Hair Washes and Restoratives

  • Shampoo or wash to cleanse the hair and scalp- Salts of tartar, powdered borax, aqua ammonia, each 1 oz., rain water 1 qt. ; mix together. Directions- Rub well into the roots of the hair once a week. Good for a tettered spot on any part of the body. Also, a wash of sage tea and borax, say 1 or 2 ozs., powdered to 1 qt. of the tea, is claimed to cleanse the scalp, make the hair drow nicely, and keep it soft.

  • Hair Restorative-Which has raised a thick head of hair on a bald scalp- The following is claimed by a physician to have done it upon his own head. Results are owing to the condition of the hair follicles. If inflammation has destroyed them, there is no hopes; while if the work is only in progress it will. It is:                             Castor oil and alcohol, each 2 ozs., tinct. cantharides and rain water, each 1 oz., oil of bergamot, 1 dr.; mix, and use with a stiff brush. Use twice a week, and may also use the finger ends to run it in thoroughly. If it excites any inflammation in the scalp, use it only once a week. It is quite strong so keep an eye to its action, so as not to inflame te scalp.

  • Italian Hair Wash or Restorative-This wash or dressing is easily made, and very satisfactory. It is: Syrup of Rosemary, 2 qts., liquid porassa, 1/2 oz., aqua ammonia, 1 oz., oil of sweet almonds, 2 1/2 ozs.; cstor oil, 1 oz.; good whiskey, 1 1/2 pts. Mix together. Shake when used. It looks a little milky at first but soon clears up. This is good for dandruff and to clean the scalp.



Bibliographical Reference :                                                                                                                                                      Chase, A. W., M.D., "Dr. Chase's Third, Last, and Complete Receipt Book and Hosehold Physician", F.B. Dickerson Company, Detroit, MI, 1906, p. 635.

This article is presented in its original format. Spelling and grammar are appropriate for the time, and publication date. This article is presented for informational and educational purposes only.

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Edited by Sharon Saracino. ©2003 Granny’s Closet /Sharon Saracino.  Graphic design and the contents of "Granny's Closet" © 2002-2003.    Updated July 2, 2003