February 6, 2001

Ok, so I'm having a little problem! one of my friends MAYBE wants to bring John Spada to our I don't have a problem with that, but i HATE HIM. He is an ass to me, but if she wants to bring him she can, i just don't want him bugging me or making my prom a living hell!! He knows my date, and he's gonna want to hang out with him, and I will be fuckin livid!!! But there's really nothing I can do, and I know this, I'm just bitter. What the fuck was I smoking last year when I asked him to my prom?????? god dammit!!! and I really wanna talk to Greg right now cause I want his opinion on it!!!! I'm gonna go! frustration sux ass!!!!!

                                                                                                                     Princess Gina

February 9, 2001

I know I know!! I'm sorry!! I've had a very bad week! Wanna hear about it??!! I'll tell you in a nutshell!! You know how one of my friends wants to bring John to the prom, well so much shit went down in the past 3 days! It's been ridiculous! I at first told her I didn't want her to bring him cause it would make me feel uncomfortable, which at this time it still will! so fine, whatever......than the next day I said fine she could take him but i refuse to be anywhere near her that night, this includes not getting a limo with them!! Then last night that dickless asshole IMs me and tells me i've been talkin shit on him for no reason at all! so I'm pissed cause i know michelle said something! well i was a mess last night and couldn't go to sleep, so i called my friend amy and she helped me out at 12:30 AM! i now owe her my life! :) so I went into school today and bitched her out right away, and didn't give a shit what she had to say, than i let her tell her side at lunch, and i said to her, "out of respect for me, do NOT bring me up in anymore conversations u have with him! i don't wanna be apart of this petty shit anymore, it's ridiculous!! but i gotta go cause i'm in the middle of something! sorry!

                                                                                                                       Princess Gina

February 11, 2001

Hey what's up! Sorry i didn't update last night but I was at my mom's job helping with the triplets! They're so cute!! But they cry alot, I dunno if I'm gonna be able to take care of my own kids!! It takes way too much patience!!! So um....I'm off tomorrow, but my weekend basically sucked! Except for last night! It was actually fun! And my aunt Joanne was there, so of course my mom and her didn't shut up! Today I have work, and I actually gotta leave in a few minutes.....I really don't wanna go! But, my favorite people are gonna be there! Yay! So I'm gonna go get ready now, I'll c-ya!
                                                                                                                      Princess Gina

February 13, 2001

Hi! Well, today was an odd one....the day went by quick and good, Kristin got picked to be a leader and i'm muy happy for her!!!! :) :) :) But, I got home and I found out that my great Uncle Buzz(Rudy) is dying, and doesn't have much more time left, so my mom is over there tonight and staying there the night for her cousin(my uncle's daughter) yeah, it's weird around here tonight! Oh, but I was looking through old home videos, and pictures, and i was the cutest girl in the world!!! My baby pics, my toddler pics, all the young stuff!! and my pics from when i was 10-13 are hideous!!!! I hate them!!! Anyway, it's getting late, so i'm gonna go!! Love ya!!
                                                                                                                      Princess Gina

February 14, 2001

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! Hello! Well, the week is almost over, yay! :) Ok uncle Buzz died this morning, so keep him and my family in ur prayers, especiallly my grandmom he was her little brother, and my cousin and aunt, please! Thanks. So, it seems as though my weekend is packed. I might stay home on Friday cause school is pointless that day! Saturday I'm going to get my prom dress, Sunday I gotta babysit 3 of my cousins while my family goes to my uncle's wake, and I have alot of homework to do too, and Monday I have my uncle's funeral. I know it's not exactly the kind of weekend I want, but that's life. Any news at this time??? ummmm oh well ok listen to this! I might get progress reports this weekend on Lit and Gov't, now it's not definite, but I know I did so shitty in my last test, like in the 50s, and i got a 76 on my gov't test, but the think that irks me is that I've only had one test in both of those classes, so I don't think it should count cause u have nothing to compare them to, u know! Am I right?! Yes, I think I am!! Anyway, I think I'm gonna go study for my Lit test cause I'm kind of worried about it! How shocking is that?!! C-ya!
                                                                                                                       Princess Gina

February 15, 2001

Well, tomorrow I'm taking a day off from school!! I am conpletely done with that place!! I don't enjoy it at all anymore! Plus, tomorrow's Ring Day and I really don't give a shit at all! OMG, ok so I finally taped Next Friday, and I swear to god it is funnier everytime i see it, plus i know like every line now....and yes i know it's pathetic, but if you've seen the movie then u understand!! and all I gotta say is, "aztec warrior!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!!" LOL! OMG, if u could have seen me today you would have been laughing ur ass off!!! I was freaking out over my Lit test ALL DAY, and I had it last period, so u can imagine how crazy I was by the time it was 7th period!! I never wanna go through that again, it's WAY too stressful!! Anyway I'm gonna go, ta-ta!!
                                                                                                                       Princess Gina

February 19, 2001

OMG! I'm sorry I haven't updated since Thursday, but I've been really busy!! I got my prom dress!!!! it's black, strapless(but i'm wearing a black and white wrap over it for the pic, and probably putting on a cup-sleeved black jacket later cause i'm not a strapless kind of person!!), and there's a white strip at the top with shimmery beading on it, and i think i might get a tiara to wear too!! i'm really not excited though, i mean i know i should be, but i'm just not....i don't know what the problem is! I usually love this kind of shit! oh well! oh and today was my uncle buzz's funeral, it was really nice actually....i hate funerals with a passion, but this was was more of a celebration rather than that mourning shit, and my cousin did the eulegy(sp?) and it was great! she stayed composed and everything!! anyway i'm gonna go!
                                                                                                                        Princess Gina