The Prayer Room Is Here For You!!
Hello my name is Josh, and I am going to tell you how amazing prayer is!! Prayer changes lives, and it can change yours if you would just send us your prayer!!
here is another website! I hope you enjoy!
The really awsome part about this website is, once you post your prayer request, one of the staff members will come and pray for you!!
Your prayer will be answered within minutes. You can sit and watch The Prayer Room pray for you specificly! Or you can join The Prayer Room staff and help pray for people! To fill out a application to join The Prayer Room staff, click PRS
Dear PRS,
I really need some prayer! My aunt has cancer, and the doctors can't figure out what kind it is. They are treating it for lymphoma and she is having a really rough time. Also my brother is doing drugs. He has been smoking weed and been taking e pills. I really need a prayer boom for them!
Signed UnKnown
Dear UnKnown,
Ok I'm going to pray for you.
     God I ask that you help UnKnown with this problem. I ask that you give him great peace. I ask that you would heal is brother from his addiction and that it would all turn to be a great testimony. I ask that you heal his aunt from this great burden. I ask that she turns the burden over to you and that you work miracles. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your precious son!
This is how many people have been to this site! please send this to people!