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             Betta's are beautiful fish originally from the Far East. The are also called The Siamese Fighting fish because if you put two males together they will fight usually until the death. The practice of fighting these fish is a popular gambling attraction. I however view this as a waste of such a beautiful fish.

             Betta's come in several different colors and are often used as a show fish because of their colors and elaborate finnage.

Natural habitat Siam (Thailand ), Metang River.
Native Malayan name Ikan bettah (pronounced bet'-ta).
Scientific name   Betta splendens (Regan).
Natural food      Aquatic  worms, shirmps,insects.
Food of fry    Protozoa,rotifers,shirmp nauplii.
Preferred temperature about 80 F(degree)
Age of maturity   6 months.
Longevity   2 years.
Courting and spawning     2 hours.
Number of embraces  50 to 60 .
Number of egg released 1 to 30 after each embrace.
Hatching time of egg 36 hours at 80 F(degree).
Male guard fry   for 48 to 60 hours.


