The following story is fiction.  It contain spanking.  If such a subject is offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now.

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Holiday Payoff


It was with a great sigh of relief that Mr. Oso locked the door on his workshop and along with Mrs. Oso and their son got into the delivery van.  The three of them were exhausted but they had managed to finish the biggest order of the year on time.  All that remained now was to haul the stuff over to the depot for pickup.  Mr. Oso really did not understand how Klaus Industries ran their business but he understood that they demanded top quality products and adherence to a rigid delivery schedule.  He had absolutely no problem understanding their pay policy -- cash on delivery.

He backed his van up to the delivery dock.  He went to speak with the dock foreman while Junior started to unload.  As always, there was a spot inspection of a randomly selected item.  After a careful count of the cases, Mr. Aureocabello opened one.  He did a count and then selected one item to carefully examine.  Mr. Oso had no fear that all would be well for his shop employed only top notch craftspersons and had rigorous inspections rules.

"Very nice craftsmanship, Mr. Oso, as always, and the count seems correct.  I do need to test one, however."

Mr. Oso immediately injected, practically cutting him off (not quite rudely).  "Junior, drop your pants and assume the position so Mr. Aureocabello can do his test."

Junior knew better than to disobey his father.  This was not the time for there to be any doubt whether he should be on the 'naughty' or 'nice' list and Mr. Aureocabello surely had a lot of influence in that regard.  He lowered his jeans and boxers and bent over.  Mr. Aureocabello stood beside him and swung the spanking new tawse.  Not just a tawse but a Oso #2 youth special tawse particularly designed for adolescent males and twenty-something young ladies.  Mr. Aureocabello was a through tester.  He carefully tried the tawse with various wrist and arm actions.  By the eight stroke, Junior was crying and by the twelfth bawling.  His now flaming butt was practically glowing.

"Most satisfactory with a very nice action, Mr. Oso.  Your leather is most supple so that it wraps around so nicely.  Shipment accepted.  I'm sure that they will be most appreciated in Assville although not all are going there.  Please step over to the cashier for your money." and he handed him a payment voucher.

"Thank you, Mr. Aureocabello.  Junior -- wait in the truck."  Mr. Oso enjoyed watching the cashier count out the crisp $1,000 banknotes.

After a quick stop at the bank they had just enough time to get to the midnight service.  Junior could not concentrate on the service sitting on the hard bench. This year he had a harder time than usual.  He kept thinking that the Brothers Grimm's golden hair lass was the naughty one and the bears innocent.  Why did the Klaus tester have to have that name when his hair was like anthracite and it was his bear bottom that was red.  Life did not seem fair.

The End

© Copyright A.I.L., December 22, 2000

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