Owner:  Jaguarous

Welcome  to the Golden Collar web page.  This is a Gorean Room, for adults.  Jaguarous a respectfully asks the Free to conduct themselves  in a manner that befits the Gorean beliefs. If you have signed into chat, and entered this room as a slave, be prepared to act like one, and be treated like one. You are here to serve and be pleasing to the Free, nothing more, and nothing less.  Newcomers are welcome here, with the understanding that you inform Jaguarous or Kahlina of that fact, and ask what is expected of you. We hope you enjoy your visit here, and will make it a regular stop in your travels! is on we whom we must depend, and not on any other,
If this land is to be saved, it is by us, and others like us, that it must be saved.
There are no spells, no gods, no heroes to save us.
In this chamber, it is not Torvald who must awaken. It is You and I

Marauders of 235
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