Star Wars Talk City Chat

Transcript from June 30, 1999
Actor Ray Park
Actor Ray Park about talks about Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

Actor Ray Park plays the evil character, Darth Maul, in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Join Ray for a chat about his experience working on the set of Episode I!


StarWars: Star Wars has become the most popular film series in history. This series
StarWars: of chats is designed to gain insight into the production of the newest of
StarWars: the Star Wars movies - Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.
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StarWars: Our special guest today is martial arts expert turned actor Ray Park,
StarWars: who portrayed the evil and powerful Darth Maul in
StarWars: Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
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StarWars: Fully trained in Wushu, kickboxing and Northern Shoalin Kung Fu,
StarWars: to list but a few of his skills. Ray has competed all over the world,
StarWars: winning award after award for the consistent quality of his performance.
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StarWars: Before becoming Darth Maul in Episode I, Ray had worked as a stunt double
StarWars: on Mortal Kombat 2 - Annihilation. A few months ago, he completed
StarWars: shooting as Christopher Walken's fighting stunt double, for the character
StarWars: of the Headless Horseman, in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
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StarWars: And now, please welcome Ray Park!
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ASKLucasfilm: Empress-Palpatine says: how did you get picked for the role of Darth Maul,

RayPark: I had a call from Nick Gillard, the stunt coordinator, to come in and work with him. He wrote a test fight to show George Lucas. When George saw it, he was hooked. Then I auditioned for Rick McCallum, and once he saw my stuff, he was hooked. I was able to show off more of my skills at the audition.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Triad says: When did you start practicing Wu Shu?

RayPark: I started Chinese martial arts when I was 7, and Wu Shu when I was about 16 years old. I always wanted to do martial arts, but I lived in Glasgow, and there wasn't a chance to get classes there. I always wanted to do what I saw the guys do in the movies, flying about and such.

ASKLucasfilm: guest-www says: How many years have you been acting?

RayPark: "The Phantom Menace" is my first job as an actor. I would love to do more!

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Triad says: Did you ever expect you would become this big?

RayPark: No, not really. It was just a big achievement for myself, at first. But I didn't even think it would escalate like this… to be so massive.

ASKLucasfilm: J_Mereel says: Mr. Park, did you study the first trilogy for any insights on lightsaber dueling?

RayPark: No, I didn't.

ASKLucasfilm: Empress-Palpatine says: what did you enjoy most about working on this film ?

RayPark: The whole thing - the whole experience. It was so cool. There wasn't one day I didn't want to do it. I would jump out of bed, ready to do it every day. Even on my days off, I would hang about on the set. I HAD to be there!

ASKLucasfilm: J_Mereel says: Ray, did you have any trouble with getting your makeup on in the morning, especially the horns?

RayPark: No, 'cause Paul England, the makeup artist, looked after me. It was early in the morning, but he did so well, I was able to catch up on my sleep. ;-)

ASKLucasfilm: Plo_Koon says: Do you teach martial arts in the UK? I would very much like to be your student. Or should I say "apprentice";)?

RayPark: At the moment, I have a few private students, but I haven't had time to hold classes. I was doing classes in London, and have my own gym, but I had to close them when I went to work on the film, as I had no one to run them for me.

ASKLucasfilm: Plo_Koon says: To what do you attribute the enormous popularity of Darth Maul?

RayPark: The makeup is cool, the costume is cool, the martial arts, the lightsaber - that's what I've been told by fans, so it's not just one thing apparently.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-buttrapper says: Did the makeup bother you in the hot Tunisian climate?

RayPark: It was a concern, but it didn't bother me. I had people looking after me, and kept in the shade as much as possible. But I enjoy the heat, so it was enjoyable for me.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-DarthMaulFan says: Ray are you gonna be in any new movies in the future?

RayPark: I'm not too sure at the moment. We'll have to wait and see.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-DarthMarc says: Any movies in the future featuring your martial artist techniques?

RayPark: I really don't know - I would like to.

ASKLucasfilm: Plo_Koon says: Who was your favorite character from the original trilogy?

RayPark: I was really into the Jedi way, as I wished I had the powers. I liked Han Solo as a kid, but always wished to see more of the Jedi master Yoda.

ASKLucasfilm: Plo_Koon says: Which actor on the set inspired you the most?

RayPark: I had respect for all of them, but I worked with Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor on the fight scenes the most. I didn't have as much screen time as everyone else, though.

ASKLucasfilm: Queen-Naberrie says: Were you a Star Wars fan as a child?

RayPark: Yes, I was. I had the toys, too, as did my younger brother.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-powerdroid says: I assume those were contacts in your eyes (nothing digital)-- were they hard to get used to?

RayPark: I was lucky, actually, because they were made specially for my eyes. I had a lady who was a specialist to look after them, and I was fine wearing them.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Derp says: is it cool seeing your self as an action figure and a lego figure

RayPark: It's pretty weird, but I can just relate that to the character, not me. It's pretty cool, though; I have a couple of them myself. :-)

ASKLucasfilm: Queen-PhantomD says: Was that a big tattoo on you face or Piant or something else?

RayPark: I think it was supposed to be a tattoo effect. But in reality, it was a makeup paint they applied every day of shooting.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Wanobi says: How long did you have to practice to fight with a double-bladed 'lightsaber'?

RayPark: Rehearsal time was six weeks before shooting. I am used to using weapons, as a martial artist. You use it like any other weapon. They wanted to come out with something different and original.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Mike says: How much of the lightsaber fights did you create and which was your favorite sequence?

RayPark: I gave my input to the character, so I felt comfortable. But it was overseen by Nick and George, and I worked well with the other guys. The best bit was the end scene with Liam and Ewan.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Strings says: Have you done any other work (film, TV) that we as fans could find?

RayPark: I was a martial arts double in "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation" and I also did the Headless Horseman fights Tim Burton's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-london-boy says: Ray, I read that you have studied several martial art styles and were champion in some of these. Which of those styles do you consider to be the most beneficial in your career, and which did you use most in EP. 1?

RayPark: I've only studied Chinese martial arts. I use mostly tae kwon do, but in the movie I used Wu Shu for its style. I used boxing in my training a lot.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-gags says: how was it like working with a blue screen

RayPark: It wasn't a problem at all.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-darthmaul88 says: How long did it take to put the darth maul make-up on.

RayPark: Three hours a day, and on and off. And that was for five or six weeks.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Mike says: What or who was your main inspiration for darth maul's presence/attitude. It certainly was powerful!

RayPark: I don't know - it was just what I got from the storyboards and pictures. I took my Chinese style and brought the attitude forward a bit. Since it was a character role, I could bring that out more.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Ben says: Personally, I think the music that was played during the ending fight scene fit the scene perfectly. What did you think of the music, and did Lucas have you act out the fight scene to the music to get you in the "mood" and really pump you up as Darth Maul?

RayPark: No, they didn't. We didn't get to hear the music until it was released. The music was fantastic.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Boba465 says: How long did it take for you to finish the fight scene at the end?

RayPark: We shot that for four weeks. It was all a challenge, but as I enjoyed it, I found it fun. You do the best you can do.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Ben says: Did you see the movie in public at a theatre, and if so, how did the other people in the theatre react to your presence, or were you unrecognizable behind all that face-paint?

RayPark: I have seen it in public, and no one recognized me. That was good, because I was with my sister. I don't mind meeting the fans, but it's nice to sit back and enjoy it and not have everyone looking at you.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Zargo says: I know you were originally meant to be just a stuntman, so how do you feel having gone from being coincidentaly chosen to becoming one of the most popular if not the most popular "Star Wars" character ever?

RayPark: The only reason I was brought in for the five days for the test. I didn't even have the stunt job down. Every job I have had so far has been due to having the martial arts training. Luckily, they hadn't cast the character. ;-)

ASKLucasfilm: et_cetera says: Did you get to choreograph some of your own moves?

RayPark: Yes, I did.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Auraz says: What are the lightsaber handles made of? Are they metal? How heavy were they?

RayPark: They are actually some plastic, some metal. I prefer the heavier ones, as for practice, that builds up more strength and power.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Darth_Gengis says: Did you choose to utilize the Duel Handeled lightsaber or was that the weapon that Lucas had originally chosen for that part

RayPark: He had already chosen that for the part. I knew it was for me when I saw it, as I knew I could do a good job with it.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Oleck says: Do you have an idea about a secret hiding behind Maul's red and black tattooed face? Do you know the meaning of this tatoo?

RayPark: No, I don't.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Siskel says: What kind of backstory & history did George give you on your character, Lord Maul?

RayPark: He gave me briefly what he was about. I know a bit more now, after magazine articles and such. I'm sure there's a lot more even I don't know. The fans probably know more!

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Alex28 says: Ray, what is your favorite martial arts film?

RayPark: Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee - there were so many. I don't live by movies, but I watched a LOT of them...and still do.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-M-Obi_Rhon says: Ray, what was it like working with George Lucas?

RayPark: It was excellent. I have so much respect for him. He's so down-to-earth. I never felt threatened by him. Everyone seems to have this great respect for him.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Siubhan says: Do you enjoy the anonymity that your character's makeup gives you?

RayPark: In a way, yeah. It enables to go out without being recognized.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-JediSkywalker says: Hi Ray, what was the most physically challenging move that you performed during the lightsaber sequence

RayPark: Everything was challenging, but all was achievable. I am used to working hard for something, with 17 years of martial arts background. I was able to give my input, and made much of the character me, and it felt great.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Laloyan says: Are you interested in doing acting that does not involve martial arts or do you prefer stunt work for now?

RayPark: I don't want to do stunt work. I want to act now; it was one of the reasons I got into martial arts, so I can be someone else, not me.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Sabatine says: The Foley artists at Lucasfilms said something about your movements being more like that of a dancer than an actor. Any truth to that or is that just the fluidity of movement that comes with your martial arts?

RayPark: I think it's just the Wu Shu and martial arts training, because I am not a dancer. There's an essence to Wu Shu you can see if you watch it.

ASKLucasfilm: Queen-Aladima says: What was the hardest part about playing Darth Maul?

RayPark: Absolutely none of it.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Qel-Droma says: Ray, will you be attending the opening of The Power of Myth here in the UK?

RayPark: I have no idea. I'm leaving tonight, though, to go back home to the UK.

ASKLucasfilm: PeterPeace says: were there any memorable jokes made on the set?

RayPark: Not that I can remember, no. I had fun, but I'm serious, as this was a big opportunity for me.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-M-Obi_Rhon says: Ray, do you think you want to do more movies with your success in Episode 1?

RayPark: Of course I hope to!

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Wan-KewL says: Did you enjoy making Episode 1? were there any hairy moments?

RayPark: I was always on my toes anyway, and every fight was a big experience for me.

ASKLucasfilm: EZGuest762 says: Loved ya in the movie. Was the Martial Arts stuff as hard as it looks?

RayPark: It's hard work to try and perfect the look, but I do have the experience, so for me it wasn't bad at all.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Strings says: What is your personal philosophy on success... i.e what have you done to be successful both with Star wars and with other section of your life?

RayPark: I believed in myself. I always have a goal of winning in competition. And once achieving one goal, of having another one. Short-term goals and long-term goals are important. And it doesn't matter who else believed in them, as long as I did.

ASKLucasfilm: Darth-Siubhan says: How does it feel to have your face plastered all over the merchandise packaging?

RayPark: I feel honored. It's a real privilege. It's nice that the character has this attention. And as a first time for me as an actor, it's great.

ASKLucasfilm: Plo_Koon says: How did you feel when you learnt you had a major role in Episode I?

RayPark: I was well over the moon!

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-aibo says: What martial artist do you look up to the most?

RayPark: I don't look up to any, really. When I was younger, Jett Lee and Jackie Chan, especially Lee, since I am a Wu Shu person. But at the moment, I am focusing on myself. It was good to have pictures of all the artists as a kid, as it reminded me of what I wanted to achieve. It was the first and last things I would see each day, those pictures on the walls. Now, I want to achieve my ultimate goals.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-juliett says: What do you do for fun besides Martial Arts?

RayPark: Just hang out with my friends. Training is a big part of my life. I also do kickboxing, drive, roller blading, swimming, jetskiing - I just don't like to sit around and do nothing. I like to stay active. I like eating, but that motivates me to keep training! ;-) My friends worry about getting fat, but we keep ourselves in good shape, so I don't worry about it.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Starr says: How are you handling the stress of stardom

RayPark: It's not stress. Everyone has been really nice, and now, I am enjoying it

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-East says: Hi Ray, How did your friends feel about u being in such a GREAT movie?

RayPark: They're exciting, but their 'normal' friends, my true friends, who have always stuck by me, so no real changes in our friendship. We all want to be successful, in movies, but we all support each other in getting ahead. I hope that I can help them someday. It's great to work with your friends.

ASKLucasfilm: KatCCC says: Ray… thank you for being with us today! Is there anything you would like to tell the audience before we sign off ?

RayPark: Thank you for the support. I didn't think there would be this much support for the character and it gives me the confidence to carry on and do more.

StarWars: Thank you all for joining us.
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StarWars: A special Thank You to Ray Park for chatting with us!
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StarWars: Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novel is available at
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StarWars: Please check for information on
StarWars: upcoming chats and the transcript of tonight's chat.
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StarWars: Check out for information on the movie
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StarWars: All of us wish you a fantastic evening and we look forward to seeing you
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