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Sega Genesis Music
Phantasy Star 4

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Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 3/6
Lufia 1 & 2
Secret of Mana
Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3)

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Realms of Hyrule
VG Music Archive
RPG Classics


Luna's RPG Midi Site

Welcome! I'm Luna, and I'm an RPG addict. I have been since the mid-late 80's. If you want to see my 'real' site, go to The Realms of Hyrule. :) I was planning on just uploading these MIDI files to this space and linking to them from RPG Classics, but I figured Geocities doesn't want people using their free space for file storage. (whatever...) As a result, you get this.

There's lots of things that make a good RPG, but if the music sucks, you won't get past it, and it will ruin the whole game. Here I will attempt to collect complete soundtracks for my favorite RPGs. Every file was handpicked by me, and in my opinion, is the best representation of the original. This collection isn't too big right now because I refuse to listen to a song until I've heard it in the game first. I don't want to ruin the effect.

A quick note about the JavaScript errors. They aren't mine. I have no JavaScript on this site, the geeks at Geocities put it in there. The least they could do is make sure it WORKS!...If you have some kind of script that would disable all this, let me know. :)

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Site created & maintained by Luna. Requests/Suggestions are welcome. This site was started on 5/10/00.