I Often Wonder

I envy Abraham.
He knew just what
God wanted him to do!
Do you?
I don't!

He told him, "Go
From your land,
Your birthplace
Your father's house!" (Gen. 12:2)

Big deal!
Lot did it without
A word from God!
And people are doing it
All the time, these days.
Alyah - to the land
Abraham was directed to
When he was promised
"I will make of Thee
A great nation
And I will bless thee." (Gen. 12:2)

Abraham believed and obeyed!

God had said, "Go"
"Go to the land of Moriah
And there take him (Isaac)
Up on the mountain
(Why on a mountain?)
That I will show you
And offer him up
As a burnt offering" (Gen. 22:3)

And why does not he
Who said,
"Far be it from Thee to slay
The righteous with the wicked." (Gen. 18:25)
Say again,
"Let not the Lord be angry
And I will speak (Gen.18:30)
Am I to become a murderer?
A sinner?

And what of the promise -
"My covenant will I
Establish with Isaac (Gen. 17:21)

But Abraham knows
Just what God
Wants him to do
And he does it.

He takes
the wood,
the knife
the fire
the boy, Isaac
He ties the boy.
His hand is raised
to kill
And there it stays
Forever suspended.

Would it have
Severed the artery?
Would it have
Shed the blood
Would it have
Annulled the promise?

Oh, happy ending!
And then sang Abraham, (Ex. 15:1)
" I will sing to the Lord
For He is highly exalted (Ibid.)
The Lord is my strength and song
And He has become our salvation. (Ex. 15:2)

I often wonder
How Abraham retained his faith
In spite of everything!

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This material is ©1998 by Grace Hollander
3 Keren Haysod st,Ramat Ilan, Givat Shmuel, Israel 51905

Permission to distribute this material, with this notice is granted - with request to notify of use by surface mail
or at gracehollander@usa.net.