Art and the Bible

I am no critic but merely one who finds continual interest in that unique book, the bible. It is an odd book , too. The hero is God who insists he is "One" and the sub-hero is the Jewish people, Now this One God is a concrete God. He exists, he does all manner of things: He speaks. He regrets mistakes. He gets angry. He makes treaties. He ignores. He remembers. He is quite human but he isn't human at all! Maimonides abstracts Him completely from human characteristics and claims that the words the bible uses to describe God are simply because mankind has to have expression in words. The bible is written "belashon Adam"- in man's language. God is really a kind of fifth dimension that has been reduced to three so that "humans" may grasp It. As Blake said, "It is the artist's business to see beyond the physical envelop of the world beyond this veritable glass of nature to the rhythms of the realities of the soul, of the cosmos. Above all, the artist must be a spiritual man and his religion and his art must be one and indivisible.
What do we feel as we look at the Creation, try to imagine the Creator who has made man in His image. What is this image? Why should God look like an old man? Isn't he forever young? Time is no dimension for Him. He is all time, past present and future!

Are the pictures real or symbolic? Does the picture cause us to feel the wonder of the beginning, the awe of creation?
The first night, the first day, unseen by human eye, unrecorded for human thought to commemorate. Only an artist could do that!
The Bible is our book. The hero is Our God and we are His people, chosen to do Him honor by obeying His law and recognizing Him as the Creator of the Universe, as the real and mystical power, director of the universe and all the mysteries reside in Him.

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This material is ©1998 by Grace Hollander
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