I'm a cartoonist.  Yes, you heard me, a cartoonist.  Other people would pick a highly privileged (and often a highly salaried) occupation such as a doctor or a lawyer.  I chose to become a cartoonist and I'm proud of it.  Why am I proud of being a cartoonist you ask?  We may not be rock stars or movie stars but we are special in our way.  Cartoonists weave a special kind of magic that captivates the minds of readers.  That "magic" is the magic of story-telling in the form of cartoons.  Through our craft, we express our creativity, our ideals and our selves.

                      Lo and behold The Liconomicon, my official website and resource to all I create!  It is a portal to all of my works of crap er I mean art.  You are most welcomed to read my comics and other stuff.  Browse around all you want but I must warn you though.  The contents will shatter the reality that binds you and you'll find yourself wandering in different worlds where mortals dare not venture.  Your mind will transcend and there's a risk of getting lost in a world of imagination, insight, intrigue and insanity.  You will go nuts indeed.

Hang on to your seats and get ready for a ride of your life.
(c)2003 by Lico Reloj