Gracie Lou Freebush's Page
Hi! I'm Gracie Lou! That's me over there on the left. I am a Three Year Old Duch Rabbit. I live in the United States of America with my friend, Bridget.

I like to run around in circles, dig in my litter box, play in my tunnels, and jump over fences that are supposed to keep me out of rooms I shouldn't be in.

I really like to run around in the living room, but I don't get to do that a whole lot. That's okay, though. When I'm alone during the day I like to hang out on my shelf and watch cartoons, redecorate my cage, and make noise with my big green ball!

Am I cute, or what?
My Favorite Links:
Awesome Bunny Links
The House Rabbit Society

About Gracie Lou
Name: Gracie Lou Freebush

Page Created 11.5.02
Updated 08.03.05