2001 pictures...ENJOY!!!

2001 Youth Group Picture!




Some members of the youth take time from their busy schedules to take this picture.


Tina, Leena, Jeffie, Lijo and Robby feel their blessings from the exciting mass that just occured!


Elsa, Leena, Shippy, and Tina suffer standing in the sun just to take this picture. Don't they deserve your blessings?


Yes! Jeffie, Lijo, Tina, and Robby are feeling quite cold!


Due to a breath taking quarbana, the guys decide to take a breather and take this photo!


Jessica, Seena, Susan, and Sandy all pose their outfits ready for the Miss Universe competion.


Leena, Lijo, and Lisa all feel the love of God. Don't you wish you were Lijo right now?


Jess and Leena are anticipating spreading the good news!


Aww! Tina and Jess. I can definately feel the sisterly love!


Susan is practicing for the WWF, displaying a head lock on Lijo.


Cyril, Robby, and Susan had an extra order of cheese!