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           Tal    Winds    Kassar Language    Ko-lar    Rask and Urth   Ai    Ki   

           Servery   Red Sugar   White Ka-la-na   Bazi Tea Ceremony  
           To Taste   To Kiss the Rim   Seven Steps Serve  

           Silks    Unowned slaves wearing garments   Third Person Speach    Using Master's Name   
           Karta    Enter a Room    Palms Up   
           To Touch Weapons    To Touch Coins    To beg Forgiveness   

           Mistress   Taverns   Face Stripping  



Tal is used in the books by Free and slaves
"Tal,' I said, lifting my right arm, palm inward, in a common Gorean greeting."
"Outlaw of Gor" page 28

"Yet I had little doubt that the strong, large-handed men of Laura, sturdy in their work tunics, who stopped to regard us, would not appreciate the body of a slave girl, provided she is vital, and loves, and leaps helplessly to their touch.
"Tal, Kajirae!" cried one of the men, waving. Ute pressed against the bars, waving back at him. The men cheered."
"Captive of Gor" page 87

"The girls stood straight, proud under the gaze of a warrior. `Tal, Master,' said many of them, as I rode slowly by."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 344

"I am Radish,' said Radish. 'I am Turnip,' said Turnip. 'I am Verr Tail,' said Verr Tail. Sandal Thong looked at me. 'I am Sandal Thong,' she said. 'Tal,' I said to them. 'Tal,' they said to me."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 199

"He grinned a Tuchuck grin.'How are the Bosk?' He asked. 'As well as may be expected,' said Kamchak. 'Are the Quivas sharp?' 'One tries to keep them so,' said Kamchak. 'It is important to keep the axles of the wagons greased,' observed Kutaituchik. 'Yes,' said Kamchak, 'I believe so.' Kutaituchik suddenly reached out and he and Kamchak, laughing, clasped hands."
"Nomads of Gor" page 44

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There is no farewell "Winds" used in the Books, not even used in combination with other words. The normal farewell was "I wish you well".

“‘I wish you well’, said Nar, using a common Gorean phrase of farewell.” Tarnsman of Gor page 94

“A slave girl is pleased,” she said, “that such a man as you is her master.” I turned to go.
I heard her voice over my shoulder. “I wish you well, Master,” she said."
"Priest-Kings of Gor" Page 207

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Kassar Language
There were dialects in Gor, but the kassar language was completely invented by some imaginative reader. The Kassars, known as the Bloody People, do not have many mentions in Nomads of Gor.

"There are several barbarian languages spoken on Gor, usually in more remote areas. Also, some of the dialects of Gorean itself are almost unintelligible. On the other hand, Gorean, in its varieties, serves as the lingua franca of civilized Gor. There are few Goreans who cannot speak it, though with some it is almost a second language. Gorean tends to be rendered more uniform through the minglings and transactions of the great fairs."
"Beasts of Gor" page 154

"There are, of course, many languages spoken on Gor, but that language I have called Gorean, in its various dialects, is the lingua franca of the planet. It is spoken most everywhere, except in remote areas. One of these remote areas, of course, is the equatorial interior.
"Explorers of Gor" page 100

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The word "Ko-lar" appears one single time in the books, to illustrate how it is pronounced, during a scene where a slave is being taught how to speak Gorean.

"Ko-lar," she said, indicating her collar.
"It is the same word in English," I cried. She did not understand my outburst. Gorean, as I would learn, is rich in words borrowed from Earth languages; how rich it is I am not a skilled enough philologist to conjecture. It may well be that almost all Gorean expressions may be traced to one or another Earth language."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 80

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Rask and Urth
These two words never appear in the books. The first, used to signify arse, is an insult to a great character, Rask of Treve. The second is an ignorant misspelling of the word Earth.

“The terrible Rask of Treve, one of the most dreaded warriors on all Gor.”
"Captive of Gor" page 62

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The word "Ai" appears in the books as an exclamation and not with the meaning of Yes.

"I think it will do you good to feel this," I said, shaking out the five, soft, broad blades. I then went behind her.
"Ai!" she cried, struck. "It hurts, so!" she wept, now, a moment later, beginning to feel the pain in it's fullness, now on her stomach, disbelief in her eyes."
"Mercenaires of Gor" page

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The wors "Ki" appears in the books, used as negation as a girl is being taught how to speak Gorean.

"I took from the chest a string of pearls, then one of the pieces of gold, then one of the rubies. "Bina?" I asked, each time. Eta laughed. "Bana" she said, "Ki Bina. Bana." Then, from another box, Eta produced another necklace, one with cheap glass beads, and another with simple small wooden beads. She indicated the latter two necklaces. "Bina," she said, pointing to them. Bina, I then understood, were lesser beads, cheap beads."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 81/2

"Briefly, for those it might interest, all directions on the planet are calculated from the Sardar Mountains, which for the purposes of calculating direction play a role analogous to our north pole; the two main directions, so to speak, in the Gorean way of thinking are Ta-Sardar-Var and Ta-Sardar-Ki-Var, or as one would normally say, Var and Ki-Var; 'Var' means a turning and 'Ki' signifies negation; thus, rather literally, one might speak of 'turning to the Sardar' and 'not turning to the Sardar', something like either facing north or not facing north; on the other hand, more helpfully, the Gorean compass is divided into eight, as opposed to our four, main quadrants, or better said, divisions, and each of these itself is of course subdivided."
"Nomads of Gor" page 3 footnote

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Not once the word "Servery" is mentioned in the Books, but Kitchen is.

"There was the odor of food in the kitchen, and of spilled drink. There were several yards of sausages hung on hooks; numerous canisters of flour, sugars, and salts; many smaller containers of spices and condiments. Two large wine jugs stood in one corner of the room. There were many closed pantries lining the walls, and a number of pumps and tubs on one side. Some boxes and baskets of hard fruit were stored there. I could see the bread ovens in one wall; the long fire pit over which could be put cooking racks, the mountings for spits and kettle hooks; the fire pit was mostly black now, but here and there I could see a few broken sticks of glowing charcoal; aside from this, the light in the room came from one small tharlarion oil lamp hanging from the ceiling."
"Assassin of Gor" pages 271/2

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Red Sugar
There is no "red sugar" mentioned in the Books, but there is "Red Salt".

"She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray on the table. With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 89

"Salt, incidentally, is obtained by the men of Torvaldsland, most commonly, from sea water or the burning of seaweed. It is also, however, a trade commodity, and is sometimes taken in raids. The red and yellow salts of the south, some of which I saw on the tables, are not domestic to Torvaldsland"
"Marauders of Gor" pages 186/7

"The red salt of Kasra, so called from its port of embarkation, was famed on Gor. It was brought from secret pits and mines, actually, deep in the interior, bound in heavy cylinders on the backs of pack kaiila."
"Tribesman of Gor" page 20

"Most salt at Klima is white, but certain of the mines deliver red salt, red from ferrous oxide in its composition, which is called the Red Salt of Kasra, after its port of embarkation, at the juncture of the Upper and Lower Fayeen.
"Tribesman of Gor" page 238

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White Ka-la-na
There is no "White Ka-la-na" mentioned in the Books, Ka-la-na was only red.

"After the meal I tasted a drink, which might not inappropriately be described as an almost incandescent wine, bright, dry, and powerful."
"Tarnsman of Gor" page 26

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To Taste
No tasting for safety was ever required in the books, on the contrary, a slave could not drink from the Master's vessel. Two bowls were ordered for a taste, the only one that appears in the books, and it was no taste for safety, Tarl was just wondering if the smell was that of the coffee.

"Bring two bowls. I said.
Two? asked the girl.
The slave, I said, indicating Elizabeth, will taste it first.
Of course, Master, said the girl. (...)
"I had heard of black wine, but had never had any. It is drunk in Thentis, but I had never heard of it being much drunk in other Gorean cities. (...) Then I picked up one of the thick, heavy clay bowls. It was extremely strong, and bitter, but it was hot, and, unmistakably, it was coffee."
"Assassin of Gor" Page 106

"He extended his goblet to me. “Drink,” he said, offering me the cup. I looked at the rim of the cup. I shook with terror. “A slave girl dares not touch with her lips the rim of that cup which has been touched with the lips of her master,” I whispered."
"Captive of Gor" page 302

"When I had served him wine he gave me, too, to drink of the cup. This was, in its way, a great honor, and a token of his recognition as to how I stood to him. I still, of course, did not dare to drink from the same edge of the cup as he, the master."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 442

"`Why do you not drink? I asked her. `A girl does not drink before her master,' she said. `I see that you are not totally stupid,' I said. `Thank you, Master,' she said."
"Guardsmen of Gor" page 296

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To Kiss the Rim
Slaves were required to kiss the side of the vessel, but were forbiden to kiss the rim.

"One of the men lifted his cup and I hurried to him. I took the cup and filled it. (...) then I pressed my lips to his cup as I must, as a slave girl, and handed it to him."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 89

"I almost fainted. I went to him and, shaking, poured paga into his goblet; I was terrified that I might spill it; it was not only that I feared, should I spill the beverage, that I might be beaten for my clumsiness; it was even more than I wished to appear graceful and beautiful before him; but I shook, and was awkward; the paga sloshed in the goblet but, as my heart almost stood still, it did not spill; he looked at me; I was a clumsy girl, and a poor slave; I felt so small and unworthy before him; I was not only a girl, small and weak before these mighty men; I was not even a good slave. Trembling, I extended the goblet to him. He did not take it. I shrank back, confused. I did not know what to do. I realized then that I had, in my confusion and distress, forgotten to place my lips upon the goblet in subservience. I quickly pressed my lips to the goblet, kissing it. Then, suddenly, as I was to hand it to him, I boldly, again, lifted the goblet s side to my lips. Holding it in both hands, I kissed it again, lovingly, delicately, fully, lingering, my eyes closed. I had never kissed a boy on Earth with the helplessness and passion that I bestowed upon the mere goblet of my Gorean captor. I belonged to him. I was his. I loved him! I felt the metal of the cup beneath my full, pressing lips. I opened my eyes. I proffered, tears in my eyes, the cup of paga to my captor. It was though, with the cup, I was giving myself to him. Yet I knew I needed not give myself to him, for I was his, and a slave girl; he could take me whenever he wished me. He took the cup from my hands, and dismissed me."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 68

"From one side a slave girl, barefoot, bangled, in sashed, diaphanous, trousered chalwar, gathered at the ankles, in tight, red silk vest, with bare midriff, fled to Him, with the tall, graceful, silvered pot containing the black wine. She was veiled. She knelt, replenishing the drink. Beneath the veil I saw the metal of her collar. I had not thought to have such fortune. She did not look at me. She returned to her place with the pot of black wine. Ibn Saran lifted another finger. From the side there hastened to him another girl, a fair skinned, red haired girl. She, too, wore veil, vest, chalwar, bangles, collar. She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray on the table. With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure. She then held the cup to the side of her cheek, testing its temperature; Ibn Saran glanced at her; she, looking at him, timidly kissed the side of the cup and placed it before him. Then, her head down, she withdrew."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 88/9

"Slowly, alone, a paga slave, naked and collared, she approached my table. She then knelt there, before me.
Press the cup to your belly, I told her.
She did so. She then held it there, in both hands. Paga, Master?' she whispered."
"Explorers of Gor" page 172

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Seven Steps Serve
There is no seven steps serve observed in the Books. Serves varied according to the situation and the place. Inspecting or cleaning a vessel, to count heart bits were never mentionedin the books. Also, in any serve in the books slaves prayed for the Master's health. Slaves were not allowed in temples so probably they would not be allowed to pray. In the Wagon Peoples culture not even Free Women were allowed to pray. Sweetening, also, never appears in the books. Special serves for Assassins are never mentioned either. There are many vessels mentioned in the books but "mug" is never mentioned.

"I turned and, among the furnishings of the tent, found a bottle of Ka-la-na, of good vintage, from the vineyards of Ar, the loot of a caravan raid. I then took the wine, with a small copper bowl, and a black, red-trimmed wine crater, to the side of the fire. I poured some of the wine into the small copper bowl, and set it on the tripod over the tiny fire in the fire bowl.
He sat cross-legged, facing me, and I knelt by the fire, facing him.
After a time I took the copper bowl from the fire and held it against my cheek. I returned it again to the tripod, and again we waited.
I began to tremble.
“Do not be afraid, Slave,” he said to me.
“Master!” I pleaded.
“I did not give you permission to speak,” he said.
I was silent.
Again I took the bowl from the fire. It was now not comfortable to hold the bowl, but it was not painful to do so. I poured the wine from the small copper bowl into the black, red-trimmed wine crater, placing the small bowl in a rack to one side of the fire. I swirled, slowly, the wine in the wine crater. I saw my reflection in the redness, the blondness of my hair, dark in the wine, and the collar, with its bells, about my throat.
I now, in the fashion of the slave girl of Treve, held the wine crater against my right cheek. I could feel the warmth of the wine through the side of the crater.
“Is it ready?’ he asked.
A master of Treve does not care to be told that his girl thinks it is. He wished t be told Yes or No.
“Yes,” I whispered.
I did not know how he cared for his wine, for some men of Treve wish it warm, others almost hot. I did not know how he wished it. What if it were not as he wished it!
“Serve me wine,” he said.
I, carrying the wine crater, rose to my feet and approached him. I then knelt before him, with a rustle of slave bells, in the position of the pleasure slave. I put my head down and, with both hands, extending my arms to him, held forth the wine crater. “I offer you wine, Master,’ I said.
He took the wine and I watched, in terror. He sipped it, and smiled. I nearly fainted.
I would not be beaten.
I knelt there, while he, at his leisure, drank the wine.
When he had almost finished, he beckoned me to him, and I went to kneel at his side. He put his hand in my hair and held my head back.
“Open your mouth,” he said.
I did so, and he, spilling some from the broad rim of the crater, I feeling it on my chin, and throat, as it trickled under the collar, and body, poured the remainder of the wine down my throat. It was bitter from the dregs in the bottom of the cup, and, to my taste, scalding. I, my eyes closed, my head held painfully back, throat burning, swallowed it. When I had finished the wine he thrust the wine crater into my hands. “Run, El-in-or,” he said, “put it back, and return to me.” I ran to the side of the tent and put back the wine crater, and fled back to his side."
"Captive of Gor" page 331/3

"The girl knelt at the side of the board. She was clad in a brief bit of diaphanous scarlet silk, slave silk. Her beauty was well betrayed. Her collar, a lock collar, was yellow, enameled. She was dark eyed, dark haired.
“May I serve, Masters?” she asked.
“Paga,” said Samos, absently, looking at the board.
“Yes,” I said.
With a flash of slave bells, she withdrew. As she left, I noted that she passed by the kneeling male slave, flanked by his guards. She passed him as a slave girl, her head in the air, insolently, taunting him with her body. (...)
The girl laughed, and continued on, to fetch paga for free men. (...) “Paga, Masters?” asked the dark-haired girl, kneeling beside the table.
Samos, not looking at her, held forth his goblet. The girl filled the goblet. I held forth my goblet, and she, too, filled mine.
“Withdraw,” said Samos.
She withdrew. (...)
The slave girl was speechless, her eyes wide. She took a step backward, clutching the two-handled paga vessel." "Hunters of Gor" page 2/3

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Bazi Tea Ceremony
There is not a Bazi Tea Ceremony" ever mentioned in the Books.

"'Make me tea,' I said.
'Is it ready?' I asked. I looked at the tiny copper kettle on the small stand. A tiny kaiila-dung fire burned under it. A small, heavy, curved glass was nearby, on a flat box, which would hold some two ounces of the tea. Bazi tea is drunk in tiny glasses, usually three at a time, carefully measured. She did not make herself tea, of course. She lifted the kettle from the fire and, carefully, poured me a tiny glass of tea. I took the glass."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 139

"Tea is extremely important to the nomads. It is served hot and highly sugared. It gives strength then, in virtue of the sugar, and cools them, by making them sweat, as well as stimulating them. It is drunk three small cups at a time, carefully measured."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 38

"In the cafes I had feasted well. I had had verr meat, cut in chunks and threaded on a metal rod, with slices of peppers and larma, and roasted; vulo stew with raisins, nuts, onions and honey; a kort with melted cheese and nutmeg; hot Bazi tea, sugared and later, Turian wine."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 48

"Hot Bazi Tea I wanted. This is an important trade item in the north. I now knew why. The southern sugars are also popular. I had originally supposed this was because of their sweetness, there being few sweet items, save some berries, in the north. I know began to suspect that the calories of the sugars also played their role in their popularity."
"Beasts of Gor" page 206

"There was a cup and a pitcher of Bazi tea on the counter. Bazi tea is a common beverage on Gor. Many Goreans are fond of it."
"Kajira of Gor" page 332

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Silks and Colours
Slaves wore any coloured silks at the will of their Masters and silk colours were not in any way connected with phases of training.

"The expression "red silk," in Gorean, tends to be used as a category in slaving, and also, outside the slaving context, as an expression in vulgar discourse, indicating that the woman is no longer a virgin, or, as the Goreans say, at least vulgarly of slaves, that her body has been opened by men. Its contrasting term is "white silk," usually used of slaves who are still virgins, or, equivalently, slaves whose bodies have not yet been opened by men."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 472

“Are you white silk?” I asked. “I am a virgin,” she said. “Then you are white silk,” I said."
"Explorers of Gor" Page 172

“Tela, when captured,” he said, indicating a blonde, “begged to be permitted to be kept in white silk.” He laughed. “After throwing her to a crew, for their pleasure, we put her, as she had asked, in white silk.” “Amusing,” I said. “She now often begs for red silk,” he said. “Perhaps we will one day permit it to her.”
"Rogue of Gor" Page 197

"Among slaves, not free women, these things are sometimes spoken of along the lines as to whether or not a girl has been “opened” for the uses of men. Other common terms, used generally of slaves, are ‘white silk’ and ‘red silk’, for girls who have not yet been opened, or have been opened, for the uses of men, respectively."
"Dancer of Gor" Page 128

"To be sure, of course, the color of the garment, on Gor, would not be likely to be white, but, commonly, red or yellow. White, on Gor, is a color commonly associated with virginity. It is, accordingly, worn by few slaves."
"Guardsman of Gor" Page 251

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Unowned Slaves
Slaves not owned should be naked, because a slave can not own anything.

"'I own it,' said Marcus, 'as I own you, but it is true that it was with you in mind that I purchased it, that you might wear it when permitted, or directed.'"
"Magicians of Gor" Page 21

"'I see, Master,' she said. 'But may I keep them?'
'Until I, or any free man,' I said, 'sees fit to take them from you.' I held her by her upper arms, from behind. 'You do not own them,' I said. 'You only wear them, and on the sufferance of free men.'
'Yes, Master,' she said. 'I own nothing. It is, rather, I who am owned."
"Explorers of Gor" Page 335/6

"Surely you are aware," said Saphrar, "that a slave cannot own property-any more than a kaiila, a tharlarion or sleen."
"Nomads of Gor" page 132

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Third Person Speech
Yes slaves were required to use the third person, on several occasions, to teach them their place as slaves.

“Does Phyllis remember the lash?" asked Flaminius.
The girl's eyes widened with fear. "Yes," she said.
“Then say so," said Flaminius. I whispered in to Ho-Tu, as though I could not understand what was transpiring.
"What is he doing with them?" Ho-Tu shrugged.
"He is teaching them they are slaves," he said.
"I remember the lash," said Phyllis.
"Phyllis remembers the lash," corrected Flaminius.
"I am not a child!" she cried.
"You are a slave," said Flaminius.
"No," she said. "No!"
"I see," said Flaminius, sadly, "it will be necessary to beat you.”
"Phyllis remembers the lash," said the girl numbly."
"Assassin of Gor" Page 131

"Master," she whispered.
"Yes?" I said.
"May I be taught to dance?" she asked.
"Who is 'I'?" I questioned.
"Alyena, your slave girl, Master," she whispered, "begs to be taught to dance."
"Perhaps she will be taught," I said.
"She is grateful," said the girl.
"Tribesmen of Gor" Page 91

"Do you want Darlene branded?" she asked.
"No," I said, "of course not!" I was surprised that she had spoken of herself as she did, using her name. This is not uncommon, of course, among female slaves."
"Fighting Slave of Gor" Page 147

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Using Master's Name
Slaves we not allowed to address Masters using their names or to use titles, as Captain or Ubar.

"A Gorean slave, incidentally, always addresses free men as "Master," and all free women as "Mistress."
"Captive of Gor" page 73

" (...) a slave girl is seldom permitted, at least publicly, to address her master by his name, only his title. The privilege of using his name, of having it on her lips, is, according to the most approved custom, reserved for that of a free woman, in particular a Free Companion. Gorean thinking on this matter tends to be expressed by the saying that a slave girl grows bold if her lips are allowed to touch the name of her master. On the other hand, I, like many Gorean masters, provided the girl was not testing or challenging me, and provided that free women, or others, were not present whom I had no wish to offend or upset, preferred as a matter of fact to have my own name on the girl's lips, for I think, with acknowledged vanity, that there are few sounds as pleasurable as the sound of one's own name on the lips of a beautiful woman."
"Priest Kings of Gor" page 206

"'May I call you Tarl?' she asked. 'Only if given permission, ' I told her. this was normal Gorean slave custom. Generally, of course, such permission is not even asked, and , if asked would be denied.
Sometimes a girl is whipped for even daring to ask this permission.
"A girl asks permission to call her Master by his name," she said.
"It is denied," I said.
"Yes, Master," she said. I would not permit the slave girl to speak my name. It is not fitting that the name of the master be soiled by being touched by the lips of a slave girl."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 360

"Slave girls, of course, may speak the name of their masters to others, for example, as in locutions such as, "I am the girl of Calliodorus of Port Cos," or "I come from the house of Colliodorus." It is only that they are seldom, in addressing the master himself, permitted to use his name. He is usually addressed simply as "Master," or as "my Master."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 270

“Please, my Ubar,” said she, “let me stay.”
“I am not your Ubar,” I said. “I am your master.”
“Please, Master,” she begged, “let Telima stay.”
"Raiders of Gor" page 224

“Captain!” demanded the boy.
The kitchen master, in fury, grabbed him by the hair and raised his arm to thrash him.
I gestured that he not do so.
The kitchen master stepped back, angry.
“What do you want?” I had asked the boy.
“To see you, Captain,” said he.
“Master!” corrected the kitchen master.
“Captain!” cried the boy.
“Normally,” I said to the boy, “a kitchen slave petitions to enter his master’s presence through the kitchen master.”
“I know,” said the boy.
“Why did you not do so?” I asked.
“I have,” said the boy defiantly, “many times.”
“And I,” said the kitchen master, “have refused him.”
“What is his request?” I asked the kitchen master.
“He would not tell me,” said the kitchen master.
“How then,” I asked the boy, “did you expect the kitchen master to consider whether or not you should be permitted to enter my presence?”
"Raiders of Gor" page 220

"The boy looked at me. “Thank you,” he said, “Captain.”
“Master,” corrected Tellius.
“May I not,” asked the boy of me, “address you as Captain?”
“If you wish,” I said.
“Thank you,” said he, “Captain.”
“Now begone, Slave,” said I."
"Raiders of Gor" page 222

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To enter a room
Slaves would not beg to enter in taverns, but would of course kneel in the presence of the free. There were 109 ways to enter in a room.

"`Slaves can enter taverns, can they not?' I asked. `If on an errand, or in the company of a free person,' he said."
"Kajira of Gor" page 122

"Observe," once had said Elizabeth to me, to my amusement, in the secrecy of our compartment, "the twelfth way to enter a room," I had observed. It was not bad. But I think I preferred the tenth, that with the girl's back against the side of the door, the palms of her hands on the jamb, her head up, lips slightly parted, eyes to the right, smoldering at just the right temperature. "How many ways are there," I asked, sitting cross-legged in the center of the compartment, on the stone couch, "to enter a room?" "It depends on the city," said Elizabeth. "In Ar we are the best; we have most ways to enter a room. One hundred and four." I whistled. "What about," I asked, "just walking straight through?" She looked at me. "Ah," said she, "one hundred and five."
"Assassin of Gor" page 204

"A girl," I told her, "on entering the compartment of her master, kneels." "Furthermore," I said, "commonly, in the presence of a free man, the girl kneels."
"Tribesmen of Gor" Page 46

"In the corridor we passed a female slave. She dropped to her knees and put her head down, her hair upon the tiles, as we passed."
"Tribesmen of Gor" page 13

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The word Karta, never appears in the books, there is though a tiles position and an obeissance position.

"I knelt before the guest, putting the palms of my hands on the floor and my head to the tiles.".
"Kajira of Gor" page 305

"Swiftly we assumed a common form of slave obeisance, kneeling, the palms of our hands on the ground, our heads to the ground. Many masters, though it tends to be rather associated, usually, with given cities, require this position of their girls, usually when they first enter his presence, or find themselves, as in a room which he has entered, in his presence. She is then, usually, when given permission, permitted to lift her head, but is to remain kneeling before him, beautifully, in a standard position, her knees closed if she is a house or tower slave, her knees open, if she was the sort of slave I was, whatever sort of slave that was supposed to be."
"Dancer of Gor" page 114

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Palms Up
Palms up was a silent beg to be used. Slaves could kneel palms up or down.

"Then, delicately, in a graceful gesture, she turned her hands, putting their backs to the floor, exposing her palms, and the soft flesh of her palms, to him, indicating her surrender, her submission, her vulnerability and her readiness."
"Rogue of Gor" page 196

"I saw a tiny movement in her hands, on her thighs, as though she would turn them, exposing the palms to me, but then she pressed them down on her thighs, hard."
"Explorers of Gor" page 81
"“Come now, my pretty slaves” said Ginger. “kneel straight. Back straight, heads up. Back on your heels there!. Spread those pretty knees. Yes, that is the way men like it. Put your hands, palms down, on your thighs. Good. Good. Excellent!”"
"Savages of Gor" page 155

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Several times, through the books, slaves touch weapons, but under surveillance, or on their tasks. They could not, of course, use them against free persons. In some cities just to touch a weapon was a crime punishe by death.

"It can be a capital offense on Gor, incidentally, for a slave to so much as touch a weapon."
"Mercenaries of Gor" page 57

"Too, a free person on Gor is almost never in any danger from a slave unless it be a guard slave, and he is attacking its master. In some cities a slave can be slain for so much as touching a weapon."
"Kajira of Gor" page 123

"Give me that crossbow," said one of my men to Sheera. She surrendered the weapon. Slaves are not permitted weapons.
"Kneel," I told her. She looked at me and, angrily, did so, at my thigh. She was only slave."
"Hunters of Gor" page 286

"He stood a few feet from me, a coil of rope in his hand. My hands clutched the handle of the hoe. He looked at me. I flung it down. A girl dares not raise a weapon against a free man. Some girls have been slain, or had their hands cut off, for so much as touching a weapon."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 220

"Similarly in many cities a slave may be slain, or her hands cut off, for so much as touching a weapon."
"Vaganbonds of Gor" page 315

"She knelt beside the platform. Beside her, on the floor, rested a laver of polished bronze, filled with water, a towel and straight-bladed Gorean shaving knife.
I rubbed my chin.
She had shaved me as I slept.
I shivered, thinking of the blade and my throat. `Your touch is light,' I said. She bowed her head.(...) She then gathered up the shaving knife, the towels I had used, and the bowl and went to one side of the room. She rinsed the bowl again and set it against the wall to drain dry. She then rinsed and dried the shaving knife and put it in one of the chests."
"Priest Kings of Gor" page 34

"I recalled how a guard had once given me his spear, and it had been so heavy, I could throw it only a few feet. He had then taken it from me and hurled it into a block of wood, head deep, more then a hundred feet away. He then sent me to fetch it for him and I had scarcely been able to work it free of the wood."
"Captive of Gor" page 106

"Take the quiva," said Kamchak. The girl shook with fear. "Take it," ordered Kamchak. She did so. "Now," he said, "replace it." Trembling, she did so."
"Nomads of Gor" page 142

"Eta and I were alone. She went and brought pins, tiny scissors, a needle and thread."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 38

"I cut at the soil with the hoe, chopping and loosening the dirt about the roots of the sul-plant. (...)
I worked in my master's fields."
"Slave Girl of Gor" page 190/1

"Wasnapohdi thrust her knife in behind the neck, to make the first slash, from which the skin would begin to be folded back, to expose the forequarters on each side. Subsequently the hide, in the normal fashion, can be cut down the middle."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 57

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Slaves could be allowed to touch money. They could not, obviously, own it.

"Some girls, I had been told, sometimes try to swallow small coins but this is foolish. The coin can be produced swiftly enough in such cases by emetics and laxatives. Similarly, her wastes my be subjected to unscheduled examinations. Too, even if she is successful in recovering the coin herself, there is usually little she can do with it. There are few places to conceal such objects in a cell or kennel. Similarly, she is often under surveillance, of one sort or another, by other slaves or free persons. Also, if she should be found to be in possession of a coin or coins, for example, by a tradesmen, guardsmen, or any free person, she will be expected to have an excellent explanation for this anomaly, which is then likely to be checked with her master. In most cities, even the touching of money, unless in an authorized situation, is prohibited to slaves. They cannot, of course, own money, any more than any other form of animal."
"Dancer of Gor" page 238

"I stopped a hurrying slave girl and inquired the way to the compound of Mintar, of the Merchant Caste, confident that he would have accompanied the horde back to the heartland of Ar. The girl was not pleased to be delayed on her errand, but a slave on Gor does not wisely ignore the address of a free man. She spit the coins she carried in her mouth into her hand, and told me what I wanted to know. Few Gorean garments are deformed by pockets."
"Tarnsman of Gor" page 165

"The girl did not now, of course, carry a purse. Slave girls are not permitted to carry such things. When shopping she carries the coins usually in her mouth or hand. Sometimes she ties them in a scarf about her wrist or ankle. Sometimes her master places them in a bag, which is then tied about her neck. Gorean garments, generally, incidentally, except for the garments of craftsmen, do not have pockets. Coins, and personal items, and such, are usually, by free persons, carried in pouches, which are usually concealed within the robes of a free woman, or slung about the waist, or shoulder, of a free man."
"Guardsman of Gor" page 250

"...such a girl, after a dance, may snatch up dozens of gold pieces from the sand, putting them in her silk, scurrying back to her master."
"Assassin of Gor" page 91

"I had scrambled on my knees for the coins flung to the floor, seizing them, thrusting them hastily, so many of them, with one hand, into the lifted, bunched portion, held by my other hand. These coins, all of them, would be counted by Mirus when I disrobed."
"Dancer of Gor" page 222

"What do you have there, in your hand?" he asked. She clutched the tarsk more tightly. "Open your hand," said the leader. She opened her hand, revealing the silver tarsk. He walked to her and removed it from her hand. "Have you been permitted to touch money?" he asked. "We could always check with her master," suggested a fellow."
"Dancer of Gor" page 275

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The idea that slaves could not beg forgivess is completely false.

"Forgive me, Mistress," I begged. "Did you lie?" she asked. "Yes, Mistress," I said. "I lied! I lied! Forgive me, Mistress. Please, forgive me!"
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 67

"Do you bargain?" I asked. "No, Master," she cried. "No, Master! Forgive me, Master! Please forgive me, Master!"
"Fighting Slave of Gor" page 97

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Adressing Mistresses
Slaves would address Mistresses as they we told to, but it was common to adress a Free Woman as Mistress.

"A Gorean slave, incidentally, always addresses free men as "Master," and all free women as "Mistress."
"Captive of Gor" page 73

""You will address me," she said, "as Lady Elicia, my mistress, or, as you have done, simply as Mistress, that sort of thing."
"Yes, Lady Elicia, my mistress," I said.
"Excellent, Judy," she said, "you learn swiftly." She leaned back. "Oh, I shall relish owning you," she said. "I shall demean and humiliate you, and work you, and have whatever I wish from you."
"Yes, Lady Elicia, my mistress," I whispered. My former rival now owned me."
"Slave girl of Gor" page 389

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Free Women were allowed in some Taverns.

"“In most paga taverns,” he said, “free women are not permitted. In some they are.”"
"Kajira of Gor page 122

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Face Stripping
Face Stripping was rare in Gor and could constitute a crime, men could not just facestrip a free woman against her will, unless they had a serious reason.

"Face-stripping a free woman, against her will, can be a serious crime on Gor. On the other hand, Corcyrus had now fallen. Her women, thusly, now at the feet of her conquerors, would be little better than slaves. Any fate could now be inflicted on them that the conquerors might wish, including making them actual slaves."
"Kajira of Gor" page 183

"Public face-stripping is the removal of the veils from a FreeWoman's face by force. This is equivalent to stripping her completely naked, but not so insulting is the removal of her Robes of Concealment. This is consider the worst offense which might be performed against a FreeWoman. It is the right, duty and privilege of a Gorean FreeWoman to remain veiled. Even when captured by the Warriors of an enemy city, the Freewoman will commonly be allowed to retain her veils at least until her final fate has been decided. Sometimes, rather, she, stripped, and presented before officers, is offered the choice between swift, honorable decapitation and slavery. If she chooses slavery, she may be expected to step onto a submission mat, and kneel there, head down, enter a slave pen of her own accord, or, say, fully acknowledging herself a slave, belly to an officer, kissing his feet. The question is sometimes put to her in somewhat the following fashion. "If you are a free woman, speak your freedom and advance now to the headsman's block, or, if you are truly a slave, and have only been masquerading until now as a free woman, step now, if you wish, upon the mat of submission and kneel there, in this act becoming at last, explicitly, a legal slave." She is then expected, sometimes, kneeling, to lick the feet of a soldier, who then rapes her on the mat. It is commonly regarded as an acceptable introduction for a woman to her explicit and legal slavery."
"Blood Brothers of Gor" page 337

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