Arcane Fighting Vehicles - AFVs

British AFVs by Graham Matthews, Click to email me

AS90 155 mm Self Propelled Gun



This site aims to provide information on British tracked armoured fighting vehicles. Rather than concentrating on the better known vehicles, however, I intend to provide links, photographs and commentary on some of the lesser known vehicles as first priority. Hence the slightly tongue-in-cheek title for this site.

I hope to continually update this site with information on interesting British vehicles, as well as some of the old favourites.

Recently added or updated pages (Aug 2009) include:

155 mm Self Propelled Howitzer AS90

CVR(T) Stormer Variants

Contentious, British S-Tank equivalent

Challenger 2 Trojan AVRE

Churchill 3 ins Gun Carrier

(updated with new pictures)

FV4004 Conway and FV4005
(updated with new pictures)


Praying Mantis
A novel idea for firing from a concealed position

Tanks from Independent in 1926 until the end of WW II were mostly given 'A-number' General Staff (GS) ordnance designations. Other GS designations included B for tractors and carriers, D for armoured cars and L for light tanks. Before this they had descriptive titles, with a Mark and possibly a name, such as Tank, Medium Mark A 'Whippet' or Tank, Mark I. After WW II, until about 1982, British army vehicles including softskins, were allocated 'FV' designations. Subsequent vehicles have reverted to names and marks.

WW1 - 1925
(pre-GS 'A' number designations)

1925 - 1945 non-a numbered (named only) vehicles

General Staff A-Number List 1925-1945 

Post 1945 FV Numbers

Post WW2 vehicle with no FV number


My models

Including reviews of 1/76 & 1/72 models




My other, non-military pages


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