Welcome to GQ Are Hot! Here you will find a complete list of all the websites and cliques I run, fanlistings and hatelistings I belong to and the message boards I post at.

.January 2nd, 2005.
Whoa! I really have neglected this site. The second half of last year was very busy for me. I started grad school (got A's in all my classes, yay!) and had two jobs. Right now I'm on vacation in FL till the 11th, so I guess I can get a little of work done here.
Last week (I thinnk) I updated .AAA. with three new members.
I haven't watched GH in like two weeks, so I don't really know if GQ have been on. (I know they're not on a lot lately, thanks to stupid Juannabe. ::grr::)

.June 20th, 2004.
I just updated .AAA. with three new members.

.June 18th, 2004.
I've had a very boring day so far. Did a quiz, and here are the results:

.June 9th, 2004.
Whoa! I haven't updated here in over a month! Anyways, I just added a couple of spoilers to .G & D., so go check it out.

.April 23rd, 2004.
I'm so bored at the moment. I think I'm gonna go work on CHI for a while, I'll give you the link when there's more stuff up!

Ok, I just posted my thoughts on Wednesday's episode of The Bachelor on FF, so I'm gonna C&P them here. ::grins::
The remaining six girls...
Mandy J. - LOVE HER! Last week I wasn't that sure about her but after this week I'm definitely rooting for her, she's my #1 girl! Why do I like her the best? Cause she looks real, and she's tall! I'm tall and I say 'Tall Girls Rule!'. GO MANDY!
Suzie - I dunno about this girl yet. Something about her doesn't quite convince me yet. Maybe after next week I'll change my mind, but I doubt it. Btw, stay out of the sun hun, your skin isn't looking all that great.
Tara - Heh. They had a pretty cute date, but I'm thinking that she's too young for him. What's their age difference, 2 years? Hmm, not that much but there's something about her that makes me think she's not ready for that type of commitemment (sp?). She kinda reminds me of Brooke (Bachelor Aaron), perfect in everyway but too young.
Jessica B. - Yet another girl who needs to look for some shade. I do believe that Jesse is attracted to her, but heh, she doesn't convince me either. I dunno.
Karen - ::sighs:: I really don't get it.
Trish - I get why Jesse decided to keep her in, I don't like it, but I get it. You have to come to your own conclusions about people. Do you guys think that maybe TPTB told him to keep Trish on? (since we didn't see him in the deliberation room)

I just updated .G & D.

.April 20th, 2004.
::deep sigh:: I just finished writing out my thoughts about tonight's One Tree Hill. Here they are: ::grins::
"I can't believe that after everything Dan did and said during this episode my heart still broke when I saw him looking through Lucas' baby pictures.
Girl fight next week!
Not as great as last week's but watchable. ::lol::
I didn't catch the first 10 minutes of today's ep so I don't know what was going on between Lucas/Brooke at first, but I called my friend and she told me that he said that he wasn't sure if the kid was his. That enfuriates me to no end; I wish there was a way for girls to say that type of thing to guys and not make it sound like one is a slut. Whatever. ::rolleyes::
Did we ever see when Karen said "no" to Keith?, cause I pretty much took it as a given last week, but I don't really remember if she actually said "no".
Ok, Nathan/Haley, the cutest! It was a very real way to do it, the "I Love You's" I mean. She freaking out about being in love for the first time and telling all of her friends about it and him just coming out and say it without telling anyone else about it. I just thought it was really cute.
Ok, about the lie. It was pretty mean on Brooke's part to lie to Luke the second after finding out she wasn't pregnant, but I can understand why she lied, after putting myself back in High School mentality, of course I understand. At 23 I would never do that. But at 15-16 I guess I would also react that way; cause forgetting how the whole thing is affecting Lucas, the girl was thinking about how the whole thing was affecting HER. I'm not condoning (sp?) her actions whatsoever, I'm just saying that I understand why she lied. From my 23-year-old POV she doesn't deserve another chance with him, but we gotta remember they're still in High School and they're still kids; they don't know what they're doing, they think they know, but they have absolutely no clue. Hell, I'm about to graduate college and don't know still!"

I just realized that my download of last week's The O.C. episode is at 91%. It would've been downloaded and watched by now but I went to another town over the weekend and came back really late on Sunday. So I guess I have to survive with a couple of stills till then. ::wink::

I just updated .G & D. with some pics for later this week and a little bit of more info on the upcoming shot.

.April 19th, 2004.
Early this morning I updated .G & D. with tons of spoilers.

Also I remembered about .TOCL. and decided to update it. I added some links in the "guys" and "gals" sections.

.April 15th, 2004.
My vcr didn't work last night so I missed The Bachelor, but after reading the recap at ABC here are my thoughts:
First of all I gotta say that I loved Kristin! I'm so sorry Jesse rubbed her the wrong way and she decided to leave the show.
Anywho, here are my thoughts on the 10 remaining girls:
Katie: I guess it served her well when she decided to stay. Now I wonder if Jesse gave her the rose instead of Kristin. If that's so, poor, poor girl. Just imagine how ironic it will be if she ends up with Jesse! ::lol::
Tara: Jenny really likes her, but I don't remember her standing out from the rest of the girls in the 1st episode. And since I didn't see the 2nd episode I don't really know how her & Jesse's chemistry is. But from what I can gather, she was very real when she asked him about the "waking up to a stranger" comment he made on the group date, and I for one am glad she did it.
Jessica B.: I don't know about this girl. I don't hate her but I don't like her. From what I read she was coming on very strong to Jesse, but hey, it's a game!
Trish: I guess the only thing that makes me happy that I missed last night's episode was that I missed their 1st kiss. Thank God.
Mandy J.: Jesse was very attracted to her in the group date, I'm so pissed I didn't get to see that. I'm not rooting all that much for her, but I don't hate her either. ::lol:: She seems interesting though, and I prefer her over a lot of some of the other girls. She seems real.
Jenny S.: YAY! The spy is Jenny! I knew it! I just knew it! She gave herself away in the 1st rose ceremony!
Karen: Heh. She didn't do all that much in this episode, did she?
Suzie: How is it that I don't remember this girl?
Jessica H.: I only remember her "My name's the same as yours" thing in her introduction; did she do anything interesting in the second episode?
Julie: What the fuck? This girl got to the next round? Does she have anything else to say besides "I'm a cheerleader"? ::rolls eyes::

Besides missing TB I'm extremely pissed that my vcr didn't record last night's The O.C. I guess I'll have to download it over the weekend, just like I did with "The Telenovela".

I forgot to add on Tuesday's post just how happy I was with GQ that day! Everything was so cute! They were the only reason I didn't fast fowarded through the whole episode!

Finally, at least for the moment ::lol::, I'm watching yesterday's GH episode right now and, God, just who the hell does Sonny think he is?

I just updated .G & D.

My thoughts on Tuesday's One Tree Hill:
I was left totally speechless when Brooke said she thougth she was pregnant!
I believe that Keith got a little ahead of himself when he proposed to Karen. I mean, hello, go out on a proper date first, thanks
Jake? Yummy. I'm happy that they're exploring the posibility of a Jake/Seyton pairing. (Yes, I'm calling her Seyton now)
Honestly, I think that Hayley shouldn't have gotten that tatoo with Nathan's jersey number. And I don't blame Lucas AT ALL for overreacting about it.
But I do blame Lucas for overreacting about Nathan/Seyton's kiss. Please, he had to do the same thing with Hayley, so I really don't get what was it with the drama.

GH pics from .GHW4. & S/S pics from .U.

.April 13th, 2004.
.G & D. has been updated!

No American Idol tonight! GRR!

I'm still watching today's General Hospital, I was told is all full of GQ goodness! YAY!

.April 11th, 2004.
I just updated .G & D. with some spoilers for May sweeps.

I remembered my .FF. password, go me!

The-N started airing this year's "Countdown to Degrassi" spots the other day. The very first hosts are Daniel and Miriam. ::sighs:: If that only meant Sean and Emma are getting back together in season four. ::crosses fingers and toes::

Also just found out about the other day, TBS is going to be airing Sex and the City every Tuesday at 9pm. The same time-slot as One Tree Hill... what's a girl to do? ::pouts::

.April 10th, 2004.
Ok, I did it! I finally made the .boards. page! Go check it out, though I can honestly say it's not finished.

I'm so happy! I'm watching last night's The Apprentice! I went to a concert last night and forgot to leave it taping, thank God for CNBC, there's something I never thought I say. ::lol:

Ok, I finally decided to stop relying in Fox to reair The O.C.'s "The Telenovela" and as of last night it's downloading; when I see it, I'll think about posting my thougths. ::lol::

I'm pissed at the moment, I forgot my freaking password for .FF.! Now I can't get in! I just hope I remember which email address I have for it. ::swears in Spanish::

Another thing, I just got my eyebrows waxed for the very first time and it didn't hurt as much as I thought it was gonna. If you have the chance, do it.

.Past Updates.

Since Jan.03.04
design by .imbri.