<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/godzillafreak_1983/">
King Seeser
Japanese Name: Kingushiisa
Other Names: King Caeser
Height: 164 ft
Weight: 33,000 tons
Defenses: reflect beam weapons with eyes
First Film: Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla- 1974
First Sighted: Okinawa
Type: diety

Monster Actor
Satoru Kuzumi
The lion-like protector of the Azumi royal family of Okinawa, King Seeser is rumored to be one of the most powerful monsters in existence. Part of an ancient prophecy, Seeser was awakened to battle Mecha-Godzilla. Despite his reputation, he was no match for the power of the mechanical monstrocity. It seemed for a while that King Seeser was surely doomed, until the presumed dead Godzilla appeared on the scene. Saved by Godzilla, King Seeser joined the reptilian hero and was able to help destroy Mecha-Godzilla.