Ein Gedi

Yesterday, Mar. 11 1966, I went on a trip to Ein Gedi with the Petah Tikva Rotary Club.

On the way, at Sodom, we entered a huge cave; stalagmites and stalactites hung from the ceiling and the floor, dripping water constantly. In the inner room the "roof" has an open hole through which the sky can be seen. It is very impressive and primordial. The walls are a sheer 80 meters high and the hole on the top draws the eye and the body to "lift itself up". The atmosphere called for an altar for sacrifice, a natural place for worship.

Sodom, itself and the neighboring country is horrifying in its barrenness. It does have a certain naked beauty but it is frightening in its total absence of life-- so empty of bird or beast or creeping thing. I don't like it! It gives me "the creeps". It's like being on the moon!

Ein Gedi was more "human" We found fountains of clear water, a spot with twin pools and a waterfall, an idyllic setting for our swim and picnic lunch. It was delightful.

The way back was pleasant with lots of singing in the bus and cheerful spirits all around. I'm "Charley Horse" all over from the jolting of the bus. Some fun!

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This material is ©1998 by Grace Hollander
3 Keren Haysod st,Ramat Ilan, Givat Shmuel, Israel 51905

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