This is a picture of the famous Red Tipped Sparrow, native only to Colorado.
I'm sure you can see why..... ;o)

A little bit about myself:

I am a mother of a wonderful child (back on the main page, you'll see a link to pictures of him), wife to a wonderful man, and a slave at an okay company. ;o) Oh well, I'm on a permanant job hunt, trying to find someplace that I'll fit in. I'm a native of Colorado (a rare breed), and have lived here my whole entire life. I don't know if I'll ever move anywhere else, but that's in the future, so we won't try and predict it.

As you may have guessed, I'm a HUGE Notre Dame fan, so that means DOWN WITH CU! DOWN WITH FLORIDA STATE! DOWN WITH ANY MICHIGAN SCHOOLS! ;o) Also, I love Journey (STEVE PERRY, WE MISS YOU!), and even though the Worlds Greatest Lead Singer is no longer with them, they're new singer is doing a darn good job; I read scary books, love scary movies (even though my husband says they give me nightmares), a good mystery, and am an avid True Crime reader. For a wonderful true crime author, check out: (I forgot how to insert a link, so I'll work on that). I'll be back later to get more stuff done, so talk to you all later!

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