Character Bios

Goku is in the saiyin race. He was born in planet Vegita. He was sent to earth by Vegita and other saiyin. He was sent to earth so he can destroy all the livings and so it can be sold. Goku was found by an old man named Gohan. The old man rasied Goku. When Goku was a child he fell down into a cliff and lost his memory. When Goku got older he married Chi Chi. Then they had a son named Gohan (named after Goku's grandfather). Goku is the first out of all the saiyin to turn super saiyin, and to turn super saiyin 4 (with Pan's help).
Chi Chi
Chi Chi is Goku's wife. She is Gohan's  mother. Chi Chi pushes Gohan to do is best in school and in homework. Chi Chi knows a little bit of martial arts. She entred the martial art tourtament once. Chi Chi doesn't like fighting. Later on in the dragon ball z series Goku and Chi Chi has another  son .
Vegita is the prince of all the saijin. He is the one that sends Goku to the planet Earth. When Vegita and Napa get on Earth they kill some of the Earth's special forces.Then Vegita has a one on one match with Goku. But Vegita loses. Then one Namake Vegita wounder why he isn't the first super saijin. Then Vegita marries Bulma and has a son later on.
Bulma is mother to Trunks and wife to Vegita. Bulma is a scientist. Her dad is also a scientist. Bulma yells at everybody, she is a very bossy person. Bulma goes with Gohan and krillin to the planet Namake. Then later on in the dragon ball z series her and Vegita has a daugter.
  Goten is Goku's and Chi Chi's second son. He is best friends with Trunks. Goten is one of the weakest in dragon ball z. Trunks is stronger then him. When they fought each other at the martial art toutament Trunks bet Goten. Goten and Trunks are about the same age. He also turns super saijin when he was 5 years old.
Trunks is Vegita's and Bulma's son. He also turns super saiyin when he turns 5.He is Gotens best friend. He got his sword from a guy named Tapion. His mom is a scientist. When Trunks found Taplon Goten got jeoules. When Trunks and Goten use then Fusion Technique they make a guy named Gotanks.
Krillin is Goku's best friend. When Krillin and Goku were small they would always use to race. Krillin and Goku got each other's back. But when Krillin died in the Frezza saga Goku got so mad that he turned super saijin for the first time. Later on Krillin grows some hair. Krillin is the weakest in the dragon ball z series. Krillin Marries no. 18 and has a daugter.
Pan is Gohan's and Videl's daugter. Pan is like Gohan. She rarely uses energy beams. But when is gets mad she has a great power. When pan was 4 years old she flew around the world once in a very little time. Then she entered the martial art tourtament and beat her 15 year old cousin Goten. Pan is 1/4 saijin and 1/3 human.
Gohan is Goku's and Chi Chi first son. Gohan gets training from Piccolo. Gohan gets the strongest out of everybody. When Gohan gets mad he let out an ultimate power. Gohan becomes a scholar and stops training. He marries a girl named Videl and has a daugter named Pan.
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