Britney Spears - Christina Aguilera - Alyssa Millano - Heather Locklear - Jennifer Lopez - Jessica Simpson - Mariah Carey - Shania Twain - Aaliyah

Our hearts and thoughts go out to all the fans, family, and friends of Aaliyah who unexpectedly died from a plane crash on August 26, 2001. Farewell, Aaliyah! You shall be missed!


If the girl of your dreams asked you out what would you say to her?
Submit your answers

Note: When submitting your answers make sure you tell us who wrote it e.g. By TJ. As soon as you send your answers we will post it here on this page for others to see.

Here is what some of you said:

"If the girl of my dreams was to ask me out, I would have to compose myself and then act all cool, as if this happens to me all the time, and then I would say I would love to where would you like to go." - Pmw65

"i would say yes(britney spears!) she is the hottest girl in the world.!!!!!!" ------=_NextPart_00

"hi, if the girl of my dreams asked me out I would say yes of course!!!! Oh ya, the girls of my dream is Britney Spears and Christina Aguilara!! But if they would ask me out the 1st thing I would say is: can we have sex? or can I see you without your clothes on?" - Rylan




Britney Spears - Christina Aguilera - Alyssa Millano - Heather Locklear - Jennifer Lopez - Jessica Simpson - Mariah Carey - Shania Twain - Aaliyah

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