This is my personal homepage. I really hope that you can be my friend.

I am not a buddhist. However, I like studying oriental culture. Therefore, I get lot of web site about Buddhism.

The picture depicted at left was taken by a newspaper known as Oriental Daily in Hong Kong. They have "created" certain news about me. The reporters should study the Business Ethic in the Universities before they graduate. Too Simple. Too Naive.

Below is the website under-construction. I hope I could finish all by the end of next February. Please click in, please. 淨土宗

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This is a photo taken by a newspaper about me. For details, visit the
My other creations :
心經(Sutra of Wisdom) (In Chinese)
Introduction of Buddhism (In English)
My Resume
HK Workplace Eng. Campaign
My Hyperlinks 我的超連結
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Name: Patrick Mok
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