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Disclosure Statement

Come on in
take off your shoes
and make yourself at home

Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over

Hi, I'm Janice and I would like you to meet my family and friends.

A few years ago I met a really neat group of people through the internet: people I never would have gotten to know if I had not been diagnosed with a Syndrome I knew nothing about. My own family and friends could not and/or would not understand just what I was going through. Did I expect them to understand something I had little knowledge of myself? But the people I met on the FMS listserve did understand. They felt the same pain I felt. They gave me the support I needed to continue my day to day existence. Fibromyalgia may have taken away some of my "fair weather" friends, but it gave me a FMily.

To learn more about Fibromyalgia please click on the FMS link below. But don't stop there!!! Each link will lead you to a page of stories and pictures to fill your hearts with love and laughter.

I love getting mail!!
Email me at grannydoc@comcast.net

Links to other sites on the Web

FMS page

My special Fibrobuddies

My family

take a moment to sign my address book

See what others have to say

Domestic Violence

Phenomenal Women of the web

© 1997 grannydoc@comcast.net


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