
ihn: Gorean second, there are 80 in an ehn

ehn: Gorean minute consisting of 80 ihn, there are 40 in an ahn

ahn: Gorean hour, consisting of 40 ehn (10th ahn is noon, 20th is midnight), there are 20 in a day

day: A Gorean day consists of 20 ahn, there are 5 in a hand.

hand: Gorean week, consisting of 5 days, there are 60 in a Gorean year.

The Gorean year is divided into 12 25-day months. Each month is 5 weeks(Hands),each of which is 5 days long. Each month is separated from the month which follows by a 5-day Passage Hand


hort: 1 1/4 inches; 3.2 cm

foot: (10 horts) 12 and 1/2 inches;32 centimeters

ah-il: 18 inches;46.15 centimeters;one Earth cubit

ah-ral: (10 ah-il)180 inches(about 15 US feet);461.5 centimeters(about 5 meters)

pasang: 7/10ths(.7) of a mile(3696 US feet);1.2 Kilometers(about 1231 meters)


stone: 4 US pounds;about 1.8 kilograms

weight: (10 Stone) 40 US pounds; about 18.14 kilograms

talu: US gallons; about 7.5 liters

tef: a closed handful of whatever produce is being weighed

tefa: 6 tefs or roughly the amount of merchandise it would take to fill a small basket

huda: 5 tefa, or small baskets full


tarsk bit Copper, Coin worth from 1/4 to 1/10th of a copper tarsk, depending on original value of the coin, and how it has been segmented

tarsk disk Copper, Coin that is the whole coin of least value equalling up to 10 tarsk bits, but usually 8

tarn disk Copper, Coin of slightly greater value than the copper tarsk disk. No longer in common use

silver tarsk disk Primary silver coin in use upon Gor, worth 100 copper tarsks

silver stater In use in several Gorean cities; probably roughly equal to a standard silver tarsk disk

gold tarn disk Unit of curency with a high monetary value, worth 10 silver tarn disks

double-weight gold tarn disk Gold tarn disk minted at double thickness to be twice the weight of a standard gold tarn disk; highest denomination of coinage in use on Gor