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Class A drugs are subject to the harshest penalties, and would include drugs such as heroin, cocaine and LSD. steroids from mexico Anabolic steroid side effects. Although AS are subject to the lowest possible penalties under the MDA, it is possible for a supplier to receive a maximum three year sentence. The MDA restricts the manufacture and trafficking of AS by virtue of schedule three to the Act; it also restricts the supply of the drugs, by virtue of schedule four, but should allow the possession for personal use. That possession is not criminalised is subject to the proviso that the steroid in question is in the form of a medicinal product. steroids from mexico Steroids and danger. This has become the problem area in the UK law as will be examined below. At a general level, concerns attach to the de facto lack of positive influence the authorities are able to exert over an illicit market which, by definition, operates outside the normal conventions of command and control. Furthermore, concerns exist in relation to the inconsistency of application of the law, despite guidance on the issue . steroids from mexico Steroids stacking cycles. Placing AS under the control of the MDA has thus led to problems of interpretation. It is clearly of concern to the user that enforcement authorities are unsure as to their exact powers. The main problem would appear to relate to the fact that the definition of a medicinal product does not appear in the MDA itself. Given that this term is crucial to the operation of the schedule, this would appear to be a major oversight. The police and customs are not used to dealing with AS in the way that they are familiar with other drugs of "abuse" controlled by the MDA. Anecdotal reports of drug squads using "underground" body-building magazines for guidelines as to current trends suggests the need for proper thresholds to be established in order not to penalise the user as opposed to the genuine supplier. There is no consistency of approach with only a handful of police forces in the UK, according to the Home Office's statistics, actively pursuing AS users. It would therefore all seem to be somewhat of a lottery for the user unlucky enough to be brought into contact with the law. Since AS were included in the drug seizures statistics, there has been a year on year increase in the levels of seizure and the amounts involved. What is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of these figures from a legal perspective is the number of people being convicted on a charge of possession of these drugs. It would appear that those who have been convicted on possession charges have all pleaded guilty to the charge, which has in every case been a secondary aspect of some main offence.

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