compassionate loving christ-like
 people of any religion or no religion. i picture hell as being the shadow of god where everyone else
 will be thrown into. when hell finally freezes over for good the party will begin.

 Name: Ron
 Website: Don't have one yet.
 Referred by: AngelFire
 From: Phx, Arizonia
 Time: 1998-09-11 17:16:27
 Comments: Pretty interesting points to ponder,,Will have to go over this again,,I am also into
 historical facts,,Pretty neat web page,,I'll be back. Ron

 Name: Wolfie
 Website: In the Spirit
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 Time: 1998-09-09 17:00:20
 Comments: I LOVE THIS PAGE! Thank you! I have a big issue with the way "Christianity" is
 practiced. I agree with you and I will look back on this page often. Many many people have died
 in the name of "christianity" Innocent people who were healers were hanged, condemned. I also
 feel it is a religion of power and control and fear. I believe GOD is all there is. I believe God is
 LOVE. I believe all else is an illusion we have created to EXPERIENCE and return to love. We
 are on a playground - experiencing - God IS experiencing THRU us. How do we CHOOSE to
 experience? We are the masters of our lives and we create our reality. We are all Godlings. If one
 feels they will die and Expect Judgement - SO BE IT - THAT will be their reality. For me
 personally, however, I choose a different reality. We create our Reality. As you believe, SO IT IS.
 I believe Unity is a wonderful church which practices what Jesus was trying to teach. However, for
 those of you that LOVE Fundamental Christianity - Love your Beliefs - Love believing you have
 been 'saved' - Love the belief that we are all 'sinners' , To each is own. Truly! It is all about
 perception. LOVE TO ALL!!!!! Namaste!!!!

 Name: George Lennan
 Website: The Church of Nothing At All
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: UK
 Time: 1998-09-09 15:39:30
 Comments: Nice page fella. We're still only 1% the strength of the religious nuts on the web, but
 thats for the best. It means the silent majority of freethinkers just don't care about religion, and that
 suits me.
 by the way, I came here through the Unholy Bible Webring. Thought you'd like to know.

 Name: Wayne Harrington
 Referred by: From a Friend
 Time: 1998-09-04 14:30:15
 Comments: Your positions are well stated. Wayne

 Name: Tom
 Website: The Third Millenium
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Philadelphia PA
 Time: 1998-08-08 22:21:59
 Comments: Sorry, I mispelled 'Angel' when I signed your guestbook before.

 Name: Tom
 Website: The Third Millenium
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: Philadelphia PA
 Time: 1998-08-08 22:17:41
 Comments: You have done a good job in explaining what is wrong with 'fundamentalist'
 Christianity. Excellent web site. 'Imagine' is one of my favorite songs. Peace.

 Name: Tom Lyon
 Website: hmm..home page?
 Referred by: From AngelFire
 From: Sears, MI
 Time: 1998-08-08 07:15:36
 Comments: Interesting site, but I question your motives for such a site. Maybe the Christians
 *are* all wrong. Maybe they are right. Or maybe no one will ever know. Personally, I have to
 wonder why one would devote such time and energy into trying to debunk a belief system such as
 you appear to be accomplishing here. If I have misinterpreted your efforts, then please correct me.
 Wouldn't it be more appropriate to espouse the virtues of your own system of beliefs (for lack of a
 better word)? Offer people an alternative, and they will listen. But to only condemn another's
 choice of beliefs serves no benefit. I'm guessing you don't personally know many Christians, at
 least not Christians as I would define the word. If you did, you would not feel threatened by them
 or their beliefs and feel the need to try to debunk their belief system. You'd tolerate their diversity.
 But here, what I see, and maybe I have not perceived it all enough to offer this opinion, but I
 *think* I am seeing a lot of finger-pointing and condemnation of other's belief systems, which, I
 believe, is what you might most detest about Christianity in general. Doesn't this inconsistancy bite
 back at you? I'm not one to point a finger at anyone in particular but I feel like I must point out
 inconsistencies when I see them. I'll entertain all comments and questions you might have if anyone
 would like to discuss things further.

 Name: Jamie
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: Connecticut, USA
 Time: 1998-08-06 04:43:56
 Comments: Interesting site. Often I have seen so-called "born again" christians who had no
 knowledge of the bible and who just felt a spiritual need. They then chose Christianity because is
 was familiar to them from childhood and they felt a spiritual need. But, more often, I have seen
 these people choose this is such a self-serving manner. They are much more concerned with
 "saving" themselves then others. I am sure not in all cases, but in many cases they seem more
 concerned with their own salvation than other's. My personal beliefs are still forming at 40 yrs. of
 age, but I know that if I believed that anyone who did not believe what I believed would suffer
 eternal damnation, it would be a respnsiblilty that I would HAVE to devote my life to. Damn!
 Eternity is a long time!!! Thanks for the site. I will come back again to read a few more pages.

 Name: Jamie
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: Connecticut, USA
 Time: 1998-08-06 04:39:55
 Comments: Interesting site. Often I have seen so-called "born again" christians and saw similar
 reasons for it as you have delineated. But, more often, I have seen these people choose this is such
 a self-serving manner. They are much more concerned with "saving" themselves then others. I am
 sure not in all cases, but in many cases they seem more concerned with their own salvation than
 other's. My personal beliefs are still forming at 40 yrs. of age, but I know that if I believed that
 anyone who did not believe what I believed would suffer eternal damnation, it would be a
 respnsiblilty that I would HAVE to devote my life to. Damn! Eternity is a long time!!! Thanks for
 the site. I will come back again to read a few more pages.

 Name: TM
 Website: n\a
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: USA
 Time: 1998-08-01 17:40:07
 Comments: Sorry to see such a fundamentally flawed and simplistic explanation of "born again"
 and fundamentalism. The process of 'spiritual' formation and development attained by hearing the
 story of Christ has shaped the concepts of freedom, open-mindedness and morality that protects
 your site from being turned off and permitting those opposed to you from being shot. The reality of
 people becoming loving people, open and sharing permitted western culture to advance to a place
 where "corporate" or corporations and other societies could form NOT based solely on familial
 relations (tribes) etc. This advanced spiritual training and conceptual reality is what you so hastily
 attack due to some anger or misinformation you possess. I hope you rethink your philosophy and
 theology and explore again the real message of spiritual transformation through denial of the
 narcistic ego and development of the spirit of man that can transcend "carnal" lusts and attain
 aesthetic heights of love, sacrifice, trust, loyalty and vision and purpose beyond oneself. Wish I had
 more time to develop these thoughts in a more organized fashion. You are incorrect in depicting
 Born again as simply a form of indoctrination. THere is really a God and a Spirit that can move and
 communicate to man's spirit. Good luck in your search for God and truth, but attacking others you
 don't fully understand, or who possess a simpler understanding of the beautifully complete and
 complex process of spiritual development and transformation will not help you find that truth. Your
 own anger and animosity fueling your energy to maintain this site blinds you to your own needs for
 the things Christ teaches. READ what he says, and don't view it through the glasses you portray on
 your site, where you fear indoctrination by reading the Bible. THink of it as a compilation of
 writings of learned men who observed what life had to offer, and without the disciplines of
 psychology or science, did a good job of preserving those truths so that we can still learn from
 them today.. T M

 Name: Brian
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: CA
 Time: 1998-07-28 06:09:45
 Comments: Well thought out page. You address fundamentalist thinking in a simple and straight
 forward manner. (not that any fundamentalist would care!) I would like to add one comment
 however. Any religion, be it Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,or the great white buffalo can be a valid
 way to experience the mystery of the unknown if you don't get caught up in the historacity of the
 religion. Focus on the myth. Every one needs something to follow, be it religion, the state, or
 hormones. It seems that exploring the teachings of the worlds religions and myths, and not
 following dogmatically one or the other, is perhaps the most healthy approach.

 Name: A Sister in Christ
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: BCTC
 Time: 1998-07-21 05:27:07
 Comments: Well, i know I came here from the e-mail that you sent me... faith is just such a hard
 concept to take in , isn't it. Since you appear to know the Bible more than I do(Bible college?) I
 won't try to argue HERE about any of the things that you have written..although I have some ideas.
 I just feel so sorry that you were so on fire for God in the beginning and then turned your back on
 him in the end. Some of your ideas seem familiar. Would you know a person who's sn was
 Athiest904? Anyway, I think I remember your sn from the mail that you sent(the subject was about
 Lady0424). My screen name is Ponine16. put me on your bl and we'll have a debate sometime(if
 you aren't up to your ears in debates already).

 Name: japheth
 Website: muddlewump's wigwam
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: ny
 Time: 1998-07-20 15:28:19
 Comments: i'm very sorry that you feel this way about christianity. i hope one day that someone
 reaches out to you and shows you the light. God bless you. JaPhETh

 Name: Karen Cheng
 Referred by: From a Friend
 From: Pennsylvania
 Time: 1998-07-20 14:55:32
 Comments: this webpage is great!

 Name: tim
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In
 From: vermont
 Time: 1998-07-18 17:11:38
 Comments: This article brings out some good points. I personally think that the bible has some
 fallacies. I believe that if you love the Lord, the Almighty. I'm talking about loving God with
 your-outmost heart, not quoting scriptures and bible-thumping, or going to church every Sunday.
 You can train a non-believer (matter of expression) to do that. The heart is the divine-soul yearn to
 seek Christ's blessings and forgiveness. The only truth is Jesus Christ. I think we spend wasteful
 amount of time proving/debating the Bible is the truth. When we as Christians could be and need to
 be helping/ and praying for the sick and the needy to glorify His name . We need to be more
 visible; not hiding in a church and or behind a culpit. Think about it!. A hour spent debating on who
 is right over the bible is time could of been spent with a lost soul. We all are a bunch of hypocrites.
 That's the truth.

 Name: Mary Ann
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: VT
 Time: 1998-07-18 15:35:35
 Comments: Your comments are well thought out. I appreciate the time you've spent relaying them.
 I do agree witth you on one point. That either a person believes there is a God Almighty, or a
 person believes there is not. And if a person chooses to believe that there does in fact exist a God
 Almighty,, then they are forced to believe that they themselves are not HIM. If I have
 misintrepreted your point of view, please let me know. I'd like to be clear on your bottom line.
 Take Care.... Mary Ann

 Name: Andrew DeMers
 Website: For The Cross Ministries (Q&A's)
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: New York State
 Time: 1998-06-09 20:01:08
 Comments: Greetings! Respectfully, whoever you are sir/ma'am. You are incorrect regarding your
 views concerning the inerrancy of the Bible/God, and the "fundamentals of orthodox Christianity.
 You sound very much like someone who has been hurt by the Truth, which supports the phrase:
 "The truth hurts." Indeed it does in many cases. I study Christian apologetics, and if you have any
 knowledge at all of the meaning of this term, you know that it means "defense", and in this case of
 the Christian faith. You have made comments regarding "inconsistancies and errors" in the Bible. I
 say without reservation, that this is untrue. I respectfully challenge your views. I pray that God will
 truly reveal Himself to you. In Jesus Name I pray, Andrew DeMers ANDREW - THE ERRORS,

 Name: Dogg
 Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
 From: Minnesota
 Time: 1998-06-08 19:26:14
 Comments: Hey Mike,Your Webpage is a compendium of "freethought", yet, it is filled with the
 close mindedness that you attribute to Christians. You are one of the vain philosophers that is
 spoken about by the apostle Paul in the New Testament. Your logic is circular, and your sources
 are all anti-religion or anti-God sources. I highly doubt from reading your page that you are doing
 anything except spewing forth the hogwash of the writers you reference. Have you ever studied
 Greek? How about Hebrew? Have you read any actual source documents that support your
 position? Have you read any 1st century Greek or Hebrew scriptures? Or do you just take the
 word of these "freethinkers"?Hey Buddy, if you truly want to be a freethinker, ask GOD to reveal
 Himself to you, learn the greek and the Hebrew, and read the scripture for yourself. Ask God to
 reveal Himself to you through His Word, without any outside influences. At least look at all of your
 options. As you read the scripture, read the koran, the pentayteuch, other ancient documents.
 While reading all of these texts, ask God to reveal Himself to You. I promise, you will find the God
 of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament, and he loves you and wants you to
 become a new creature. ************************************************
 EDITOR'S COMMENTS *************************Hi Dogg - Thanks for the comments.
 Having been a born-again fundie for some 20 years, I could only be amused at your
 close-mindedness remark. As far as studying the Quran, the Pentateuch (1st 5 books of the Bible),
 etc. I did a great deal of that during the 4 years I spent in Bible college. Also read a good number
 of books by atheists and agnostics during that time and later. Regarding the study of Greek and
 Hebrew - if biblegod requires this to understand his convoluted word, then he defeats his purpose.
 The scriptures are allegedly perfect and should be perfectly understandable without having to be a
 scholar in languages or even studying them. I'm always amazed at the what fundies THINK they
 know about me without knowing anything about me. You apparently also assume I have never
 asked "god" to reveal himself to me. I have come to the conclusion that fundies are masters of
 assumption as well as believers in complete faith (blind belief in an unknown). Had you actually
 read my website, your comments would not have been what they are. At least be honest and admit
 you didn't read it in its entirety because we both know that's the
 truth!************************************************************ Mike

 Name: Kristopher Bowman
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: Princeton, West Virginia
 Time: 1998-06-07 08:30:29
 Comments: Living right on the iron-clad buckle of the Bible Belt, it is most refreshing and
 stimulating to read the idea exchange of other atheists. As I am so often in the position of defense
 for my lack of beliefs, and usually the only participant in a religious discussion with any intelligent
 and informed insights, it is rewarding to see that there are other atheists out there. To be able to go
 online and share in the experience of other atheists, especially ones that are well read in Scriptural
 matters and its inherent contradictions is very valuable because it proves to me that atheists
 everywhere engage in the same sort of ideological tug-of-war with fundmentalists and born again

 Name: A
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-06-07 07:43:18
 Comments: Not being of the fundy mentality....I use my mind, and knowing the contradictions in
 the bible and the horrors that have been perpetrated in the name of Jesus Christ, I find that there
 are times when doubt creeps into my thoughts, and I feel a bit lost and afraid.... I will not try to
 convert you, as they do, only let you know that you have done the homework you needed to
 do....and have created a site that anyone who thinks would be eager to explore....It is well written
 and well thought out. .It has been a pleasure to read your work, and find someone who is as
 thoughtful about religion as I am. Blessings to you from whatever god or gods you believe in.

 Name: Annie
 Referred by: From LinkExchange
 Time: 1998-06-07 02:23:28
 Comments: A very well put together compendium of all that is wrong with Christianity.....and I am

 Name: Tobias Moran
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Indiana
 Time: 1998-06-05 21:22:44
 Comments: The Bible says that when one leaves his or her salvation, it's like a dog returning to its
 DIMENSIONS" Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Name: Sonny K
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: ' God ' only knows !
 Time: 1998-05-30 08:07:24
 Comments: Did not have time to read all of the 'stuff' the first time here but find it most interesting.

 Name: Joe
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Florida
 Time: 1998-05-25 03:41:27
 Comments: The Holy Bible speeks of false witnesses and people who will decieve many, this site
 my friend, i believe is one of those. When quoting scriptures, the ENTIRE scripture should be
 quoted. this site is set up to 'cause people to doubt their Faith. If someone who hasn't ever read
 any of the Bible sees this site, all they read is what you show them and almost instantly has a
 unpositive outlook on GOD and Christianity altogether. The contridictions you show, show only
 that scripture and nothing prior or after that, only what you chose to show, this completely destorys
 the whole reason GOD chose to do the things he did the way he did and the way he did them. If
 you would like E-mail me and i'll be more than happy to share with you the true meaning the
 Bible.GOD Bless you.

 Name: M. Petersen
 Website: A Little Bit of Personal Space
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: AZ
 Time: 1998-05-20 07:33:01
 Comments: Hi...I really like this site ALOT. Whether a person agrees or disagrees with your
 views, there is no arguing that you have done your homework. Thanks for posting your thoughts!

 Name: Christie
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: Sarasota, FL
 Time: 1998-05-13 23:10:20
 Comments: I am a Christian. I did however, appreciate your well thought out arguments. There is
 hope for you yet. However, as to your argument about the "out of context" quotes, read John 14.
 Here, you can read the answeres to all your questions. Realizing that you have probably already
 read it, I need to say that until you view the Bible with an open mind and heart, you will never
 understand. It is throughfaith alone that I am saved and experience the true God in my daily life. I
 will honestly be praying for you and hope that you will visit my home page when I open it. Thank
 you, God bless.

 Name: Caleb Batey aka Calebic
 Website: Philotheosian Ministry Homepage
 Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
 From: Goodlettsville, Tennessee
 Time: 1998-05-10 12:13:09
 Comments: Greetings. I have read your arguments over the fallacy of bornagain fundamentalism,
 particularly the contradictions of the Bible by Donald Morgan. I have found numerous fallacies in
 His arguments, and I will address each and every so-called contradiction on my webpage. If you
 wish I can email you an attachment after I am finished. Please let me know. By the way I love a
 good debate :-). Have peace and be well.

 Name: Laurie
 Referred by: From AngelFire
 From: Montana
 Time: 1998-05-09 21:22:33
 Comments: Mike~ Hello. I am writing to you not to point a finger and say that you are wrong and
 I am right, or that I am wrong and you are right. In reading your homepage I just ran across
 somethings that I wanted to comment on. I am no authority by any means and I have never claimed
 to be. One of the things you wrote said that Christians are trained to stay with others who belive
 the same so many words. You made it sound as though Christians are trained to
 speak, look at and converse only with believers of the same thing.... I am not sure if that was your
 intention, but I mayself do not feel that way, Jesus himself didnt hang out with only the disciples He
 was with the people of the world who needed to know Him....sinners, we are all sinners even after
 being saved, which in a sense sounds almost hopeless, if you want to chose to see it that way, I
 guess my views on it are this, if I believe the word of God, it doesn't make me a bad person and
 vice versa, but if in my life I strive to be as the Bilbe descibes a Christian.. "Christ-like" am I not
 leading a life that others will see and possibly want for themselves.... I am not one to Shove my
 beliefs down anothers throat, I think that a persons life style and actions speak volumes above
 what our mouths do, I feel I live a good life, that doenst mean it is w/o error or my fair share of
 problems, but I think the basis of Christianity is HOPE, and if we have nothing to hope for in life
 than what is the purpose.... we need that hope of eternity to make it through this modern day
 world.... it is hard to imagine not having any sort of hope in anything.... sounds very empty to me. I
 am a normal human being, I mess up I make mistakes, I hurt others unintenionally but I also have
 HOPE that one day there will be more to life than what is in front of me and if there by some
 chance is not, than I have lived a full , pleasing life and I have left it with the love of friends and
 family and a HOPE of eternal life. I respect your point of view and I can see your doubts and
 contradictions, I guess I am not one to pick things apart, dont get me wrong I dont accept
 everything for face value either, I guess it is just a balance. My beliefs and others/your beliefs does
 not stop me from having friends that are not like believers some of my best friends arenot believers
 in what I believe but they know my stand and the respect that and I do the same, If one day I
 change my mind or they change theirs... GREAT but in the meantime I dont let it dictate my
 relationships with others!! Life is to precious to exclude people from your life for petty reasons,
 although the thought of eternity without them breaks my heart, the end decision is not mine to make
 it is theirs, and I just live the way I do and pray that they see in me somthing they would desire,
 lifestyle is an excellant witness without being overly radical, you can never have to many friends, I
 dont know if I have made any sense at all, but I feel as though I have explained a little to you on
 why I believe what I do. Thanks for your time and your point of view I am sure it is an eye-opener
 to many!! Have a Good one!! Laurie

 Name: Lin
 Website: ///////////////
 Referred by: Xoom
 From: USA
 Time: 1998-05-09 08:45:31
 Comments: You poor thing,,,,,I can understand that things happen in a persons life to turn them
 away from God, for we all want to blame Him when something goes wrong ,,,but you..I think
 made a conscience decision.... You must of never had a heart changing experience with Him. You
 seem to be so busy trying to prove His non existance, or what ever it is your'e trying to prove, that
 you have been deceived. You're too scientific,,,always having to have tangability,...It's easier not to
 believe that He is,than to believe He is... "THINGS" we see and touch we understand,,,spiritual
 things are hard,it frightens us because we do not always understan. but,,,,,if there is no God, then
 why are there 2 forces,,,,good and evil? The very fact that people try to prove that He is not,,,, for
 so many yrs, proves that He is...He's the only one in History that has been fought over and about.
 I'm not an educated person, no fancey words, but I can tell you this,,,,,I am a born again child of
 God,,,,I have felt His presence many times,,,,,He has changed me,,because I chose to be
 changed,,,I was smart enough to know I needed Him,,,,I allowed His spirit to come inside of me. I
 wish you would allow the same....He's wonderful and you're missing out on such love..... You may
 consider me a weak person, I am,,,I'd hate to think I had to face this world every day by myself
 with out His wisdom to guide me. I'm thankful for my weaknesses for in those, He is strong.....I
 feel you are an intelligent man in other areas, & for that I admire you,,,,but as far as
 Christianity,,,,you are ignorant,, I mean you no insult or harm what so ever,,but, you are to the
 spirit realm where He is concerned.. What could of possibly happend between you and God to
 turn you away from Him? I really feel for you,,,I hurt inside for people who don't believe how
 Wonderful He truely is.and I will pray for you,,,I'm not gonna quote you scritures for you probably
 know them better than I, but I will tell you that He loves you even if you don't believe in Him...He
 died for you as He did for everyone else,,,remember,,,, saten is the God of THIS world, and God
 is the God in His. Christians don't have all the answeres,,,and not all people who claim to be
 Chhristians are,,,,not all people who go to church are Christians..... Try to re think on these matters
 and ask Him to show you the way. Be open minded....There is a possiblility that you could be
 wrong,,,,,and if you are,,,you have a lot to loose,,,If I'm wrong,,,,what have I lost? nothing but an
 eternity in a burning hell... What do you believe in? What do you worship? Worship is inbred in all
 human beings....PLEASE take a chance on God,,, I'd like to see you in Heaven...........You take
 care my friend,,,,like it or not,,,,,God loves you very much..............

 Name: Written in the book of life
 Website: Im only passing through
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: Adam and Eve
 Time: 1998-05-09 07:17:33
 Comments: He that is in me is greator than he that is in the world, praise God. By the way, Jesus
 is God, read John 1:1 and John 1:14. Bummer you claim to be athiest because there is no such
 thing, you are simply rejecting God in order to pursue your insatiable lusts of your wicked ways. I
 challenge any athiest to take a lie detectors test. When asked if there is a God and they say no,
 100% are found with their pants on fire. I dont need to prove God to you, God doesnt require it of
 me, but as for me and my house, we will offend the world and please the Lord (Kurios/greek).
 Again, Jesus is God, accept Him or reject him, you whine about having free will or 'choice', well
 here you go, God is giving it to you. He desires that NONE should parish, but that ALL would
 have everlasting life, but you must say YES. For behold, I stand at the door and knock... Your

 Name: Jack
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-05-08 15:59:57
 Comments: Sir,Im not intrested in why you left the Christian faith. The bible says that sum would.
 Your just proving the writen word in 1 Timothy 4:1 it says "Now the Spirit expresly says that in
 latter times, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to diciving spirits and doctrins of demons."
 I'm a minister, and my ministrey is primarly focused to deliverence. I hold siminars what to teach
 the body of Christ about what the demonic realm. The church is ingnorent concerning the things of
 the sprit relm, the devil has dicived us for long enough. I beleive in these last days, God is going to
 poor out His Sprit, and set the captivs free. And the good news for you is, His mercy will extind to
 you also, If you'll just call on His name. Jesus is Lord, weather you like it or not. Jack, Heaven
 Sent Ministreys. Note from Mike (Webmaster) I has met da enemy. And he am illiterate!

 Name: Hoyt Koepke
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: Boulder, Colorado
 Time: 1998-05-07 13:45:14
 Comments: I have read your comments on the Bible, and what you think of it. Indeed, 1
 Corinthians 1:18 really describes you. I took a look at the contradictions you mentioned, went
 through and refuted like the first five, and got board. I see you treat the Bible like a salad bar,
 taking only what you want and ignoring the rest. However, please visit to see
 just how transcending the Bible is above erronious human reason. Too bad. When you look
 through the Bible, it is like looking through a dirty window at God. You have to clean all the dirt of
 human invented doctrines off of it before you can see God. Don't get discouraged - looking
 through the brick wall beside it is even tougher. Thanks, Hoyt Note from Mike (the webmaster)
 Hoyt - Thanks for stopping by - there are probably close to 300 contradictions,
 inconsistencies and errors listed on my site. I can't help but wonder why you stopped
 "refuting" after five of them. You said you became "board". Maybe you meant "bored".
 With your grasp of the English language, your refutations are suspect. As for the dirt of
 human invented doctrines, I can only say its unfortunate that you hold yourself and your
 reasoning in such low esteem. The bible is, after all, a result of human invented doctrine.
 And Hoyt, finally, stop trying to see through that brick wall! I don't think it will work!

 Name: K Cunni
 Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
 Time: 1998-05-02 21:28:52

 Name: David
 Referred by: From AngelFire
 From: Maryland
 Time: 1998-04-26 17:57:49
 Comments: Thanks for the info. Have had many questions. info answered a lot of questions.

 Name: JaYson Wilburg
 Website: Wilburgia!
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: The Kingdom
 Time: 1998-04-24 07:19:58
 Comments: I'll sure link to your page when I can!
 I'm moving Wilburgia to Geocities and that will take time, and it's not yet open (most stuff is still
 only in the carelia-server, which may have caused the slowness) but my gallery is ready for visitors
 already. Check it out if you will. Wilburgia can be found thru it as well, even better in the future.


 Name: Bob
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: Dana Point, California
 Time: 1998-04-21 21:12:06
 Comments: I like your story. It takes brains and guts to question years of religious indoctrination.
 Most people (the Fundies) can't think for themselves and they turn into Christ Happy Assholes!
 These promoters of the "Dead Man on a Stick Cult" just can't COPE with reality! Everything is
 either "evil" or "Godly". When they come to my door I usually get rid of them by saying "Jesus can
 take pictures while I dog fuck his mother". They take off running!! All religion is false,I yell! All! No
 exceptions! THINK GODDAMMIT!! Jesus is just a dead jew and Mohammad is just another
 dead arab. (although now many scholars now actually believe that Jesus wasn't a 'historical'
 person) Later...Bob

 Name: Tom Ebacher
 Website: Red River Freethinkers
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Kensington, MN
 Time: 1998-04-19 20:29:03
 Comments: Great site. I have enjoyed seeing your links and reading about your search for truth.
 You have come to the same conclusion I have. I also was raised in a religious family and had some
 interest in joining a religious community. I attended a seminary for a year in high school. I am glad
 to see your site on the net. Although we can at times excite people who believe in the spiritual I
 think that we can also help a few people question their myths and enjoy the new found freedom of
 atheism. It is a wonderful thing to be able to make decisions that are not viewed through the murky
 water of the bible. The freedom from concerns of eternal punishment for minor infractions of a
 code of conduct developed by primitive people. Do you know why the word Testament and
 Testicle have the same root? The primitive people who wrote the early parts of the bible used to
 make a solemn oath while holding on to the other man's testicles. When I think of this I realise that
 the people who wrote much of the early works of the bible were aborigines. They probably wore
 aniaml skins and wore face paint. Why do we believe in their view of the world? The only answer I
 can give to my own question is that the belief fulfills some human needs. Mostly fear of death. That
 fear, coupled with our social support for religion, makes it possible to believe in the irrational. I
 have noticed the lack of success in arguments with religious. I think it is because we argue
 rationally. their belief is not based on rational thought. It is bsed on emotion. I have thought that the
 only effective argument will be an emotional one. We need a new vision that inspires and gives
 hope to people. Something to replace the irrational and unsupportable views of the religious. Tom

 Name: Tom Ebacher
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-04-19 20:07:47
 Comments: Mike, I tried to reply to your e-mail and they were returned, It may be something
 temporary with my server. To let you know what I it is.. Hi Mike, I would be happy
 to coach you thru the process of getting music on your page. I did visit your site at some length and
 find it interesting and a valuable resource. Where are you located? Did you use the advanced mode
 on Angelfire to make you site? Tom I didn't have any trouble receiving your mail. I sent my email
 to: Maybe you know why it was returned. In any case I think this is a
 temporary problem and will be happy to help you add music to your site. Tom

 Name: REVDEE7
 Referred by: From LinkExchange
 From: TEXAS
 Time: 1998-04-18 19:25:19

 Name: Laedy Kat
 Website: Welcome To Laedy Kat's Lair
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: New Mexico
 Time: 1998-04-15 23:24:47
 Comments: I have never felt led to share my own testimony online, until now. I got saved in a
 fundamentalist church, even attended for almost seven years. So, I saw alot of truth in the
 comments I read. I left that church and God for awhile cuz, no one would answer my own
 questions about God. I was told either to just trust God or don't question God or I lacked faith.
 None of that was true. In the five years I didn't go to church, I basically threw out everything I
 learned and studied and prayed on my own. I feel like I'm back to the beginning of my own
 personal walk with God, but I believe in the end it'll be worth it. I don't know about the
 contradicitons of the bible, I have my own questions about the bible. But the only thing I hold onto
 is the fact God loves me, Jesus died for me and to me that's all that matters. I wish you hadn't given
 up on God, He don't give up on you...but we each have our own field to plow.

 Name: Mark Smith
 Website: Set Free!
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Garden Grove, CA
 Time: 1998-04-06 07:20:17
 Comments: As an ex-Christian, I know the kind of ignorant and uneducated flack the Fundies are
 giving you. Don't get too mad at them- the reason they are STILL Fundies is that their Biblegod
 didn't give them enough brains to learn enough to leave. He did give them a mouth, though, and
 they do know how to yell. Anyway, keep searching. You are on the right road. REAL truth does
 not fear questioning. Christianity used to burn people alive for asking questions. Therefore,
 Christianity is NOT real truth. Maybe one day you'll go "all the way" and join us Atheists. Yours
 NOT in Christ, Mark

 Name: Mary Ann
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-04-02 07:04:56
 Comments: Many words...Can't say as I read them all. Makes my head spin, when I try to follow
 your line of thinking. So, in responding to the summary scan I did ingest, my comment/question is:
 In whom should I trust,, if not the Almighty God who created heaven and earth? We don't need a
 bible to tell us that the heart of man is hopelessly wicked. (It does say that by the way;..), we see it
 every day, in new and wonderful ways... So,, who can save us,, whom should a person look to?
 Please keep any response you undertake to under 1 million words! (joking,,joking,,!) :) Mary Ann

 Name: Specialchd
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-28 15:35:39
 Comments: I just heard of a book describing hell. It smelled like burnt flesh; DEATH. Everyone
 was suffering, screaming, and crying!! The people who once walked with Jesus, but than turned
 away, were laying in a coffin and the demons were taking turns stabbing them repeatedly because
 they had brought lost souls to Jesus at one time, but had later turned away from Jesus. The devils
 hated them because of that, so the torture is so severe with those types of people. All the people
 that were begging for Jesus and saying they would believe in His word, couldn't get out. It was too
 late. Everybody was burning on fire. Peoples flesh was being burned so severly that parts of their
 body was falling off of them. This is where everyone will go if they deny the words spoken by
 Jesus in the Holy Bible. It will be an everlasting fire and suffering that will never ever go away.
 When Jesus created the world, It only made sense that He had to give us a free will, or else we'de
 all be like robots under his control. Also,

 Name: Geni
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-27 21:23:30
 Comments: I read your 'What I Believe and don't think that you are to far off. There are a lot of
 mistranlations in the KJV and others and if you know anything about Hebrew and Aramaic and the
 whole area over there, there are lots of words that we can't even translate. So, I believe that the
 Bible was inspired by God as it was originally written and don't believe that it is word for word
 infallible in English. What I really can't stand are religions who state categorically that if you aren't
 reading the KJV you aren't going to Heaven. So no one who doesn't speak English is going to
 Heaven? I don't think so. Anyway, there is a lot we just don't know and if anyone says they know
 everything they are really misinformed.

 Name: Ben
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-27 20:48:54
 Comments: I do agree on one thing I read, that we reject the Catholic way. You see, I was born
 and raised in the Roman Catholic church. Was a Catholic for 26 years. Then Jesus saved me and
 for the past nine+ years. I have seen the truth unfold. So I have no reason to apologize for being a
 fundamental, born-again Christian. And just to make it understood, no one pulled me from the
 Catholic church. No one that is, but the Holy Spirit. After I got saved, it became clear to me that I
 had to find a place where strong and truthful doctrine was taught. He has led me to that church,
 and yes, it is fundamental in it's beliefs.

 Name: GJones
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-27 20:43:22
 Comments: I read your web page. You are assuming that we have the capacity to understand all
 of GOD's reasonings. I had problems with all of the people/children that the Israeli's killed at God's
 command when they went into the promised land. However, the choice is quiet simple, either you
 believe that God is indeed the creator of all (The Golden Rule scenario - He who has the Gold,
 makes the Rules) and has dominion over us and the Bible is the word of God or we can interpet
 the word to fit our needs. I would encourage you to not harden your heart against God.

 Name: RHa
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-27 20:37:36
 Comments: Since Christianity is based on myth and legend, fundamental has nothing to do with it.
 Even the bible these weak-hearted cases think is "the word of God" has been edited more than
 1000 times in the last 120 years alone. People can't even complete a 10 person circle without the
 words becoming diluted, yet we are supposed to believe that people who thought the world was
 flat were on to something, and had completely accurate memories. Have you ever noticed that
 when good things happen, God has blessed us, and when bad things happen, he works in
 mysterious ways? For a God, he sure has zero accountability for mistakes. All I want is proof. If he
 loves me so much, Prove You Are Here.

 Name: Truck
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-25 15:10:05
 Comments: no thank you

 Name: Sojurnerr7
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-25 15:06:06
 Comments: Dear Sir, I have view some of your information that you sent to me, and I will
 continue to read on at another time. However, just the first few pages that I have read has only
 determined in my mind that all you have stated is from a completely lost soul. I don't believe you
 were a fundamental christian at all, because you would not have gotten into searching the hearts of
 men, instead of the heart of God. It is most obvious that you are trying to pradon yourself of all
 wrong doing in order to continue in the flesh with no guilt. You are trying to "reason" God's Word
 out of you life because it is a hinderance to lustful enjoyment. If you could spend as much time
 searching out the truth of God's Word as you do in trying to disprove it, you will see that any
 fundamental belief applied to your life does not spell bondage, but freedom. This can only be
 understood if you were sealed with the Holy Spirit at your new birth...Which you have never had,
 and hence you can not understand.

 Name: Walker1013
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-25 15:02:03

 Name: TLT
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-25 14:58:44
 Comments: THANX. I TOO was fundamentalist. I usually go in the chats to simply observe
 ---but sometimes i cant keep silent ---when i see the nonsense they spout. Sometimes people
 REALLY do get hurt by that nonsense they tell people. I study the bible quite often trying to
 understand where they get some of this nonsense. CURRENTLY ---im going in the chatrooms
 ---asking the question about what happens to all the billions of people of other faiths who had
 NEVER heard of jesus ---and have died. ---WHAT happens to them ---i sincerely want an
 answer from them --not picking a fight. IVE gotten a TREMENDOUS amount of hostility from
 many ---because i DEMAND they back up their opinions with scripture ---most cant. Im not
 interested in their opinions on this --just intersted in what the Bible says. Ive only gotten
 --ONEscripture --in LUKE that may shed some light. THANX for the WEB SITE ----i DO
 appreciate it ---and im happy to know that im not the only one in the bornagainrooms that can use

 Name: RN
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-25 14:50:34
 Comments: I am not born again, Thank God for that.........

 Name: Jeremy Carman
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-24 22:32:44
 Comments: What's with your pornographic sounds "breaking my consentration" as the voice said
 you told me their wasn't any porn on this page what's with that?

 Name: Mdsdjs
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-24 04:45:15
 Comments: The answer for you is, you love your sin more than you love God. So you make up
 your own religion and put yourself on the throne. You deceive yourself and everyone else around
 you because you love the darkness. You were never "born again" because a true born again
 believer never departs from the truth of God. You are living the lie that you have made up. Truth is
 truth weather you believe it or not. Did you ever consider that is there is one false statement in the
 Bible that the whole thing should be discarded. That is the beauty of Gods words, not only has it
 stood the test of time and every unbeliever that has tried to discredit it. But its best defense is
 between its covers, it is self authenticating. You are a fool driven by your lust and your
 condemnation is just, until and if you humble yourself before God you will be lost. You know
 nothing about life, history, culture. You deceive yourself the life you live you will live in vain unless
 you repent
 RESPONSE TO THE ABOVE: I'm very sorry you didn't read my whole webpage. If you had,
 you wouldn't have said some of the things you did. You said something to the effect, "if there is one
 false statement in the Bible, the whole thing should be discarded". If that is what you meant to say, I
 suggest you can find over 100 false statements and contradictions listed on my webpage. The Bible
 is surely not the word of God. The God of the Old Testament is a malevolent, bad-tempered,
 spoiled, sadistic, cruel, evil God. He did, after all kill the entire world's population with the
 exception of one family. He ordered infants and old people murdered during the first Passover. He
 murdered entire armies by drowning them (Moses & the Red Sea) and the list goes on. You claim
 the Bible to be "self authenticting". It is that. It is also self-perpetuating. It attempts to authenticate
 and perpetuate itself. That doesn't leave much choice for anyone who chooses to use his God given
 mind to think., You call me a fool. The Bible warns against calling anyone a fool lest he be in
 danger of hellfire. I guess you're not afraid! You state I know nothing about life, history, (or)
 culture. You don't know me or anything about me. Yet you make such a statement. Your insight is
 either miraculous or you draw conclusions with absolutely no knowledge of what you're talking
 about. The latter is the truth. I suggest I would match you in all three fields to determine who knows
 more about either or all subjects. Your very first sentence offers me an answer for which I have
 asked no question. I have my Truth. I also have peace from God which passes all understanding. If
 there is a Satan, he is yours, not mine. :Your Christian culture invented him. You keep him. I do
 thank you for looking at my page but wish you had been honest enough to read the entire thing
 before rushing to judgement which is so typical of born again fundamentalists. I am aware that I
 cannot ever change anyone's mind if they do not wish to change it. But I can present a differing
 view which is just as valid as the one held in your mind.

 Name: mowgli
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: southeastern Michigan
 Time: 1998-03-23 04:07:32
 Comments: dear sir, i have divided feelings about your views and it is not my place as achristian to
 judge them. i was not raised as a born again christian, nor do i know the doctrine of that religion.
 however, what you said about not expanding or deleting from the bible is true. all the answers
 anyone needs can be found or derived from the bible (in its true form) with a little divine help. The
 true form of the bible is difficult to come by. the catholics removed several books that did not agree
 with their veiws in the middle ages. some meaning is also lost each time the bible is translated. thus,
 you will not receive as full an understanding by reading children's NIV as you would from a KJV.
 Nor from a KJV as from the original writings. as many people will say, the bible itself is full of
 mistakes. the humans who recorded it were just that - human. but the ideas behind it (found
 through insight and prayer) are flawless. I urge you to re-examine your beliefs and place your faith
 in God and His Word.

 Name: Philip
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-22 08:37:02
 Comments: If I understand correctly what you are saying is that God has already determined what
 will happen to evryone even before they are born. This is totally false. God does not make the
 decision: YOU DO. Yes God does have a plan for eveyone but it is our choice whether to follow
 in his foot steps in righteous or to follow the path of our own choosing. What ever decision is made
 it is NOT made b God but by each person. So in saying who cares what I do God has alread
 decided for me does nothing but make him weep for that individual. Why would God weep if its
 already planned on what is to happen to eveyone? In closing all I can say is that I hope you get
 your heart right before God because he is weepng for ou right now!

 Name: s
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: WA
 Time: 1998-03-22 07:43:46
 Comments: very uninformed not even worth my reply

 Name: wolff
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Oregon
 Time: 1998-03-21 19:08:17
 Comments: Mike, sorry to hear about the surgery, hope it went well. As a historian I can well
 understand your feelings. I was raised very strict German Lutheran but as I got older and begin
 reading more and more history it became very evident that the christian religon, although it contains
 some unused good basic prinicples, is a roman developement to maintain and continue the
 economic and political control of masses of nations and people. Roman couldnt continue with
 military might but had learned that people can be more fanatical to ideas than to reality. It created
 the Holy Roman Empire, which exists today controlling many nations and people. Fundementalists,
 catholic clones, continue the process loudly claiming how different they are. But a quick
 examination shows the same type of fanatical, my way or nothing and bloody dominating attitude
 the early church shows. I searched for something different and after many years returned to the
 religon of my ancestors who christians have tried for centuries to destroy. Their is so much more
 but I wont bore folks. Good page, I hope people read it and think, but that is not a common virtue.

 Name: B Perry
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-21 16:22:17

 Name: Pres
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-21 04:08:10
 Comments: I feel for you, really. You have rejected the word of God and have turned from His
 teachings. I won't use scripture to counter the things you've said, because you already know what it
 says and have chosen to disregard it. Hope you find your way back one day- it may be that you'll
 realize that you new- found "free spirit" is just another pit that Satan leaves for all of us! It is not for
 a man to direct his steps... The things you are doing may make you feel better in this life, maybe
 they'll make you sorry in this life. How we "feel" in this life is immaterial, it is temporary- what
 matters is what we'll hear on the Day of Judgement, because that is for eternity. Realize that by
 publishing these things on the web, you could be the blind leader leading the blind, and the
 consequences would be tragic indeed... In Christian love, Pres

 Name: K Cunni
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-21 01:34:23

 Name: JSTIFD@
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-20 07:51:03
 Comments: You are wrong. Please do us REAL Christians a favor-dont go around telling people
 that you are a Christian!! You call yourself a Christian, yet reject all that Bible and Christ teaches.
 Based on your own experience, you claim to have this profound "Truth". Well, good luck!
 Because, that is all you have!

 Name: Anonymous
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-20 03:34:42
 Comments: WOW, You really did it this time. I bet you made a lot friends with this. I'm really in
 agreement with 3/4 of what you say but feel uncomfortable saying it.Must be my christain back
 ground or because I'm older and closer to death.

 Name: Reedflax
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-19 16:48:27
 Comments: Hi, I guess I should thank you for trying to enlighten me, from a human standpoint, but
 you are, in effect, asking me to return to my previous position of agnosticism, or to deny the deity
 of Jesus Christ. I, unlike you, started out a non-believer, and read and believed much that is in
 opposition to the church. I was an anti-christ. But one day Jesus, and I have no way to doubt that
 it was Him, revealed to me God's holiness, my depravity (relatively speaking), and His forgiveness.
 I was 27 years old. And I have dealt with thousands of pages and hundreds of hours of expository
 rhetoric which refute the claims Jesus made in the Bible. Truth of this nature is not revealed through
 flesh and blood, but by the Holy Spirit, and although I may seem un-Christian a lot of the time, it is
 my salvation, not my temporal sanctification, that is the issue. If you are familiar with the dialogue
 current in chat-rooms, it shouldn't be difficult for you to understand why I might grow impatient and
 appear abrasive when I go in to one to fellowship with other believers, only to find that someone is
 in there trying to change our minds. We, who are born-again of God, will NOT change our minds.
 Not because we are closed-minded, but because they've already been changed, and we don't
 want to, neither can we, return to an un-saved state. We are one side of the crimson line that runs
 throughout humanity, and unbelievers are on the other. Once here, though one may cast a longing
 look at familiar Egypt, there is no going back. And, though you may feel slighted, we cannot
 "respect" your views, because that would be tantamount to a ship's helmsman "respecting" the
 opinion of a flat-world theorist. So, in closing, I see that I trust in the Lord with all of my heart, and
 you lean on your own understanding. I will be happy to continue this discourse, but I don't see the
 point in you or anyone else coming into a Christian chat and saying that there is nothing wrong with
 witchcraft. It's just asking for trouble. I have no fury for you, but I will not stand idly by when
 Christ is opposed and say nothing. Reedflax

 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-19 16:37:58
 Comments: no thanks,,,,,,only interested in the real word of god,,,,,not something from a
 person,that isn't even spirit filled,,,trying to act like they ,know but really don't know.

 Name: OLBCPrchr
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-19 16:30:47
 Comments: Constitution Connection: In "What Hath God Wrought," Dr. William Grady includes
 some quoted material which says that Mr. Jefferson attended a Baptist Church near Monticello,
 Va. Mr. Jefferson acquired many of his views of government from this church. Mrs. Jefferson is
 quoted as saying, "Mr. Jefferson did gather those views from a Baptist church." The pastor at that
 time was the Rev. Andrew Tribble. Now, give me proof that my source is invalid, or I'll simply
 accept your apology for your false accusations and slander. Oh, on another issue, I went to your
 website and saw your "testimony". Sad, you should have tried a real church. The pentecostal
 movement was started by a woman in 1900 when she spoke in tongues at a revival meeting. The
 organization did not have proper authority from a local church to begin and therefor is not a valid
 biblical assembly. The protestants aren't much better. Most starting only 500 years ago or less,
 they to began without proper authority and for the most part were simply reacting in opposition to
 the catholic church. The catholic church is worse of all as it is the mother of all deception. It started
 around 313 AD as an apostate church butchering the doctrines of God and creating a man-based
 "christian" religion which stated that they were they sole interpretors of God's Word, and therefore
 had the right to change it. And change it they did. This is why I reject any bible that is translated
 from the wescot-hort texts, they were changed and manipulated by the catholic church. The KJV
 1611 Bible is from the "Received Text" which is a collection of 5,000 manuscripts - of course,
 copies of copies. But, it also includes several languages that the originals were copied into. God
 promises that His Word would be preserved and it has been. The KJV 1611 has proven itself to
 be the TRUE Word of God in that since it was created in 1611 it has not undergone one textual
 change or correction. Of course that's not to say that some printer along the way didn't make a
 mistake, for the printer isn't flawless. It's the Word that is flawless. After a few printings the print
 errors were taken care of. And as long as a current day printer doesn't make a mistake (and those
 happen still) then what's in the pages of the KJV is the Word of God. As for the proper church to
 attend, it needs to be an unaffiliated, independent Baptist Church - like the one that Jesus started.
 The Baptist faith has no founder other than Jesus, it is comprised of local, independent, unaffiliated
 assemblies of baptized believers. It doesn't have the hierarchy of demoninationalism. They go by
 the Bible and the context of the Bible. Not by a nonbiblical experience, nor the traditions of men.
 You ought to try a true church and get saved. OLBC

 Name: GENI
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-19 16:21:25
 Comments: I am glad you like cats. Sorry for the demise. Did I tell you I read your 'What I
 Believe and don't think that you are to far off. There are a lot of mistranlations in the KJV and
 others and if you know anything about Hebrew and Aramaic and the whole area over there, there
 are lots of words that we can't even translate. So, I believe that the Bible was inspired by God as it
 was originally written and don't believe that it is word for word infallible in English. What I really
 can't stand are religions who state categorically that if you aren't reading the KJV you aren't going
 to Heaven. So no one who doesn't speak English is going to Heaven? I don't think so. Anyway,
 there is a lot we just don't know and if anyone says they know everything they are really
 misinformed. Bye.

 Name: GENI
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-19 16:20:27
 Comments: I am glad you like cats. Sorry for the demise. Did I tell you I read your 'What I
 Believe and don't think that you are to far off. There are a lot of mistranlations in the KJV and
 others and if you know anything about Hebrew and Aramaic and the whole area over there, there
 are lots of words that we can't even translate. So, I believe that the Bible was inspired by God as it
 was originally written and don't believe that it is word for word infallible in English. What I really
 can't stand are religions who state categorically that if you aren't reading the KJV you aren't going
 to Heaven. So no one who doesn't speak English is going to Heaven? I don't think so. Anyway,
 there is a lot we just don't know and if anyone says they know everything they are really
 misinformed. Bye.

 Name: Mirac
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-17 23:02:24
 Comments: You did an excellent job on the homepage. I managed to get through most of it and
 would agree with you on about 80%. The 75 bible contradictions are very interesting. I think a few
 were not in context but most were. And if there is even one contradiction, you've proven your
 point.The fellow who signed the guest book just before me said he could disprove half of the
 alleged contradictions. Again - even one contradiction shows that the bible is incaccurate. Our
 discussion on the trinity was thought provoking. I didn't realize all the ancient religions you
 mentioned had "trinities" and floods. Looking forward to talking to you again.

 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 Time: 1998-03-17 00:24:25

 Name: Jim
 Website: Showers of Blessing
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Rochester, NY
 Time: 1998-03-16 02:02:30
 Comments: My friend, you need to get your facts straight....many of the so-called "Bible
 Contradictions" have been severly taken out of context. For example, the one about "Not letting
 others see your good works" or something to that effect. First off, try reading the whole verse of
 Matthew 5:16 (the reference which u used). It is saying to let others see your good works, so that
 the end result may be that God is glorified in the end. The other verse was warning people against
 doing good works and showing off to get the praise for themselves. PLEASE read verses in full

 Name: Jeslie
 Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
 From: USA
 Time: 1998-03-13 19:33:08
 Comments: IHATE, your search for knowledge is a noble gesture, but we know from Adam and
 Eve that seeking knowledge, even truth, that is contrary to God's word will only find ourselves
 where Adam and Eve did. A life separated from God takes us into an eternity separated from
 God. Eve saw the the fruit was pleasant to eyes, the lust of the eyes, it was good for food, the lust
 of the flesh, and it was able to make one WISE, the boastful pride of life. All the sin that separates
 us can be found in those three things. These are the same temptations that Jesus resisted in the
 desert. Knowledge, such as your sex brings satisfaction statement, does not bring you life, it brings
 death, just like the knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve found. When they fell death
 passed onto all of us.. Thus we have need for a Saviour because death is our just deserves. Thus
 God sent Jesus His Son to take the penalty of death upon Himself and give salvation where there
 was none to be had. Jesus still cares for you.

 Name: Anodyne
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 Time: 1998-03-12 20:34:10
 Comments: Subj: Re: Anodyne - Hope you'll look at this when you get time Date: 98-03-11
 23:35:02 EST From: Anodyne211 To: IHATEKATS Mike, I read most all of the webpage
 information, and found it curiously missing the mark in many places. It became a repetitive exercise
 of finding the error in reasoning or interpreting scripture in each section. It became child's play after
 a while, as the errors in reasoning were blatant, although more subtle to the unskilled reader of the
 Bible. Many times, Scripture was mis-represented or mis-translated, easily leading to such
 erroneous conclusions about what the Bible really says. A few other times, as I recall, the referent
 scripture was so way off in its interpretation that I began to lose interest. Mike, this seems like a
 person who is searching for truth, but going so fast as to not appreciate it when it's stark in front of
 him. This is a disillusioned person who has given up and gone back to basics--milk--which
 annoyed Paul to no end when addressing those in the church who should be further along in their
 understanding than they were, and stumbled over rudiments in understanding which should have
 been mastered already! Paul lamented that they still had need of milk--babes unfit for meat and
 weightier matters. To correct each error in reasoning I encountered on those articles of that
 webpage would be to assume a Herculean task, which I am not disposed to do. I felt sorry for the
 writer after a while, because he seems to have given up on truth devoid of contradiction while
 setting a course which seemed to say "back to the drawing board." The Bible cannot be read
 literally, only. As I said in my posts that night, we must not go by what the Bible "says," but by
 what it "means." This bears repeating and the author trampled over this important insight. Mike, if
 you have a question or two, I'll be glad to help with an intelligent, discerning, ingenuous answer. I
 consider myself very able in dividing the word of God. One final thought, the Devil is very clever in
 his deceptions and counterfeiting of God's inspired word and precepts. As in counterfeiting money,
 the false must most nearly imitate the real, in order for people to accept it as genuine. Like the guy
 who was in jail, when asked why he was there, responded by saying that he was making big
 money--about 1/4 inch too big! Satan perverts everything God espouses to man. And, man has
 taken it hook, line, and sinker every time...except for his elect, which the Bible says is impossible to
 deceive. Good luck on your quest. I'm easy to find, if you need assistance. Oscar

 Name: geni
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Fresno, CA
 Time: 1998-03-11 20:42:50
 Comments: A lot of this article regarding the Bible is correct. That is why I gave up trying to make
 sense out of it. I only really like the Red Words! And it works for me. I am truly a Christian. God
 works in my life to the point where it sometimes makes me feel a little guilty. I don't go online very
 often or in chat rooms, because the "Christians" drive me crazy with their homophobic reactions
 and when they get angry with people like you who only wanted to express an opinion. My favorite
 line, online, is "Whatever you say, say it with love or why would they want to be one of us." And
 most of them don't get it. I am an American Baptist which is a lot mellower than Southern Baptists
 or Independent Fundamental Baptists (which I truly believe is a cult). I do believe in the
 Crucifixtion of Jesus Christ. I do believe that He died for us, or why would he. I don't claim to
 understand it all, but that is because I am so intelligent that I can admit to not understanding
 something. But I know that my life, since I gave up

 Name: James Higgins
 Referred by: Word of Mouth
 From: Indiana
 Time: 1998-03-10 08:35:35
 Comments: Looks like you did your homework on your web page. I enjoyed it. I'll have to
 bookmark it to go back to later. You have so much there. I don't agree with everything but you've
 made some well explained points and have caused me to have a few questions. Thanks!


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