

Made the Wish----------------The Wish:

Goku ----He wishes for Bura to live again. Bura was killed by Tao Pie Pie.
Bulma ----She wishes Krillin, Master Roshi, Tien, and Chao-zu back to life after fighting Piccolo Daimaou.
Master Roshi ----Goku is wished back to fight Nappa and Vegeta.
Oolong ----Wished for a pair of panties.
Dende ----Wishes all the Nameks that got killed in the Frieza Saga back to life and to go to earth except Goku and Frieza.
Dende, Gohan and Krillin----- Wish for Piccolo to come back to life in the Freeza series and to be transported to Planet Namek.
Mr. Popo ----To restore the earth after the battle with True Buu.
Goku ----Wishes for all people that Cell killed to be resurrected.
Dende -----Wishes for a new-Namek to be created, and for them all to be transported there.
Krillin ----Wishes android 18 to become human then he marries her.
Krillin ----Wishes for hair sometime when Goten is alive.
Dende Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Chiautzu --------are wished back to life from the fight with Vegeta and Nappa.
Dende----- Future Trunks gets wished back at Korin Tower.
Dende Wishes ----------for Goku to be restored to full power in the Buu Saga when he made the spirit bomb but was too weak to throw it.
Pilaf Wishes to turn Goku into a kid again.
Bulma ----Wishes for all the people that were killed by Bebi-Vegeta to come back to life.
Bebi -----Wishes for Planet Tsufuru to live again.
Goku -----Wishes for him to be big again.
Goku -----Wishes the Earth be restored to full life after the Evil Shenlon Saga.