Hi I'm Bruce.The golf bug.

Let's trade some logo balls

Duplicate Golf course ballsDuplicate others
Identify golf course logos
Search for Id'd balls See my carvings
Roger's collection Kirk harney logo page

I presently have over 10,000 different logo balls and about 800 duplicates to trade.
I also have a small collection of Signature balls(ones with pro names on them). If you would like to trade some or sell some Or buy some Email Golflogos@yahoo.com

I am working hard to learn this web page thing
Please bear with me.

My interests are:
I like to play golf with my buddies. and we like to watch Stru the traffic from the 2nd green at eveleth golf course.
He probably willus from the car on the way back

I love ya man, how bout some of your beer?

Thanks for the beer man

Collecting logo golf balls

and hunting golf ballsWhat could be better?

Playing blackjack tournaments with my bud's

carving decorative decoy ducks & wildfowl

and woodworking in general.

See carvingsSee real duck

Going to Sturgis with my bud's Kirk and Dick Williams
See pic's

In Memory of Dick (who passed on Jan 2000)

If you have similar interests
or would just like to chat,


Please come back soon and visit me.

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