Evan has currently been touring with the Backstreet Boys, but has taken time out of his grueling schedule to give you this page.  He currently has a 4.0 GPA and will be attending Harvard University in the fall semester.  He enjoys long walks on the beach and throwing puppies out of windows.  Sometimes when he gets really thirsty he likes to drink urine, straight out of the toilet. It tastes a lot better that you may think.  He also like driving around in his brand new 2000 Corvette. And ladies, this man is somehow available!!!

Tony was raised by a pack of wild bores in Africa.  He has adapted very well to the ways of humans, however he lives under power lines, so has been severely brain damaged.  He stands at roughly 8'11" and weighs 576 pounds.  His interests include cross dressing, making soap scultptures, and carving his name into trees with dull butter knives.  He also loves listening to his N'Sync CD 11 times a day.  Tony has also seen the Star Wars movie 165 times, tieing the world record.  He owns every Star Wars figurine ever made.  Earlier this year, Tony was arrested for being intoxicated in public.  While in jail, he was raped, and impregnated by his roommate Bubba Johnson.  And ladies, this man is somehow available!!!   

Steve is an illegal immigrant from Kosovo.  He finally escaped after 20 years of torture.  He has recently been making money by selling his body to science.  For food, he eats dead rats and drinks nothing but Diet Sprite.  His hobbies include bug collecting, playing with the purple Telletubbie, and eating various forms of cheese.  He hopes to someday become the first man to walk on the moon.  Steve has a large wart on the back of his right ear.  He dreams every night of growing up and becoming a blue duck.  Evan Most is his hero.  And ladies, this man is somehow available!!!