December Summaries

December 1, 1999

Eric is still at Salem Place when he gets a phone call from Lucas. He asks what he wants and Lucas says that he wants to talk. Lucas asks for 10 minutes of Eric's time. Eric flashes back to kissing Nicole. He finally tells Lucas he'll give him 10 minutes and then hangs up the phone and heads over to the Kiriakis mansion.

Eric arrives and Lucas and Nicole greet him. Lucas asks if he wants something to drink or a cigar or something, but Eric just tells Lucas to cut to the chase and tell him what he's doing here. Nicole jumps in and says that she's offering him a job at Titan and she won't take no for an answer. Eric is surprised and wants to know what's going on. Lucas tells Eric that they're all adults here and that it is a well-known fact that Eric and Nicole had a fling before she married him. Eric is annoyed that Lucas dismissed his past relationship with Nicole to simply a "fling". Anyway, Lucas holds out a contract and says that he'll give Eric all kinds of perks (increased pay, a new company car...). Eric takes the contract and then flashes back to Sami telling him that this is the perfect opportunity for him to find out the truth as to why Nicole really married Lucas. He then flashes back again to him kissing Nicole. He tells Lucas that he'll have to get back to him, and turns to leave. But Lucas tells him that it's now or never. If Eric walks out the door, the offer is rescinded.

December 2, 1999

Lucas tells Eric that if he leaves, the job offer is dropped. He also says that the clock is ticking and taunts Eric by saying, "Tick, tock, tick, tock..." Nicole yells at Lucas to stop pressuring Eric. Eric tells Nicole that it's okay and that he made his decision. Nicole looks worried for a second that he's going to turn it down, but Eric grabs the pen from Lucas and tells them that he'll take the job. He signs the contract, as Nicole and Lucas look on satisfied.

Lucas says he's happy with Eric's decision. Eric asks Lucas if he's okay with him working with Nicole, and Lucas says he is. He tells them that they better get started with work, and leaves. Nicole follows Lucas out and thanks him. She then goes back to Eric and says she's happy they're alone now. She takes his hands and leads him to the couch, as Eric pries his hands away. Then Nicole sits down and says they better get to work. Eric asks Nicole what she's doing, and she says, "Don't you trust me?" Eric, looking very exasperated, tells her that she's the most complicated woman he's ever met. Nicole is a little amused. Eric then says that there was a time when he thought he knew everything about her, but boy, was he clueless. Nicole says that guys like him don't marry girls like her. Eric says that he would have, but she dumped him. Nicole says that she didn't dump him, she saved him. Eric wants to know what she means by that. She changes the subject and says they better get to work. She shows him photos of some models and wants his opinion as to who to use for the next photo shoot. Eric slaps the photos down to the floor and says that he can't do this. Nicole asks if he doesn't want the job anymore. He says he does, but he can't do this right now. Then he turns and leaves. Once outside, he wonders what Nicole is up to.

December 3, 1999

Greta goes to "Hope's" place and confronts her. She is upset and tells "Hope" to stop acting like her mother. "Hope" tells Greta that she is really her mother.

Eric is at the Brady Pub with his family. He tells Roman that he took his job back at Titan. Roman is upset and tells him to stay away from Nicole.

December 6, 1999

Princess Gina tells Greta that she's her daughter, but Greta refuses to believe it. Princess Gina, however, has proof. She takes out a dried flower that Greta gave her many years ago. Greta instantly recognizes the flower and realizes this is her mother. They embrace warmly as mother and daughter. But then a real question arises when Greta asks where Hope is...

December 7, 1999

At the Salem Inn, Greta asks her mother where Hope is? Gina tells her that Hope is gone, she's dead. Greta tears up, and Gina tells her that she's so sorry. Greta asks Gina how she knows what happened? Gina doesn't know where to start. Gina tells her that she and Hope came face to face in Paris on a bridge, and both of them were shocked because they did not know the other existed. Gina says that she figured out everything on her own, that Stefano stole her memories from her and gave them to Hope at Maison Blanche. Gina tells Greta that Stefano's manipulation of Hope destroyed her mind. Gina claims that she tried to reach out to Hope, but Hope would not have it and was terrified of her. Gina tells Greta that Hope tried to get away from her, and ended up jumping to her death from the bridge. Greta wonders if Hope may still be alive, but Gina says her body was never found, it is probably at the bottom of the river and her soul is in heaven. Greta asks her mother why she did not tell anyone, and why did she come her pretending to be Hope? Gina tells her that she did it to be with her. Greta tells her mom that Bo has to know the truth, so she's going to call him and tell him the truth. She picks up the phone to call him, but Gina hangs it up and says she cannot do that. Gina explains that as long as she pretends to be Hope she is sparing Bo and his family the pain of knowing that Hope is gone. Greta thinks it is wrong because she is not Hope, but Gina thinks she can be Hope and she can make Bo happy. Gina asks Greta is she does not deserve to be happy after all the pain she's endured over the years? She tells Greta that she didn't think it would be possible to fall in love again after John, but Bo is such a wonderful, kind, and gracious man. Greta asks her mother if she is in love with Bo? Gina simply says that Bo loves her, and the more he does the more she shall become Hope in every way. Greta doesn't know about this, so Gina tells Greta that if the authorities find out who she is then she will go to prison for her crimes. Greta says they can explain to the police that she was forced by Stefano to steal. However, Gina says she was Stefano's willing accomplice, Hope was the one who was forced to follow Stefano. She assures Greta that if the truth comes out she will be sent to prison, and Greta will lose her mother again. Gina asks Greta to keep her secret for her, but Greta says she doesn't know because it is all to much. Gina tells her not to make a decision right now. Greta decides to go home to rest, but Gina asks her to spend the night here with her, so Greta agrees.

December 9, 1999

At the Salem Inn, Greta asks Gina where she is going? Gina tells Greta that she and Bo are taking a sailing trip to a remote island where they shall recapture every glorious moment of their past. GReta tells her that she's not Hope, but Gina says she will be everything Hope was and more. Greta asks her mom if she plans on sleeping with Bo? Gina says of course she plans on sleeping with him, she has to in order to take over every aspect of Hope's life. Gina assures her daughter that she's not doing this for herself, Bo wants and needs her. She also says she's doing this for her (Greta) too, she must secure a place in Bo's life so nobody can separate them again. Gina assures Greta that they will never be separated again. Greta hopes that is true, but if she sleeps with Bo then he will know she is not Hope. Gina tells Greta that she is so innocent, but Greta says she has read books and seen movies. Gina tells her that she and Bo are working towards a lifetime commitment to one another, and she must do this in order to secure all their futures. Gina tells Greta not to worry, when she kissed Bo she knew she and Bo shared true and lasting passions which comes from the heart. Gina smiles and tells Greta not to worry because it will be all right. Greta knows her mom is only trying to help her and Bo, but she doesn't like deceiving people and wonders what will happen when people find out the truth? Gina says she is not trying to hurt people, she is trying to help everyone. Bo shows up and is surprised to see Greta here, but is happy that she and "Hope" are getting closer. Bo and "Hope" leave for their trip, and Greta worries about her mother.

December 10, 1999

Eric and Nicole are at the Titan Photo Lab and are conducting a photo shoot. Eric is taking pictures of three cute little girls. Nicole tells Eric that he has a way with kids. He says that it's easy when they're this cute. He tells Nicole that her idea for the cover is a great one and she thanks him. She goes over to the kids and helps them with their poses. Eric watches and tells Nicole that she's great with kids. He remembers that they always wanted to have a big family together, and asks her if she still wants that. She says "Not in this lifetime" and Eric asks her what she means by that. Nicole changes the subject and tells the lady who is responsible for the kids that they can take a break. They leave, leaving Eric and Nicole alone in the lab. He continues to ask her about children. He says that when they were dating, she always said that having kids was something she'd like to do. Eric tells her that Lucas must want children with her. Nicole says he hasn't mentioned it lately, and Eric replies that it's probably because Lucas figured out that she doesn't love him. He then says that her marrying Lucas is one of Salem's biggest mysteries. She turns her back to him, and Eric says that he thought he could trust her. But whenever he gets close to something, she closes up. He asks her what she's hiding. She doesn't answer him and Greta comes in. Eric tells Nicole that he'll be back later and is going to take Greta out for some coffee. They go to the Brady Pub. Greta asks Eric how Hope seems to him, and he says that she seems rested. He takes her hand and reminds her that the holidays bring people closer together.

December 13, 1999

Eric and Greta are walking arm in arm through Salem Place. Nicole sees them and hides around the corner. Eric tries to find out what Greta wants for Christmas and suggests chocolates from Paris. Greta drifts off and we are treated to flashbacks of "Hope" revealing that she is her mother. Eric brings her back to reality and wants to know where she went. She tells him she was with her mother and how much she misses her. She wants to change the subject as a girl in a really sexy Santa suit comes by handing out flyers for a lingerie shop. She flirts with Eric and Greta becomes really insecure. She says that she wishes she could be more like that. But Eric tells her he doesn't want that…he wants her to be her own sweet self. Nicole is taking all this in and calls the office. She chews out some poor temp for the way she answered the phone and then tells her secretary to page Eric and have him come back to the studio. Nicole returns to Titan looking for Eric. But instead she learns that the shoot has been called off and a picnic basket arrives (Eric ordered it). The lab assistant tells her that Eric called and shut down for the day. She is NOT a happy camper. Eric and Greta show up and Nicole learns that Eric has planned a picnic with Greta. Nicole slips something in the basket when they aren't looking and leaves. They begin their picnic with a bunch of small talk and Eric tells Greta to get the deserts out of the basket. She reaches in and pulls out a condom. Greta freaks and takes off, with Eric following. Nicole slips back in and removes the evidence before Eric sees it. She leaves happy with herself. She says that Greta doesn't stand a chance in hell.

I haven't had a chance to finish the December summaries because I've been too busy. Go and visit Dustin's Summary Archive if you'd like to catch up!

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