Logo by Lionel Hartley expressly for GratisGift


Freebies on the net

Books, Posters, CDs, Resources, Etc

I like getting something for nothing. Do you?

This new web site is for the sharing of links to things that I have found that are free or cost only the postage and handling. Many you can download immediately! If you have found something useful for free on the www, or if you have something to give away, contact the webmaster to have your freebie considered for inclusion here.

The freebies list should open in 20 seconds... otherwise:

Current sponsors of GratisGift: L&R Hartley, Publishers / Mike's Megabytes Computers

See also L&R Hartley: Multimedia Merchandising - Books, CDs, Courses, Etc. Thousands of products - Stores in Australia, Canada, USA and UK

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