Tranquility - Genarro P.

Alone is the word that describes my Tranquility.
Shadowed by the night's sky, only the light of the moon shone itself,
Alone, no one in this tranquil paradise's doorstep.

In a paradise of unchanging space,
Trees that never wither even in the cold shaclkes of winter,
Darkness pass, a tranquil face,
Shown by the light of the moonshine-
Unchanging, revealing the secrets in time.

Alone and undisturbed Tranquility.
Alone with treasures and antiquity.
I dare not disturb this silence, this beauty...

Alone is the word that describes my Tranquility.
Silenced by the cloud's shadow, only the light of the moon shone itself,
Alone, no one in this silence paradise's doorstep.