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Welcome to the Home Page of:
Golden Grove Uniting Church

The Uniting Church in Australia


Cnr. One Tree Hill and Crouch Roads, Golden Grove, South Australia                                                               
P.O. Box 101, Surrey Downs,  SA 5126                                                         

Growing up, Growing Together, Growing Out                                                          


  • Worship the Lord
  • Honour Him through friendship
  • Teach the Word
  • To give loving service to our neighbours

                                                                          (Click for panoramic view)

(Click for panoramic view)

Our Mission Statement is;
"To draw people to our Lord Jesus Christ and to nurture them in His Love through this church"                                         

We are located at the junction of One Tree Hill Road and Crouch Road, Golden Grove.

To find with Google Earth, use  34 46 30s 138 43 50e

Telephone Numbers

Church enquiries Sandy Walker      82897796 or C. McKechnie  

Wedding enquiries

Cath McKechnie  82896737                email


Facility Hire

Cath McKechnie  82896737                email



8251 4298



We mourn the passing of Dr Robert Iles, he was Minister at this Church
from 1994 until 2006.
 He left a great legacy of teaching and here as a tribute is a printing of a
few of his sermons and an audio of his last sermon at this Church.

Click here. 


Service times:

Normal Times: 
Sunday Morning 10:00am
Holy Communion    (1st Sunday of the month)
Children's Programme
Sunday Evening. In Recess  

Other special services will be announced at the appropriate time.


The church runs various activities, including Fellowship meetings, Bible study, craft and children's groups. 

Contact Cath McKechnie, cath.mckechnie@leighmardon.com.au for more information. 


If you can't reach us, visit a church near you

Can't get to us? Then find a church near you

This page was last up-dated August 31st, 2009
Please address any comments or queries on this page to the compiler 

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