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Special Friend...
In my life,
I've been up and down,
sunny, gray, and blue.
But I confess
that I was blessed
the day that I met you!
The ones we love will
often ask:
"Can I help you through it?"
But a friend like you
never asks;
You just set out to do it.
And I can think of nothing in life
that I'd rather do
than to spend my days
with a special friend like you.
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My dear friend,
I don't know how to begin to
express my appreciation for you.
You mean so much to me--
more than you could possibly know.
I can't imagine not having you in my life.
Our lives have become so entwined,
that we simply can't exist separately anymore.
We need each other like springtime
blossoms need rain and sunshine.
We've laughed together,
cried together
and through it all we've grown.
All along, I've known
that there's a special quality about you.
You have a magical way of reaching inside me
and filling my heart with hope and happiness.
You make me feel like I can accomplish anything.
Thank you, friend.
I couldn't get by without you.