Amy Lee is lead vocals and songwriter for Evanescence.

Name: Amy Lynn Lee
Birthdate: December 13th, 1981
Horoscope sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Riverside,California - Parkview Hospital
Where She Grew Up: Little Rock, Arkansas
Place of Current Residence: Los Angeles,California,USA
Siblings: Brother Robbie (9), sisters Carrie (14) and Laurie (12)
Hair: Brown (dyed black)
Eyes: blue

She is allergic to lobster. If she eats it she'll go into coma!
- If she wasn't famous she would "help people in some way".
- Amy is named after the 70's song "Amie".
- She sometimes picks her nose.
- Her most embarrassing celeb crush is Corey Feldman from The Goonies.
- The one thing she could bring with her to a deserted island would be a piano
- Her fav era is the Victorian era because they had such cool clothes
Amy's worse vice is Godiva Chocolate. She says she will only get two...and then gets six or seven.
- Amy took acting lessons for stage presence before they started recording Fallen
- Amy would prefer to stay at home and play in one place, but she still likes to tour
- She admits to listening to Mariah Carey
Her favorite 80's song is "Everything She Wants" By Wham!. She's sang that song karaoke five times.
- Her favorite zombie movie is Dead Alive.
- In high school, she was active in choir and drama. She was also president of the choir! Hence her name for herself, "choir nerd".
- When she was in middle school, she insists that she was, "overweight and had poofy hair".

“I love costumes and the idea of playing a role. I have always loved that and still do. Clothes are one of my big passions.”

Amy talks about her struggles with her dreams...." I suffered from them terribly from the time I was a small child right up until I was 18. They were beyond frightening and very twisted. The nighmares came in all forms but were usually about death, destruction, twisted crazy people. I finllay learned to stand up to them and now I don't have them so much. I am not so insecure and vulnerable anymore."