Once upon a time, there was a town called Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale was a town

like any other. It was very small, and everyone knew everything that was

going on. That is, of course until the summer of 1892, when what is now

known as the "Goldfish Revolution" occurred.

Each year a carnival would come through town. It was a town tradition, and

the event of the year. The carnival was run by two men, Mr. Barnim and Mr.

Bailey. On in the beginning of the summer of 1892, Barnim and Bailey set up

their carnival as usual. But in the meantime...

There was once a family of Goldfish swimming happily through the ocean.

There was a mama goldfish, a papa goldfish, and four baby goldfish. The

oldest baby was a boy, named B.D. (benjamin daniel), the next oldest was

another boy, named Harry, then came the third boy, Alex, and then the

youngest, a girl named Phoebe. Harry and Alex were very close friends. Life

seemed great for this goldfish family, until one day something terrible


A shark came by and swallowed Alex the goldfish whole! Poor Harry, now the

only person he had left to talk to was his sister, Phoebe. He didn't know what

to do, it was just to sad to have all that pain. What he decided to do was to

leave his family. It was just to hard to be around all those memories. So

Harry the goldfish went off on his own.

He tried to hunt, but he couldn't learn. He tried to make other goldfish

friends, but they were all so mean, and fake. He just didn't know what to do

anymore. Harry kept swimming lower and lower, until he hit rock bottom.

Then one day as he was slowly swimming along, a wave caught him and

tossed him onto a pile of rocks. It just so happened that these rocks were in

the town of Sunnyvale, near the carnival that was about to take place. Mr.

Barnim was fishing on those very rocks that Harry found himself on.

Harry saw the man, and then he saw a bowl full of goldfish just like himself.

Thinking he had nothing to loose, he went on over to the bowl, being careful

so that the man, Mr. Barnim, wouldn't see him. He jumped in the bowl and

swam over to one of the goldfish. The fishes name was Jenny.

"What's going on?" he asked her

"I'm not sure. All I knew was we were eating food, and the next thing I

knew, there was a hook in my mouth. Then I found myself here." replied

Jenny, "Water tastes horrible if you ask me!"

Harry saw the perfect opportunity to make a friend. "So what's going to

happen now?"

"Well, if it's like that legend granny goldfish told me about, then it doesn't look

good. She once told me this story of how a goldfish got caught by a human

and thrown into a bowl like we did. He was then given away to other humans

and separated from the other goldfish in the tank. He was forced to live in a

tiny bowl, swimming in circles all day long. That' not even the worst part."

Harry gulped, now he was scared.

"Then the people threw food into his bowl, but it wasn't the kind of food us

goldfish need to eat. So he dies in a week. The legend says that he was then

thrown into a giant bowl that humans call 'toilet' and sent into dark and scary



"OH NO! Well that wont happen to us! I wont let it! Oh no!, looks like the man

is coming to us! Lets go hide in that castle"

Mr. Barnim came up to the fish tank and counted his catch. He didn't see

Harry or Jenny.

"37" he exclaimed proudly. "Mr. Bailey will be proud of this!" Mr. Barnim took

the tank to the carnival's underground lair and dumped them into another

tank filled with even more goldfish. "Now we'll see who the dominant species

is!" He cried out. "Hahahaha!"

"What are we gong to do?" Asked Jenny.

"We'll start a revolt!" exclaimed Harry

"We can't do that, we're only fish!"

"Well then i guess we'll just gather all the goldfishes and run away." Harry

said. "This way they wont have any goldfish to give away!"

"What an excellent idea!" Jenny cried "we should get all the goldfish together

for a meeting right now so that we can escape tonight. I'll go tell them about


"Good, I'll get ready." Harry cried out after her.

Harry swam up to the top of the castle and told all the fish of the plan.

Everyone was in support. It was settled. They would leave that night. Mrs.

Hanes, Jenny's mother, was going to sew all the fish black caps so that no

one would see them.

As soon as night fell, They were out on their way. Everything seemed to go

well at first. They got out of the lair and past the sleeping Mr. Barnim and

MR. Bailey. But then tragedy arose. As they were hopping along on their fins,

they heard a scream from behind. It was Jenny, and she was stuck in a pot

hole. "I'll save you Jenny!" Harry exclaimed! He ran back to the pothole, and

pulled her out.

"You saved me!" said Jenny. They were about to get on their way to the

shore where the rest of the goldfishes already were, but then they say a light

go on in the distance.

It was Mr. Barnim and Mr. Bailey running towards them. They had heard

Jenny scream and woke up. "We better run" said Harry. They ran as fast as

their little fins could carry them. It seemed like forever to the water. Finally

they made it with the men only feet behind them.

"Those darn fish!" Cried Mr. Barnim

"Who was that little one we just saw? He didn't look familiar." Mr. Bailey


This carnival is doomed because of him... the secret goldfish.


"You saved me my life, they would have found me and sent me to one of

those homes in the small bowl."

"It was nothing" said Harry.

Then they swam away and lived happily ever after.






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