Saturday, May 26, 2001

My first post. awwwwwwwwwwwwww.. SO who is going to watch Big Brother tonight and who is going to get evicted.................Only Big Brother knows
posted by @10:04 PM| link

Wanna be a rockstar? Well first you've got to get your Glam Name! Yours truly is "Nicotine Toy". Oh, the flattery. >;-)

>>Link from Beverage Girl Amy<<
posted by Row @5:34 PM| link


For those who haven't been pacing the Internet Floorboards of late (those out there with a life and an absence of any flu viruses like SOME) there was this roooooooly big hoax that made a hell of alot of ppl mad and caused rooooly big fights and all ('coz Y'KNOW how terribly scary we can all be behind a monitor).....

In brief: A 19 yr old girl suffering from leukaemia called Kaycee and her mother kept daily webjournals filled with inspiartional writings and EVERYONE loved Kaycee and everything was so so sad. and then Kaycee died. And a little part of the Net died with her.

Oops but Kaycee was a hoax.
posted by Row @2:42 AM| link

Monday, May 21, 2001

Well it seems that the Spice Girls aren't the biggest joke to come out of Mother England: newest craze Mash-Potato Wrestling has hit the World. Apparently jelly just doesn't do it for them....errr or something.

Meanwhile should someone tell these folks about discriminating against hetero canines? They even provide a webcam......HMM.

Or as the visually delightful Rove "Hunkaroonies" McManus would say............
WHAT THE?! >;-)

posted by Row @10:09 AM| link

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